The center of the war corridor.

Elemental Catastrophe stands on the wall, wearing a white robe and a black cloak, standing in the wind.

The robe shook violently with the howling cold wind, and it seemed that it might be blown away by the wind at any time.

Except for a white Battle Armor standing behind her, no one is close to where she is. Whether it is the defender of Human Race or the warrior of Insect Devil, they are all far away. Avoiding Annabel's location.

Amidst the boundless chaos, only Annabel’s entire body of several hundred meters is a piece of pure land.

When Pandora slashed the title Demon Race with a sword, Archangel Grace, who was wrapped in white Battle Armor, gave Pandora a surprised look.

At that moment, she clearly felt the power of the mechanical king's court!

Beside a Human Race trialist, the power of Mechanical King and Void Insect Clan appeared at the same time!

"Do you need to pay attention to Rose's side?" Archangel·Gressa sounded to Annabel.

"No." Annabel replied calmly, "People who are favored by the eternal will are enough to deal with this level of battle."

"You only need to pay attention to Mael , His position bears the most violent attack of the insect race. If he is really the hidden son of Slar's resurrection, this war will definitely leak out."

Archangel ·Gressa does not Asking again, since Annabel said that, it meant that she had her own plan, so Grace turned her eyes and focused all of her attention on Mael.

Since the battle, Mael has been fighting fiercely, and there is no weak spot, but the more so, the more doubtful in Grace's heart, although Mael has gained the powerful power of the Altar of Doom , But after all, the time is too short, he can deal with the battle too easily.

At this moment, an insect race wrapped in a black carapace suddenly appeared on the wall. The long, narrow and cold vertical pupils reflected the shadow of Mael.

This is an insect race assassin disguised as a servant. It has the strength of Legendary Grade, but it perfectly hides its own breath during the chaos. If you haven’t been paying attention to Mael, Archangel ·Gressa couldn't find this dangerous insect race assassin, she was ready to attack at any time.

"He really has a problem!"

A gleam of light flashed in Archangel Gresa's eyes. Although Mael had tried to hide it, at the moment when the insect race assassin appeared, There were obvious fluctuations in his heartbeat and magic power, and he had obviously found each other.

"Next, how will you deal with this insect race assassin that is enough to kill you?"

The claws of the insect race assassin are as straight as a knife, suddenly drawing a path of death , Pointed directly at Mael's heart.

Suddenly encountered a surprise attack, Mael's expression appeared appropriately with a hint of horror.

insect race assassin is extremely fast, like Floating Light Sweeping Shadow, it quickly shortened the distance between the two sides, and the blade of death almost touched Mael's skin.

Archangel Gresa's fingers moved slightly. With her strength and where she was, she could move the dead Mael down with just a move of her fingers, but in the end she still didn’t have any action.

Because Annabel didn't move, how terrifying Annabel's strength was. She knew very well that if Annabel wanted, she could also save Mael, but she didn't do it.

Archangel·Gresa’s attention is firmly locked on Mael. Under this certain death situation, if Mael wants to save himself, he will definitely leak his feet unless he is willing to face it. To death.

The cold blade pierced the robe on Mael's chest, and scarlet blood spurted out instantly.

Under Archangel Gresa’s surprised gaze, Marel gave up avoiding, not advancing and retreating, and stepped forward suddenly, letting the blade of the insect race assassin pierce the beating heart. , And then opened his arms to save the insect race assassin that was obviously a little bit astonished.

A group of fiery flames rushed out of Mael’s body, and the violent energy pouring out instantly. Although Mael entered the Legendary Grade not long ago, he also has the power of a complete title. At the last moment of his life, a Legendary Grade mage used his life to release magic. Even the insect race assassin of the same Legendary Grade could not resist the violent flames in Mael's body.


insect race assassin, let out a horrified roar, but in the end failed to break free from the shackles of Mael, one person and one insect, embraced by the flames of despair, welcome Here comes the final death.

"He actually died!"

Archangel·Gressa looked at the silhouette slowly falling in the flames, her eyes filled with doubts.

At the moment Mael discovered insect race assassin, her body’s reaction could not deceive anyone. She was certain that Annabel’s guess was that Mael must have a problem. Such a suspicious point might even be The Legendary Grade mage, who occupied the body by the priest Rahr, would die here so absurdly!

With Mahel's strength, he can completely avoid the attack of this insect race assassin within the range of normal strength, and he does not need to die.

Why didn't he hide?

Has he already sensed Annabel’s suspicion?

Weird thoughts emerged one after another, and finally Archangel Gresa came to a weird conclusion.

Mael died on purpose!

"But why did he do this?"

Archangel ·Gressa looked towards Annabel in confusion, only to see this Human Race's strongest mage still just looking into the distance The enemy, as if not taking Maher’s death seriously.

But the distance between the two parties was too close. When Archangel Gresa was so close, Annabel's trembling was clearly felt for a moment, and the fist hidden under the robe had not been released.

Elemental Havoc·Annabel obviously did not expect Mael to die, and he died so neatly that he did not even leave his body.

Although the suspicious Mael died, the war continued. With the attack of the Legendary Grade powerhouse of Insect Devil, the pressure on the side of the Iron-Blooded Banner fortress suddenly increased countless times, except for the horse. In addition to El, the Legendary Grade mage, Legion, who defended the city, also suffered casualties one after another. What's more serious is that there are already enemy Legendary Grade powerhouses that have gained a firm foothold on the city wall.

Two Legendary Grade warriors of Demon Race, wrapped in pitch-black Battle Armor, holding huge shields, stood back to back on the war corridor.

Although there were two Legendary Grade defenders who came to besieged, they could only suppress each other and did not complete the kill quickly.

The defensive power of the Legendary Grade shield warrior, unless the high lord takes action, it will be difficult to win quickly even if several people besiege.

The two Demon Race warriors that climbed to the top were extremely powerful and did not continue to attack. Instead, they dragged down the two Legendary Grade Human Race powerhouses and occupied a section of the war corridor.

Under their feet, thirteen silver soldiers have fallen, and the broken bodies dyed the ground red.

Two powerful Demon Race warriors, using their lives for a long time A hole was torn open on the defensive front, and the Demon Race soldiers below passed through the war corridor they occupied, continuously pouring up.

And this is just a microcosm of the killings in the corridors of war.

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