The four of them have been silent for nearly ten minutes, before the King of Fear, Decrede, let out a sigh of relief and said, "They are gone!"

Seeing the doubts in the eyes of several people , The King of Fear, De Kredder whispered: "I just felt the indestructible wreck. Derrick's breath is nearby. Although it is very weak, it must be him or his corpse!"

Several people suddenly numb their scalps, and the remains are indestructible. Derrick is already dead, but his breath has followed. There is only one possibility.

The two terrifying compound-eye monsters not only defeated Derrick the Indestructible Wreck, but also ate his body, and even tracked it all the way down.

The presence of compound eye monsters made several people aware of the crisis.

No Light Nightmare. Byers said solemnly:

"We must act immediately. Since the danger here can deter such dangerous monsters, it can also threaten us. Although the perpetual heart core. The deceptive illusory shadow can temporarily defraud the defensive power here to protect our safety, it is just an illusory shadow after all. If we continue to stay here, we may also be in danger."

"Let's get started!"

After getting the consent of the three, Matt Nightmare Byers immediately started to act.

"Omid, dispel the surrounding fog!"

Omid is slightly nodded, the mist that enveloped him suddenly spread, like a ring-shaped shock wave visible to naked eye , The area around several hundred meters where the fascination spreads rapidly.

Where the fog shock wave passed, the fog in the surrounding void quickly dissipated. In the blink of an eye, the surrounding visibility increased rapidly, and the atmosphere illuminated by the flame light was significantly expanded.

"I still need more flames!" Matte Nightmare Byers continued.

Morales is hearing this, ten fingers are flying, one after another dark red Fireball shoots out like a bead of artillery, every less than one meter distance, there is a Fireball floating in the dark In the void.

Looking at it from a distance, it looks like a group of weirdly colored Fire Insects, shining in the dark.

The Matte Nightmare Byers looked around, staring into the depths of the Perpetual Core·Fraud's eyes, and there were countless complicated runes appearing in his eyes like a waterfall. Passing, the core illusory shadow in his hand floated slowly, and the shell full of mechanical texture seemed to have recovered from a deep sleep, and the faint rays of light surged.

Suddenly the core illusory shadow rotates, projecting a transparent light curtain.

The light curtain rotates slowly with the core illusory shadow, first sweeping towards Omid, the lord of the mist.

Omid’s complexion slightly changed, and he was about to turn into a mist to disperse, avoiding the blazing light curtain.

No Light Nightmare. Byers suddenly said: "Don't move, the light curtain is looking for the entrance, and it does not pose any threat to us!"

Impulsive, let the light curtain sweep the whole body, and found that there was no change, then he was slightly relaxed.

The Eternal Flame. Morales and the King of Fear, Decrede, motionless, let the light curtain sweep through.

After the light curtain swept a circle of 360 degrees without blind spots, suddenly a series of mysterious runes were projected against the ground.

Others don’t understand the meaning of rune, but the dull nightmare Byers is expression congeals.

"The entrance will be opened soon, so be fully alert!"

hong long long!

The dark and deep valley suddenly trembled, and the earth began to tremble. The dry bones scattered on the ground were shaken away by invisible force. One after another, the round head was rolling on the ground, as if there was What rare beast is tumbling in the ground.

& Strong lethality.

The alien creatures that were still peeping from a distance, scrambled to stay away and escaped from this strange and abnormal area, as if there was something terrifying existence in it that was awakening.


Suddenly there was a sound of metal rubbing from the depths of the earth, and then the earth cracked, and the cracks were smooth and clear, as if they were chiseled out with a knife and axe.

"It's on!"

The dull nightmare. Byers' eyes flashed, and then he saw the rocks on the dark cliffs begin to fall off, blocks of rocks the size of a skull. Falling from a height, as if an earthquake is about to occur.

The eternal flame. The flames in Morales' eyes were dark, and the dark Fireball suspended above his head began to split, one changed into two, two changed into four, and soon split nearly a thousand fist sized pieces. Fireball, intertwined into a dense web of flames.

All the fallen stones were not yet close to the Fireball, but when they were close, they were instantly annihilated by the abyssal hellfire.

At the moment the rock fell off, one after another deep crack appeared on the dark rock wall, and a gloomy rays of light reflected in the crack.

Soon, the loose rocks fell off, the cracks on the ground were completely separated, and a strange scene appeared in front of everyone.

The rocks on the ground and rock walls have completely disappeared and become flat black metal. The golden surface has one after another dark texture, like a magical rune, but it is completely different from everything they have seen. rune.

But no one would despise these runes, because of the powerful energy fluctuations emitted by these runes, even the high lord was faintly shocked.

Several high lords looked at the dark rune that seemed to be etched on the metal with serious expressions, as if they wanted to remember them all.

Master Alchemist of Demon Race cream of the crop ——The Matte Nightmare Byers looked at the mysterious rune enthusiastically, and couldn't help muttering to himself:

"The energy array! This is the energy array! The same energy array as the Perpetual Core·Fraud!"

Eternal Burning Eye Morales glanced at the fanatical dull nightmare · Byers, solemnly asked: "What is an energy array?"

Hearing Morales’s inquiry, the eyes of the dull nightmare gradually calmed down from the frenzy. After taking a deep look at the dark rune, he turned his head and found that everyone else was staring at him. After a while, he whispered:

"When I was studying some ancient ruins, there were some I discovered that in the battle that almost destroyed the entire eternal continent, our Demon Race and insect race do not seem to be the invaders of the war!"

"What nonsense are you talking about!" bloodfiend. Talon Looked at Dull Nightmare Byers in surprise.

"The mouth of the abyss has a clear record of the abyss invading the eternal continent. It is a trace of history that cannot be changed. You would doubt this history!"

"I do not doubt the abyss The record of the mouth." No-Light Nightmare Byers shook the head and said:

"Haven’t you ever thought about how powerful the real abyss is, and how it can be resisted only by an eternal continent. The invasion of the abyss did not fall into the abyss sequence in that abyss invasion!"

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