The seal was released, and the blood information was revealed in detail.

[Blood of the Void]

[Description: This is a drop of incomplete bloodline derived from the Void Swallowing Heaven Beast, which contains part of the Bloodline Power of the Void Swallowing Heaven Beast. 】

【Remarks: Swallowing Heaven Beast is the upper bloodline of Void Insect Clan. It has a strong exclusivity. Void Insect Clan swallows blood directly and has a higher probability of inheriting Bloodline Power. Outside of Void Insect Clan The race inheritance of Void Blood requires a bloodline inheritance ceremony, and has a higher probability of failure]

Looking at the remarks, Rose almost jumped up.

"I was so evasive so much effort, only undo seal, the result is this!"

"This drop of [Void Blood] was not given to me, it was This is for Magmanda?"

"Isn’t this really cheating me!"

This feeling is like spending a whole night on the " "Story of Seven Men and a Woman Have to Tell" was downloaded, but when I opened it, it turned out to be the complete episode of "Bottle Gourd Baby".

Ross spent a full one minute, still calming down his inner anger, and finally summon Magmanda out.

"Don't move! Let me beat you first!"

Magmanda: "(O_O)?"

pa! pa! bang bang bang bang pa!

Ross bowed left and right, facing the bewildered Magmanda, it was a fat beating!

"woof! 汪woof! wang wang wang~!"

"Fuck, you still dare to bite me! You are the other way around! Pandora, come and hold me on its leg !"

"woof!! ao ao ao......"

Magmanda's miserable cry instantly echoed in the iron-blooded fortress in the dead of night.

Pandora couldn't bear to look directly at the one person and one dog who were scrambling together, and turned his head without any intention of intervening.

After a long time, Rose stood up from Magmanda while whistling. Although his robe was riddled with holes, he won the battle anyway.

Magmanda, bloody nose and swollen face, also stood up with a grin, expressing deep contempt for Rose's practice of shaking people if he can't beat them!

Dare to beat me next time, be careful I eat you in, and then pull it out!

"Okay, I'm cool, this is yours!" Rose said.

Seizing the opportunity of Magmanda's open mouth, Rose directly threw [Void Blood] into its mouth.

The unknown Magmanda seemed to be taken aback. The moment summon came out, it noticed a tremor that originated from the depths of the bloodline, as if the lower bloodline met the upper one. bloodline, an instinctive acknowledge allegiance made it almost kneel down.

Unfortunately, it was beaten on the ground by Rose before it had time to figure out the situation.

At this moment, the trembling feeling reappeared, but not outside, but inside.

So, I just ate a drop of [Void Blood]!

Feeling the powerful and familiar force in her body, Magmanda's eyes widened suddenly.

Can you get a [Void Blood] with just one beat?

"woof!" Magmanda licked her face and exclaimed.

Master! Please beat me again!

"Fuck!" Rose gave a light kick.

Magmanda fell to the ground and fell directly into a deep sleep.

As an insect race, Magmanda absorbs [Void Blood] Although it does not require a complete bloodline inheritance ceremony, it also takes a certain amount of time to absorb the power in the bloodline. Strength, when you wake up from sleep, you should have completed the transformation of Bloodline Power.

Looking at the sleeping Magmanda, Rose suddenly laughed. Void Insect Clan is a very large race. There are many kinds of Void Insect Clan. Void Swallowing Heaven Beast has been evaluated by the system as one of Void Insect Clan. The upper bloodline in the middle school is bound to be extremely powerful, which means that for a long time in the future, the strength of Magmanda will not only not fall behind, but may even overtake.

If nothing happens, when Magmanda wakes up, it must be the birth of a quasi-lord, and even a powerhouse of the lord's rank.

"My family of three, is it possible to get down on a weaker lord?" An inflated thought suddenly appeared in Rose's heart, but then shook the head again.

Unless it is a battle against the highlord head-on, no one knows how many methods the highlord has.

The high lord is not only absolutely powerful, but also various auxiliary methods are emerging one after another, such as the power of the sky, all 27 high lords can walk in the sky, but none of the three of them can fly. , This is the gap in the background.

"Wait, wait until I have all the [undying bird set], I can also walk in the sky, the flying effects of [undying bird wings] may be more awesome than them!"

After being obsessed for a while, Rose’s thoughts returned to Magmanda. Magmanda acquired Bloodline Power, which not only brought great power, but also gave him a clear hint , That is, the timeline can be changed drastically!

"From the moment Magmanda was born, the player attributes on it surpassed the attributes of NPC. According to the normal timeline, in the previous versions, the system will not open the energy matrix and bloodline to players at all. Power-related content, now Pandora already has some mechanical attributes, and Magmanda has acquired Bloodline Power in advance, proving that these systems already exist, and not added in later version updates, that is to say, as long as the operation is proper, I can get the content of any later version in advance."

"If I get the power of the later version ahead of time, and reduce the dimensionality of the current version, will it be judged by the system as cheating?"


"Well, It shouldn't be! Otherwise, I would have been killed by the system in the Mechanical King's Court!"

The dawn is getting closer and closer, and Rose has no mind to sleep. Even started visiting the forum.

"I haven’t seen sand sculpture players for a long time. I still miss speaking of which, and I don’t know the overall strength of the players here."

Enter the forum Later, Ross discovered that, like the Iron-Blooded Banner Fortress, almost all of the forum was swiped by one topic, that is, the upcoming Battle of Koucheng.

It's just the atmosphere of the player forum, obviously a lot more fun.

A group of people are screaming, and can’t wait to join the battle quickly.

All human players in the Iron-Blooded Banner Fortress have triggered a large-scale team main task called [Battle of the City]. Compared with those fragmentary tasks, this main task has extremely rich rewards. , Enough to make players willingly smash all the resurrection times in this battle.

Insect race and Demon Race also have player camps, but unfortunately because there is no endorsement from Ross, they have not won the trust of the two clans of Insect Devil at all. The players of insect race and Demon Race are still wandering in the endless sand sculptures. Over the years, most of the bronze ranks did not have a breakthrough, and were not qualified to participate in this battle. They could only watch the sour orgasm of the Human Race players collectively, while leaving enviable saliva.

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