bang! bang! bang!

The vibration from underground is getting stronger and stronger, and the scorching temperature is getting more and more obvious. Eternal Flame Morales seems to be more and more disturbed.

"No matter what's below, get out of here first!"

Omid, Lord of the Mist, is slightly nodded. This strange Mechanic World is full of dangers. With their strength, Can choose to avoid, if there are new dangers intervening, even if the body comes, it will be full of dangers.

After confirming that there was no mechanical monster outside, the two got up and prepared to leave the hiding place. Before leaving, Everburning Flame Morales glanced at the ground that was gradually rising in temperature and took out a An alchemy bomb with a weird shape, like a ruby, placed it next to it, and then quickly left.

bang! bang!

The dull and dense explosion sounded continuously. The cyan-gray color steel floor began to turn red, gradually showing signs of melting. The temperature of the air It also rises.

After a violent tremor, the flat ground suddenly bulged up with a small mountain radiating high temperature.


After another violent explosion, the raised hills shattered like a small volcano and finally broke through the blockade, and crimson flames gushed out from below , A dazzling flower bloomed in the sky.

The liquid flame spread out and touched the alchemy bomb left by the eternal flame Morales.


A huge explosion sounded loudly, and the formidable power of the explosion was extremely powerful. The rising flame illuminated the black night sky, and the violent shock wave spread, although It failed to destroy the surrounding metal buildings, but caused a violent energy shock that successfully attracted the attention of the metal monster.

In the distance, Morales, the eternal flame, stopped, turned and looked at the flames illuminating the night sky, his face a little gloomy and uncertain.

"It's coming in!" Morales said solemnly. "It's very strong, and the flame bomb I left behind may not be able to kill it!" Omid, Lord of the Mist, said lightly: "The more powerful it is, the better. It is not us who really should have a headache. , But it’s itself, hoping that it can survive the first wave of encirclement and suppression of the mechanical monster, and share some pressure on us."

"While the nearby mechanical bodies are attracted to the past, we first meet with others , The Matte Nightmare Byers and the King of Fear Decreed are together, It shouldn’t be dangerous."

Just before the Eternal Flame Morales is about to leave At that time, Omid, Lord of the Mist, suddenly browses slightly wrinkle.

"The breath of bloodfiend Talon seems to be approaching the explosion, shall we stop him?"

"This idiot!" Eternal Burning Flame cursed secretly , "If he had more brains, he shouldn't run around at that time, he should stay with us."

"With his strength, if he gets involved in the battle there, he will probably die there. Side!"

The strength of the nine lords is strong and weak, and their status is different. Although the strength of bloodfiend Talon is not the weakest among the nine lords, the status is the lowest. Yes, except for the King of Fear, Dekred, who is indifferent to everyone, the other seven Demon Race lords all regard him as an outlier.

Lord of the Mist Omid looked at the direction of the explosion and said thoughtfully: "bloodfiend. Talon relied on the void blood of the insect race to achieve the position of lord, although a little impulsive, but also It has blocked us a lot of trouble. Our current situation is not safe. His Avatar is still useful to us."

"I used a fog body to investigate in the past, hoping to stop him in time Be stupid!"

The lord of the mist Omid separated an illusory body of mist, and then the two quickly moved away.

In the burning flames, Rose's figure slowly condenses.

"Who's a sneak attack on me!"

Ross couldn't help but cursed. He just broke the blockade of the steel wall and was blown up before he could catch his breath. The strong shock wave almost pushed him out.

The alchemy bomb left behind by the Everburning Flame Morales has a good formidable power. If it weren’t for the [undying bird 羽衣] that weakened 80% of the fire damage, he would also be battered. and exhausted.

"Where is this? Why is the exit of this cave on the ground?"

Ross looked a little strangely at the burning hole under his feet. It was obviously a gap blasted from the wall. As a result, When he came in, he found that the hole was under his feet, which gave him a feeling of space upside-down.

"roar!" A low roar interrupted Rose's doubts.

Ross looked up and saw only the grotesquely shaped mechanical lifeforms surrounding him. He almost shivered back from the burning cave and back into the tunnel.

"Mechanical war beast?!!!"

"Where did I go? How come there are so many mechanical war beasts!"

Look With the mechanical war beast ready to go, Rose's eyes were a little straight.

According to the original timeline, the mechanical war beast should be the monster that only appeared in the mechanical frenzy version!

The mechanical war beast is the basic combat unit of the mechanical royal court. The strength is not strong, but it is in the game version of the mechanical frenzy. In the current version, the powerful battle strength of the mechanical war beast is enough. Make any fortress a headache!

Mechanical war beast not only has battle strength comparable to Legendary Grade, but more importantly, its quantity. It is a battle unit that can be mass-produced. In the mechanical frenzy version, if the player is not using his own flesh and blood The body resisted the ravages of the mechanical war beast, even if the three races joined forces, it might not be able to withstand the expansion of the mechanical royal court.

Ross looked around and found that there was only a mechanical war beast, and his fright subsided slowly.

"Fortunately, it's just a mechanical war beast, no mechanical sentry or mechanical destroyer!"

Ross muttered to himself, the burning flame slowly turned into zi zi sound Thunder and lightning.

As one of the cannon fodder against mechanical war beasts, Ross is very clear about the weaknesses of mechanical war beasts. This mass-produced mechanical combat unit imitates various wild beasts and mainly relies on physical attacks. , Did not load the most troublesome AT position and external weapon unit of the mechanical king's court, only relying on hand-to-hand combat to attack.

But this does not mean that the mechanical war beast is very weak. The all-metal body brings an unimaginable powerful impact. The hard alloy Battle Armor can not only withstand a lot of physical damage, but also It can weaken most elemental damage and is a standard war machine.

The strength of the mechanical war beast on both offense and defense has once caused players a headache.

However, with the progress of the war, the weaknesses of these mechanical war beasts are quickly exposed under the continuous strategy of the players. Compared with the mechanical sentries without obvious weaknesses, the mechanical war beasts are the biggest The weak point is the fear of thunder and lightning. Thunder can bypass Battle Armor and directly destroy the energy core of mechanical war beasts. In the battle between players against mechanical war beasts, Raiden Master is a well-deserved MVP!

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