Two blood-colored giant snakes were beheaded, and the four-armed Demon Race with only two arms also took the opportunity to get rid of the crisis of death, jumped off the city wall, and hid in the densely packed, seemingly endless army of Demon Race.

"Thank you!"

The war frenzy only had time to say thank you, and once again plunged into the never-ending battle.

The huge disadvantage of military strength, so that the warrior of the Iron-Blooded Banner Fortress has no chance to rest, whether it is an ordinary soldier or Corps Head, in the face of an enemy attack that is several times its own, every opportunity to breathe is It was won by comrades-in-arms with their lives.

Repulsing a Demon Race Corps Head can only slightly relieve the pressure of war zealous Utis. The impact on the overall battle situation is minimal. Rose is like a silent hunter, sweeping and embarking on the war. Legendary Grade powerhouse in the corridor.

Jin, who was trapped by chains on the city wall, has become more and more desperate. There are already more than ten Demon Races that have died in his hands. Although none of the Legendary Grade powerhouse is staring at him, he is bare-handed. Fighting more than a dozen silver Demon Races still made his Battle Qi slowly depleted. Coupled with the accumulation of corpses and the shackles of chains, most of Jin's body has been buried under the corpse.

As the war continues, Jin is very clear that he will not be able to support the end at all. Even if there is no Legendary Grade powerhouse to kill himself, he will die as long as a few more Silver Demon Races.

More and more Demon Races flooded the corridor of the war. Jin picked up a long sword from the hands of a Demon Race warrior, and cut off a Demon Race that was rushing in. It was warm. The blood was sprayed out like a fountain, once again drenching the whole body.

Holding a sword in his right hand, Jin touched a somewhat numb face with his left hand. The sticky blood spilled from between his fingers. Even without a mirror, Jin could imagine his embarrassed appearance.

Do you regret betraying Human Race?

Do you regret betraying your friend?

In the dead of night, Jin asked himself countless times.

Although every time, Jin slid into the abyss of despair in regret, he knew that he could no longer look back.

Although the betrayal is due to the intimidation of Demon Race, any form of betrayal is an unforgivable crime. After Land of Trial made an irreparable mistake, Jin had already guessed his own The ending-death.

In a trance, Kim saw a Demon Race assassin staring at him.

The dark dagger is like a dead soul, and the dark green eyes are the gaze of Death God.

A Demon Race assassin of Legendary Grade!

Kim knew that he was going to die soon, and died in the hands of this Demon Race assassin.

Sorry, Julier!

I have no choice!

Jin faced the direction of Demon Race assassin and cut out the last sword, the remaining Battle Qi turned into a sharp sword light.

Jin slowly closed his eyes. He knew that this sword could not kill the assassin, and he knew that he could not avoid the opponent's attack. Death had already come.


A sharp Death Aura cut from the ear, Jin almost smelled the breath of Death God's Scythe, and the strand that almost ignited the body Blazing.

After a few seconds.

Jin opened his eyes blankly, and he found that not only he was still alive, but the life-threatening chain entangled around his body was also cut off.

Ross, who was burning with flames, slowly approached, and the Death God illusory shadow behind him slowly dissipated.

Rose stood on the battlements, looking down at the bewildered Jin.

Behind him, the corpse of the Legendary Grade Demon Race assassin has knelt to the ground.

The hard head has been split, and the bright red blood mixed with the white serum gurgling out.

It turned out that Jin's sword completed the killing of assassin!

Looking at his former comrade-in-arms, Jin opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say thank you.

"I just slipped my hand!" Rose said as he threw a magic crystal cluster, which fell into Jin's hand.

The essence of magic power can quickly replenish the consumed magic power, and it is also effective for the exhausted Battle Qi.

Jin looked at the magical essence in his hand, his body trembled slightly, his hands covered his face, tears could not help but overflow from his fingers.

Ross' flat voice passed through the chaotic killing sound, and clearly passed into Jin's ears.

"Hopefully news from the fortress yesterday, he is dead, dead in the hands of the soul sender of Demon Race, and the killer has been killed by the commander himself!"

Jin His body suddenly stopped, it seems that didn't expect to hear such a news.

Ross also paused for a while, waited until Jin was fully comfortable with the news, and continued:

"Mian Xia is willing to give you another chance of redemption, but you must wash Julie. The crime of death, kill nine more Legendary Grade Demon Races, I will take you to the Fortress of Hope!"

"Remember, survive!"

Ross' voice gradually Far away, those Demon Races he suppressed leaned in again.

Jin let go of his hands, with blood and tears blurred in his eyes, he glanced at the battlefield all around, and looked at the Demon Race that was besieged again.

"Father, I'm sorry, I let you down, this time, I will definitely complete my salvation!"

He is the father of Kim in Ross's mouth!

Jin murmured to himself, then swallowed the essence of magic power into his abdomen, wiped the blood and tears from his face with one hand, and leaked a pair of bloodshot eyes.


Jin pulled off the blood dyed red tattered robe, naked to the top, and led the Demon Race on the wall to rush away.

Not far from Jin, an assassin was hidden in the shadows. He took a deep look at Rose’s burning back, and then at Jin, who was bravely slaying the enemy. The charm in the palm of the hand was quietly put away.

The war is intensifying. Every second has countless lives coming to the end. Death and killing have become the only themes of the war corridor.

In this time’s battle for the city, Insect Devil’s offensive was particularly fierce. Every Legendary Grade powerhouse in the Iron-Blooded Banner Fortress was fighting against the enemy’s Legendary Grade, and sometimes even had to face it. Many powerful opponents, even a few big Corps Heads, were dragged down by the local Corps Head.

Except for a few powerhouses whose strength has touched the lord's rank, everyone is like a reef in howling wind and torrential rain, guarding their own front and resisting enemy invasion.

At the front of the insect race attacked, Doom Graham and a powerhouse from Warsong Fortress continued to shuttle around the war corridor, helping the besieged Legendary Grade powerhouse and repelling Fiend’s attack.

In addition to Rose, there is also a powerhouse from the Fortress of Hope that is sweeping the Demon Race’s powerhouse.

He is the soul guard of Army Chief Eric, a veteran apostle of hope, and a powerful warrior of the rank of quasi-lord.

Although the two families of Insect Devil sent out a total of 18 reorganized Legions, and a lot of powerhouses at Corps Head level, but because of the lack of powerhouses at the quasi-lord level, although the offensive is in full swing, they still haven’t overwhelmed Human. Race's defense.

The source of pain. Atlopus stared at the battle in the war corridor, and said in a low voice: "If we can solve those eyesores, our battle results can at least double!"

For the powerhouse of the quasi-lord rank, it is already difficult to besiege with ordinary silver powerhouse. Unless it is the Legendary Grade powerhouse, no one can hold them in the special environment of the war corridor.

Blue Demon Lemu’s pale face was like a corpse, and he said blankly: "If every fortress was willing to send its Corps Head over, we would have won the iron-blooded battle flag. Fortress!"

"But, who of you is willing to do this?"

No one answered the question of the Blue Demon Lehm, because no one wanted to do it.

The powerhouse of the quasi-lord rank is already qualified to intervene in the battle between the lords. Once in the Iron-Blooded Banner Fortress, it is killed by the elemental catastrophe Annabel, and the loss to the fortress far exceeds a Legion. The destruction.

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