
The sound of the heavy horn broke the tranquility of Northern Domain and announced the coming of war.

The war corridor at the top of the city wall stretches for thousands of meters. Numerous Human Race powerhouses gather here, looking down at the enemies that are coming in the distance like a tide.

The endless insect race army, as well as the imposing manner of Demon Race Legion, appeared in the sight of the Iron-Blood Banner Fortress at the same time.

Originally, the two sides who were fighting for each other rarely fought each other. The grandiose armies of the two sides were separated from each other by a distance of several thousand meters, facing the Jagged Banner Fortress.

Looking at the enemy who couldn’t see his head, Rose couldn’t help but slap his tongue. He had seen the opening CG of the Battle of Insect Devil version, which described the two groups of Insect Devil teaming up to break the Iron-Blood Banner Fortress. At the last stop, the Epic Grade picture made people excited. Didn’t expect to join the Epic Grade battle on the first day when he stepped into the Iron-Blooded Banner Fortress.

"So many, I'm afraid there are more than a dozen Legion compilations!" Rose muttered to himself.

"Insect race nine fortresses, Demon Race nine fortresses, each fortress has a Legion, a total of eighteen Legions." Salin whispered.

Ross silently, the Iron-Blooded Battle Banner Fortress originally had ten major Legions. During the years of battle, countless warriors were killed in battle. Even with the help of other fortresses, five Legions have disappeared completely. Not saved.

Ross glanced at the warrior on the city wall. Compared with the enemy below, the number of warriors on his side is pitiful. Five Legions are scattered on the wall of war, and they seem to be standing there. It is full, but compared to the number of Insect Devil two races, the number of defending Legion is less than one-fifth of the opponent.

Of the five Legions in the Iron-Blooded Fortress, none of them are full.

If Insect Devil chooses to fight to the end, each defender must kill at least five enemies to win the war.

Although the Iron-Blood Banner Fortress has the defensive advantage of the city wall, it still cannot close such a huge gap in force. Every battle of the city is just a test for the Insect Devil clan. A show off of military force, but for the Iron-Blooded Banner Fortress, every time is a Life and Death Battle.

The city wall of the Iron-Blooded Fortress, under the fortress side of the fortress for thousands of years, can not cause effective damage even if the High Lord takes action. The countless complicated rune and Formation not only let this The thick city wall thousands of meters high is as strong as steel and contains many deadly traps.

This wall of war connected to the main body of the fortress is the last line of defense for the Human Race to stop the Insect Devil from going south.

Insect Devil wants to attack the Iron-Blooded Banner Fortress, they must cross this city wall. The endless blood has already infiltrated every rock and every gap in the wall of war.

Looking at the Insect Devil Legion that is densely packed like an ant below, Rose also felt an invisible pressure. At the beginning of the drama poison insect cave, the overall strength was not better than the half of Legion below, but he could In the hinterland of Human Race, it is a powerful force. Now, facing a total of eighteen reorganized Legions and seven lords at the same time.

Looking at the enemy ready to go, Rose had a doubt in his heart, and said to himself:

"The city wall is thousands of meters high, almost without any curvature. , How do these Insect Devil races attack the city, can they fly over?"

"They can indeed fly over!" Sarin pointed to the distance and said in a low voice.

"Look at the alchemy equipment they are building!"

Ross looked in the direction Sally pointed, only to see the formation of the Insect Devil two clans. One after another huge siege equipment, a bit like a cannon, but more complex and huge, reaching a height of nearly 100 meters.

"Those alchemy equipment are specially used to deal with our alchemy creations. They can throw formidable power and powerful explosives at us from thousands of meters away, or they can throw at us. Suicide Squad."

"Those alchemy equipment is too far to attack, exceeding the limit that the wizard can attack. When they are activated, only Legendary Grade knight-errant can barely attack, so here we are The side is equipped with ten Legendary Grade knight-errants to deal with those alchemy equipment."

Ross is slightly nodded, and the alchemy strength of the Insect Devil races is not bad. It is unexpected to be able to make this kind of siege equipment. Things in.

"However, their main force will still climb up the city wall and attack directly!" Sally continued.

"Although the wall of war is steep, it is very difficult even for us to climb, but the insect nest of the insect race can incubate many special arms. They are sent to the Legion to siege the city, except for those insects that can fly. Most of them can run on steep walls, and the steepness of the wall of war can't stop them."

"The same is true for Demon Race. The footsteps of the siege soldiers of Demon Race have all evolved. A peculiar structure has emerged that allows them to charge on the steep city wall."

Hearing Sarin’s explanation, Rose was silent. This is a fierce battle between the two sides for thousands of years and hates each other. As long as Human Race sees these special units that specialize in attacking fortresses, they must hate the two Insect Devil. The soldiers of the Insect Devil clan, seeing those special comrades, must first think of it. The war of Human Race.

"According to the habits of the Insect Devil races, they will charge at the same time. The first wave of attacks will not be too violent, mainly ordinary cannon fodder."

"Be these cannon fodder Crossing the city wall and stepping into the war corridor, the real onslaught will start. Their Legendary Grade powerhouse will be hidden among ordinary soldiers and rush up to the city wall. Once an enemy Legendary Grade powerhouse is on the city wall, they must be killed immediately. , Otherwise they will cause huge casualties to our ordinary soldiers."

Ross is nodded. Although ordinary silver soldiers can also besieged Legendary Grade powerhouse, the iron-blooded fortress with a weaker force cannot bear this. This is a price, so every Legendary Grade powerhouse on the city wall must be killed immediately.

crash-bang! crash-bang!

The sound of chains rubbing on the ground suddenly appeared in the war corridor.

Ross turned his head and looked, only to see a few Human Races with fetters and disheveled hair were brought up, walked to the edge of the city wall, and soon soldiers removed the shackles from their feet. At the same time, a hard chain is wrapped around their waists, and the other end of the chain is on the city wall.

Almost all of these people are Legendary Grade powerhouse, with only a few ordinary silver ranks.

The length of the chain will not exceed one meter, which means that once an enemy rushes on the city wall, they will face the enemy’s attack.

When they appeared, the expressions all around the warrior were a bit bad, and those people just bowed their heads and dared not look at anyone.

Salin whispered: "These all are the traitors of the Insect Devil clans, and some prisoners of capital crimes."

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