"Scarlet Eyes! Open!"

Hopkins let out a low growl, and the gap between his eyebrows suddenly opened, turning into a scarlet eye.

At the moment when the Scarlet Eyes opened, Hopkins finally saw a ghost-like silhouette in the icy debris flying in the sky.

The breathtaking red glow filled the eyes, and an invisible force of binding suddenly appeared around Pandora, like a dangling waterweed, passing through the obstacles of the cold of disaster and winding towards Pandora. go.

In order to save the reserve energy, Pandora did not open the AT force field, and his flickering figure was entangled by red rays of light, gradually becoming clear from the faintly discernable illusion.

The condensed red rays of light, like a cocoon, entangled Pandora's whole body, trying to trap her in place.

The Demon Race mage, who escaped by chance, suddenly raised the staff in his hand and began to sing incantion with a solemn expression.

The wizard of Legendary Grade has a high degree of control over magic, and can cast most of the magic instantly, but some formidable power is powerful and weird, but it still needs the cooperation of chanting spells.

Pandora’s strength is terrifying. The flame Dragon of annihilation has proved that ordinary magic can’t hurt her at all. He wants to break through the blockade of the disaster and kill her severely. , Need more powerful magic.

Pandora is frowned, Hopkins’ Crimson Eye has no powerful lethality, but its control is very powerful.

This kind of red rays of light condensed rope is invisible and innocent, but it can ignore the defense of the disaster and directly affect the body, even she can hardly break free quickly.

In the face of more and more red rays of light, Pandora is coldly snorted, and the rays of light of AT force field suddenly light up.

Although you can use brute force to break free, it is too time-consuming, and Demon Race will not give yourself more time.

Below the city wall, there is another Demon Race Corps Head led by several Demon Race Legendary Grade powerhouses rushing over. If the fight continues, not only will they not be able to save the three, but they will also be trapped. it's here.

The red rays of light that can penetrate the cold of disaster defenses, when they encounter the AT force field, they are finally opened mercilessly.

AT force field, as the civilization of the mechanical king’s court, broke out in the early stage of the mechanical frenzy, which caused headaches for the three powerhouses. The AT force field that can defend most of the attacks without dead ends is just an inability. The broken tortoise shell, although Hopkins's Scarlet Eyes were powerful, they were still weak in the face of the AT force field.

The invincible scarlet eye was broken, Hopkins groaned, the eyebrows were backlashed, and a ray of scarlet blood slipped from the eyebrows.

At this moment, the spell sung by the Demon Race mage was ready, and a burning flame demon illusory shadow appeared behind Pandora.

The burning demon has double horns on its head, ribs and wings. With a grinning smile, it wraps a burning chain around Pandora's neck, wraps it around, and then pulls back with both hands abruptly!


The burning chain made a crisp metal collision sound, which was instantly straightened, and even a crimson fire star sputtered out.

AT force field opened a gap, so that the burning chain did not bring physical suffocation, but it did not completely break free from the shackles of the chain.

The killing intent in the eyes of the Demon Race mage is calm. Although this magic requires a few seconds of chanting preparation, it has enough formidable power. Even if the Corps Head level enemy is locked, it is difficult to break free.

Its real killer is not the suffocation caused by the flame chain, but the heavy damage to the soul. Once bound for more than ten seconds, even the Corps Head will be burned by the demon Take away the soul and fall into the endless abyss forever.

The burning chain comes entirely from the power of the devil. Unless the demon is killed, no one can break the chain!

Looking at the flame chain on the neck instantly locked, Scarlet Eye Hopkins sighed slightly. This was originally a killer move prepared to kill Corps Head in the iron-blood fortress, didn't expect It was used on Pandora in advance.

Thinking of a powerful enemy who is more powerful than Corps Head and touched the lord's rank, and is about to be terminated by himself, Hopkins suddenly grinned and leaked a hideous smile.

"Struggle in despair!"

Suddenly Hopkins turned into a black shadow, swiftly skimming the domain shrouded in the cold of disaster, and blasted towards Pandora. go.

The pitch-black dagger, like the devil of Devouring Soul, directly pierced Pandora's heart.

Faced with Hopkins’s attack, Pandora was coldly snorted, holding a cold two-handed sword in one hand, slashed away suddenly, and at the same time suddenly held the entangled chain with his left hand. The power suddenly broke out.


Hopkins swung a dagger to block the slash of the two-handed sword, and immediately retreated, leaving Pandora's attack range.

A miss, but Hopkins was not frustrated at all. Instead, the killing intent in his eyes became more intense.

In a few seconds, Pandora's soul will be taken away by the devil!


Hopkins rushed out again, giving Pandora no chance to break free from the burning chains.

The flames burned above the chains, but Pandora, holding a sword in one hand, was as calm as water, and the power of the disaster cold crazily invaded the burning chains along his left hand.

At the moment of contact between the two completely different forces, violent conflict broke out, entangled and eroded each other.

Pandora's absolute strength is clearly shown in this brief moment.

Although the burning demon illusory shadow is extremely powerful, its summoner is just an ordinary Legendary Grade powerhouse. At the moment when the cold of disaster surges, the burning flame on the chain instantly collapses.

The burning chain became the chain of ice sculpture, and the power of disaster and cold invaded the burning demon along the chain.

The illusory shadow keeps roaring, but it still cannot withstand the invasion of the cold. This is the crush of absolute strength.

Seeing the demon illusory shadow dissipating unwillingly in the void, the Demon Race mage suddenly let out a desperate roar!


The moment the illusory shadow dissipated, the cry of Demon Race mage stopped, his breathing suddenly stopped, his heart stopped beating, and his face quickly became gray, indicating that he was dead and his soul had disappeared.

The price of the demon of summon is a complete soul. The demon will never return to the abyss empty-handed. If it cannot take away the soul of the enemy, it will take away the soul of the summoner.

Crimson Eye Hopkins, who was once again cut back by Pandora with a sword in his hand, watched Pandora break the frost chain around his neck, and the horror in his eyes turned into horror.

How powerful this spell prepared for Corps Head of the Iron-Blooded Fortress is. He knew very well in his heart that even if he himself was hit by this spell, it would be difficult for him to break free. Pandora was able to fight and break the chains at the same time. The shackles of directly backlash the caster, this kind of strength is more terrifying than the original Dana.

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