Light of Hope·Yunisa's brows twisted into a line, and the two surrounding masks stopped turning, seeming to be in a down state.

As for the power of the Mechanical Royal Court, although the recorded information is very scarce, each war fortress has corresponding records. Therefore, several high lords have a certain understanding of the existence of the Mechanical Royal Court.

It’s just that the Mechanical King’s Court is too mysterious. For so many years, I have never found the Mechanical King’s Court, occasionally found a mechanical ruin, and have never seen the existence of Mechanical Apostles and Mechanical Destroyers.

With the passage of time, many people gradually forgot their memories of the Mechanical King’s Court. Until this moment, Rose suddenly lifted the curtain covering the Mechanical King’s Court, exposing part of the Mechanical King’s strength. , It made them suddenly realize that not only does the Mechanical King's Court exist, but the strength is far more terrifying than they imagined!

"Grand Priest Gregoya? Is it true that the seal under the eternal forbidden ground is the Royal Court of the Machine?" asked the Light of Hope Yunisa.

The Great Priest of Gregoya is nodded.

"I was only skeptical. Today, from the change in the will of the eternal plane, I vaguely peeped into the truth of the sealed thing. It is indeed the royal court of machinery."

The Grand Priest Gregoya paused and continued: "This mechanical royal court under the eternal forbidden ground is under the suppression of eternal will. Didn't expect Rose to accidentally enter it by accident and injure it severely, perhaps with It won’t be long before it will be completely wiped out by eternal will and turned into a pile of rubble."

An enemy strong enough to exterminate the race was inadvertently wiped out, and several high lords were about to breathe a sigh of relief. , Rose suddenly said:

"There is more than one Mechanical King Court, but it is hidden in a place where we can't find it."

Elemental Havoc·Annabel frowned, said: "Can you be sure?"

"I can be sure!"

Ross was nodded, and continued: "If the mechanical king court is so easy to solve, the eternal will will not seal them at all, directly Letting go of the seal is easier to solve. There is only one possibility for the Eternal Will to seal the Mechanical King's Court, that is, its current strength is still beyond the limit we can deal with. Once the seal is released, the Mechanical King's strength will Enough to destroy the entire eternal continent!"

As a player who has seen the mechanical frenzy, Rose has personally experienced the power of the mechanical royal court. If it weren’t for the Human Race and Insect Devil races, they decided to join forces at the time of the mechanical invasion. Against the enemy, let the eternal will return to unity, countless Legendary Grade powerhouse breakthroughs to the golden level, the mechanical king's court has already extinct the three clans, and controls the entire eternal continent.

Grand Priest Gregoya slowly said: "What Ross said is true. There is more than one mechanical court that has been sealed."

"The mechanical court under the eternal forbidden ground Although severely damaged, in the warning of the eternal will, the mechanical palace is still an extreme danger, and there are already signs of recovery. If it is not possible to return the divided eternal will to unity before they are fully recovered, the entire eternal continent Maybe they will all be destroyed by the Mechanical Kingdom."

If Rose’s affirmation is just to make people doubtful, the addition of the great priest Gregoya made all the high lords aware of the seriousness of the problem.

An enemy who even the will of the plane is barely suppressed, and is constantly recovering, makes people feel terrifying when you think about it!

"Where there are people, there is war!"

The lord of the warsong fortress·Eternal Night King·Faolin slowly said:

"We The nine major fortresses of Human Race are unable to unify the external world. I want to complete the unification of the divided eternal continent, easier said than done."

"Human Race, insect race, and Demon Race all want the approval of eternal will , To become the master of this plane, no one will easily let it go."

"Unless the mechanical royal court is completely restored, and the crisis of the death of the species is in front of us, who can let go of the hatred that has lasted for thousands of years , Hand over the eternal will to occupy."

The great priest Gregoya sighed. Although the position of the great priest is Supreme, even he cannot force the highlord to obey his orders. The crisis is ahead. The outcome that does not regress each other is bound to be ruined together.

"Several crowns!" Ross suddenly said: "Although the internal contradictions of Human Race are sharp, they have not completely erupted. There may be no room for reversal."

The King of Eternal Night Faolin looked at Rose calmly and asked: "Do you have a way to solve this contradiction?"

The contradiction of Human Race has been around for a long time, even the Grand Priest Gregoya It couldn't be relieved, he didn't believe that a little fellow who had just completed the trial had this strength.

Ross laughed, did not answer the question of the King of the Night Faorin head-on, but slowly said:

"Storm Fortress, Blue Sky Fortress, Judgment Fortress, Dusk Fortress occupied Human Race has half of the battle strength. Even if a fortress battle breaks out and we really win, Human Race will lose heavily and lose the qualifications to compete head-on with Insect Devil. We know this very well, and they also know it very well in their hearts."

“So over the years, although there are some frictions between the major fortresses of Human Race, frontal wars rarely break out!”

“No one wants to see the outbreak of war, I It's the same."

The light of Hope Eunice's complexion suddenly became a little weird. Can you use the insect race to kill a reorganized Legion of the Judgment Fortress in World War I, and even say that you don't want to fight?

Ossirian has long said that you like talk nonsense, do you still want to use your mouth to persuade these high lords to stop the war?

Ross didn't notice the expression of Light of Hope Eunisa, and continued to talk, invincible.

"They have their perseverance, and we also have our beliefs. When neither side can persuade the other, we will turn our differences into war in desperation."

"If we can make them realize that they can't get what they want through war, will they stop a little bit?"

"What do you want to say?" King of Eternal Night Fa Olin said: "No one will easily admit defeat before the war is truly divided. Whether it is them or us, it is the same. Even if one of them is significantly stronger, the other will not let go of the means of war."

"Do you have any way to persuade them, or persuade us to stop the war?"

The corner of Rose’s mouth slightly raised, facing the king of the night, Faolin, bending slightly, Said:

"Under the crown of Faolin, I met a group of Insect Devil trialists in the ruins of the doomsday. They wanted to sacrifice at the altar of the doomsday, but I didn’t want them to sacrifice. This disagreement How to solve it?"

"Of course it's a fight. Whoever wins will listen to whom!" said Faorin, Lord of the Night, "This is a small war!"

"No, I didn't fight all of them!" Ross said with a smile: "I didn't use the means of war, and I successfully resolved this disagreement!"

"oh?" The Lord of Eternal Night Faolin suddenly became interested, "How did you do it?"

"I beat Ash Gogol and the Dark Demon Rum separately!" Rose Said.

The King of Eternal Night·Faolin: "???"

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