Elemental Catastrophe·Annabel looked down at Adjudicator·Kirk, her unmoving body suddenly shook, and her whole person disappeared into the void out of thin air.

Adjudicator Kirk's sorrowful eyes appeared, instead of stopping the charge, his speed was getting faster and faster.

Sunstrider Yoggsa drew an illusory long arrow from the void, and suddenly shot out.

As soon as the arrow left the string, it disappeared, but the elemental catastrophe, Annabel, who disappeared out of thin air, suddenly emerged from the void, holding a beating imaginary arrow in her hand.

Annabel's right hand shook, and the illusory long arrow burst like a bubble, and Adjudicator Kirk's long spear had burst into the vicinity.

The beating Power of Thunder almost touched her floating white robe.

Elemental Catastrophe·Annabel’s body suddenly stagnated in the void, and the air instantly became solid. Whether it was the element of the riot or the violent hurricane, the Adjudicator · Kirk seemed to be turned into amber. Banned flies.

Seeing this scene, a light flashes in the eyes of King Tyne, the king of the sky who has been completely motionless, and there seems to be an urge to take action.

It’s not because he wants to join forces with Adjudicator Kirk, but a kind of seeing others do what one loves to do, one is inspired to try it again, this is the first time he saw it, unexpectedly There are others who have reached this level of understanding of space.

Elemental Havoc·Annabel raised her right foot slightly, and then stepped heavily on it.

ka-cha! ka-cha!

In the void under Annabel's feet, one after another spider-web-like crack appeared, as if glass cracked inch by inch.

The frozen Adjudicator · Kirk has a touch of horror in the depths of his eyes. He clearly saw the fragmentation of the space and the coming of danger.

Space Crack instantly tore the lightning armor covering the whole body. The blood-colored long spear in Adjudicator · Kirk's hand also inch by inch broke apart. Seeing that the crack will spread to Adjudicator · Kirk's body, he will Also torn into pieces.

Adjudicator · Kirk suddenly disappeared, and the cracks in the space instantly tore a piece of nothingness.

The King of Sky Tyne slowly retracted his right hand, and Adjudicator Kirk, who had disappeared out of thin air, slowly showed his figure beside him.

Elemental Havoc·Annabel’s eyebrow raised, it seems that he didn’t expect Adjudicator·Kirk to slip away.

Just this kick, even the King of Fear, De Kred, had to retreat with serious injuries, but he failed to injure Adjudicator Kirk.

Looking at the space fluctuations that slowly calmed down around Tyne,

Elemental Havoc·Annabel exclaimed.

"It is worthy of being the king of the sky!"

Among all the high lords, only Tyne can escape safely from this foot.

The king of Sora, Tyne, who was forced to take a shot, originally didn’t want to take a shot. He just didn’t want to see Adjudicator Kirk being hit hard, so he had to take a shot.

"Annabel, we promised your terms, this matter ends here, how?" Tyne said solemnly.

Elemental Havoc·Annabel has shown her strength, completely above everyone else. If she really wants to kill anyone, unless he has been hiding in the war fortress and can’t come out, it’s really possible Killed by Annabel.

This is a powerful deterrence brought by personal mighty power, and it is also the main reason why the Insect Devil clan has not crossed the Valley of Falling Stars so far.

The more powerful he is, the more he cherishes his life.

There is no major event before life and death!

Sunstrider Yoggsa tightly held the longbow in his hand and fell silent. Tyrant Tonik looked a little unwilling, but they did not dare and did not want to continue the fight.

If you continue to fight, it is really possible that the dignity of the high lord will be lost.

Annabel hasn’t spoken yet, Adjudicator · Kirk suddenly wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth, loudly said: "No! I haven’t lost yet!"

The King of Sora, raised his brows , Almost couldn't hold back kicking Adjudicator away.

Faced with the subdued King of Sky·Tyne, Elemental Catastrophe·Annabel gave a chuckle.

"I don't agree!"

"I have already said that if I want to beat you up today, I must beat you up!"

Good job! Annabel!

Ross gave Annabel a thumbs up in his heart!

Just treat them like Magmanda!

Whether he listens or not, just beat him up first!

If one meal is not enough, just two!

If you beat up too much, you will be obedient!

The tyrant Tonick only felt his breath stuck in his chest, he wanted to vomit but couldn’t.

The lord of the dignified storm fortress, in the mouth of Annabelle, he was hit as soon as he wanted to, without considering his own feelings.

The king of the sky, Tyne took a deep breath, facing the overbearing Annabel, he finally decided to take action.

"It's going to be true!" holy light Angel Barres said softly.

The four-winged angel who appeared behind him like an illusory shadow, opened his eyes with milk-white rays of light, and locked Annabelle standing in the air.

"She is very strong, if it were not for the eternal will, she should have touched the threshold of the saint!" holy light indifferent voice sounded in Barres' mind.

There was a flash of surprise in Barres' eyes. The saint was the eternal continent, the strongest power that could be carried, and it was not easy to touch this level.

This means that even if the Insect Devil races are defeated, the eternal will is unified, and the door to the golden rank is opened, Annabel will still be the Number One Powerhouse of the eternal continent.

"If the eternal will is unified and you restore the peak state, will it be her opponent?" Barres asked.

For his companion angel, Barres is very clear about its power. If it is not suppressed by the eternal will, it will be the only saint on the eternal plane.

The holy light plane is one of the main planes that can face the endless abyss. The upper limit of power crushes the eternal plane in all directions. Even the lowest-level two-winged angels correspond to the Legendary of the eternal plane. Grade powerhouse, in the communication with the will of holy light, Barres once saw eight shining wings behind an angel.

How powerful an eight-winged angel is!

How great is a plane and civilization with the existence of eight-winged angels.

"You don't need to test me, unless it is to completely solve the mechanical royal court, even if the broken eternal will is unified, I will be impossible to restore the peak state." holy light said lightly.

Barres chuckled lightly and did not explain. Although the suppression of the eternal will is strong, the suppression of the holy light may not be as strong as the mechanical king's court.

If it hadn’t fulfilled certain conditions with the eternal will, how could a powerful creature from a different plane come to the eternal continent with peace after the eternal will split?

"Elemental incarnation, Hao Force of Tribulation, Annabel seems to be serious too. Someone is going to be unlucky!" Barres said softly.

The light of hope Eunisa, who had been watching the battle silently, suddenly stared at Annabel, and the two masks around her also slowly moved closer, vaguely showing signs of merging into one.

Elemental Holocaust·Annabel suddenly appeared behind an obscure illusory shadow, the illusory shadow is a head higher than Annabel, the lower body is a rotating colored vortex, the upper body is slender and slender, and the face is fuzzy, as if it has come to the world. Shrine!

The illusory shadow of the four-winged angel suddenly trembled, and the wings behind him slightly stirred.

"She actually used a mortal body to master the authority of the element lord..."

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