The double-opening mechanical item turned waste into treasure on Pandora, making Rose more confident in his possession of the Luck Emperor.

"Come again!"

Rose picked up the second treasure chest, which was also the Silver Treasure Chest exploded by a mechanical sentry.

[Silver Treasure Chest on]

[You got the Storm Crossbow]

[You got the Power Stone*3]

Looking at the storm crossbow in his hand, Rose shook the head with a wry smile.

Legendary Grade treasure chest can explode a top grade knight-errant weapon of silver rank. It is definitely a little red hand, but he doesn't use it, but three energy stones, which can be absorbed by Pandora.

Two treasure chests have been shipped continuously, but there is nothing he can use. Ross is not discouraged. Compared with the previous non-Chief aura, this is already very good. There are nine treasure chests behind. Definitely something that can be used.

Ross picked up the third treasure chest.

[Silver Treasure Chest is on]

[You got the skill scroll: Tornado Slash]

[You got the magic essence*1]

"Oh, let's forget about the essence of the magic, and even drove a big windmill! This is a warrior's magical skill!"

[Skill: Tornado Slash]

[ Skill description: Consume 10% of the maximum Anger Value, rotate the weapon in your hand, set off a whirlwind of killing, and cause a large range of damage to enemies around you every 0.1 seconds (skill damage depends on your endurance and power's attributes), During the duration of the skill, 5% of the maximum Anger Value is consumed per second (during the duration of the skill, immune to any control effects)]

[Limited occupation: warrior]

[Note: I am a weapon War, the output depends on the fan, the CD is one and a half minutes, and it will be over after the transfer! 】

Ross is holding the scroll and can’t help but rubbing it for a while. If he uses this skill scroll to trade with warrior players, 99% of the warriors must be willing to contribute to this skill scroll. come out.

"It's a pity, although the rise of this group of leeks is gratifying, but it has not grown to the level of Legendary Grade, and it is not worthy of this magical skill!"

Players at this stage , Strength can only eat grass, as for eating meat, that is to eat ass!

Ross changed hands and threw [Tornado Slash] to Pandora. With Pandora’s strength and endurance, once the [Tornado Slash] is activated, it will surely set off a bloody storm, even as a high lord. They may not dare to resist Pandora's Tornado Slash.

"[Tornado Slash] can be regarded as making up for Pandora's lack of large-scale AOE shortcomings. If you can load another AT force field energy sequence, Pandora will not be able to face the powerful lord and the Adjudicator. Kirk’s parallel imports should not have too much pressure!"

"Unfortunately, the burst rate of the energy sequence is less than 10%, and the burst rate of the AT force field is even lower, although there is Luck The Emperor Guardian, these six Legendary Grade treasure chests, if you want to burst an AT force field, the probability is very low!"

"The [undying bird wings] did not come, these have to rely on There is hope to collect all the wish crystals, but unfortunately the explosion rate of the wish crystals is also very low. I have not seen the wish crystals for a while, but this can be done. With the huge base of the players, it should be exploded. [ Wish Crystal]! Well, I have to find a way to harvest a wave of leeks."

With the value of [Wish Crystal], players will not be willing to take it lightly, but Rose has a way to let them generously donate money. .

Picking up the treasure chest exploded by the fourth mechanical sentry, Rose's mentality became much calmer.

[Silver Treasure Chest on]

[You got the skill book: Alchemy·Energy]

[You got the energy stone*3]

"Alchemist·Energetics! This treasure box is okay!"

Rose picked up the skill book, his eyes full of surprises that could not be concealed.

Among the many branches of alchemy, pharmacy, forging, and engineering belong to the three most favored by players, because the materials of these three branches are easy to obtain, and the things produced can be quickly transformed into players The battle strength.

But in terms of value, the two branches of machinery and energy that appeared in the mechanical frenzy are definitely among the best in all alchemy. The only drawback is the expensive materials.

Whether it is mechanical or energy branch, it is an out-and-out gold swallowing beast. Unless it is supported by a large guild, it is impossible for ordinary players to practice the skill levels of these two branches. stand up.

After all the skill levels of alchemy, mechanics and energetics have reached the full silver level, there is a certain probability that blueprints of various energy sequences and energy matrices will be produced, including the AT force field. Blueprint.

That is the real pricelessness, which can make all mechanic players call the existence of father!

"If I can publish another book of Alchemy·Mechanics, I can see AT Force Field beckoning to me!"

"Unfortunately, only the mechanical treasure chest will explode These two skill books, I want to see Alchemy·Mechanics again, I guess they will be the version of the mechanical frenzy."

Ross moved for a while, click to use it directly, "Alchemy·Energy" turned into one The warm current sinks into the body.

A message pops up on the panel at the same time: [You have learned alchemy·Energy]

"Look for a chance to harvest a wave of leeks here, and you should be able to comprehend the blueprint of [Energy Stone] , It can at least solve Pandora’s demand for energy stones."

Ross’ alchemy has been upgraded to the full silver rank, and the third rank [scholar] title has increased by a full 10,000 points. Continue to understand Although blueprint cannot be promoted to the fourth rank [scholar] title, you can still try to obtain some new blueprints, such as the energy stone.

After Pandora loads the battle energy sequence, every time you use the battle energy sequence to fight, it will consume the energy of the energy stone. In the current version, the energy stone has no other source, and can only rely on alchemy and energetics. Self-sufficiency.

Ross touched it, Yoyo thought.

"Pandora now seems to have become a krypton gold warrior. It consumes enough energy stones and directly doubles the battle strength!"

Pick up the fifth mechanical sentry and burst out The treasure chest, Rose lightly presses it, and the treasure chest opens.

[Silver Treasure Chest on]

[You have obtained the energy sequence: Sanctuary]

[You have obtained Gold Coin *2431]

"Hey, there is another energy sequence. Is this the world of the Luck Emperor?"

Ross actively ignored the Gold Coin below and set his sights on the new energy sequence .

[Energy Sequence: Shelter]

[Skill Description: Consume a unit of energy, release a shelter to the specified target, the shelter can absorb 5% of the maximum blood volume Ten damage, lasts 30 seconds. During the duration of the sanctuary, the damage the target takes is reduced by 50%, and the debuff effect on the target is dispelled every ten seconds]

[Remarks: The first release of the skill consumes one unit of energy, the maximum release of the skill three times within ten minutes, the second release of the skill consumes two units of energy, and the third release of the skill consumes four units of energy. And there is a certain probability that the energy sequence will be damaged. Ten minutes after the last use of this skill, the count will be reset to zero. 】

"tsk tsk, this is a perfect skill tailored for Pandora!"

Like Cross Slash, the shelter is also a battle-type energy sequence, but One is strong offense and the other is strong defense.

The two battle energy sequences of one attack and one defense can increase Pandora's combat strength by at least 20%. Although it can't compare with the improvement brought by the AT force field, it is amazing enough.

With Pandora's current strength, an increase of 20% is a solid step towards the rank of high lord.

"I remember that the most powerful part of the sanctuary is that it can be used by others! After I blessed the sanctuary, there is no pressure on the king of frontal hard anal fear, right?" Rose said to himself.

"The biggest drawback of this skill is that it is too large to release a shelter. It consumes a unit of energy. It is indeed the most kryptonic mechanical skill in the player’s mouth!"

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