Magmanda put on airs sitting in the driving position, controlling the progress of the doomsday train, and even performed several difficult train drifts, just like an old driver.

Ross looked at Magmanda instantly and touched its dog's head approvingly.



Magmanda was a little proud.


Not only can I drift, I can also start cleaning!

Driving is so fun!

Ross is looking thoughtful. If Magmanda can only drive, it is enough to enter the bottomless abyss, but if Magmanda can control the various weird abilities of the Doomsday Train, it seems that we can do a lot of things first Go again!

"Can you get other trialist in the car?" Rose asked.


Alive or dead?


The trialist has only one heart core after death, which is of no value. On the contrary, when it is alive, it can be used for a wave of wool.

Magmanda stretched out her paw and patted a green button heavily. The Doomsday Train drifted and made a dirty noise again.

The Mattress Wool Operation is officially launched!

Salin, who had escaped from the dead, finally gave up the search for Will, and found Mael in shock.

Mael looked at the fear that had not disappeared on Sarin’s face. The complexion was slightly changed. The trialist of the Iron-Blooded Banner Fortress never lacked the courage to face danger, even in the face of death. face.

Salin is not only strong, but courage is also the strongest among all trialists. There are not many things that can scare him, at least the Insect Devil tribes are impossible to do.

"What happened?" Mael asked.

Salin slowly came back to his senses from the fright of the train of doom.

"Mael, did you see the doomsday train just now?" Sarin asked.

The Doomsday Train!

Mael's pupils wince, if there is anything else in the entire Land of Trial that can make him feel terrified, it must be a doomsday train!

"Did you enter the ruins of the doomsday?" Mael asked suspiciously.

"No! I saw the doomsday train in the ruins of the war! It is exactly the same as the rumored doomsday train!" Sally said with a trembling voice.

"Impossible!" Mael blurted out.

"The Doomsday Train is a product of the rules of Land of Trial. It is absolutely impossible to step into the ruins of war!"

"But I really saw it." Sarin said with a bitter smile .

Then Sarin was taken aback for a moment, as if he realized something, he looked at Marel in surprise.

"How do you know that the Doomsday Train is a product of the Land of Trial rules? There seems to be no record of this in the fortress information."

Mael's face remained unchanged and said: "I also heard from people in other fortresses. Maybe they have done more research on Doomsday Trains."

Salin is slightly nodded, "We have also killed many people in the Doomsday Ruins over the years. How many This trial was almost wiped out by the Doomsday Train. Unfortunately, the research on the Doomsday Train has not made much progress. There are more dead people on the Demon Race, and they seem to know more."

" Now that you saw the doomsday train, how did you survive?" Mael asked, moving the subject away.

"I don't know." Sally's face became a little strange.

"Not only did I see the doomsday train, I also saw Ross chasing the doomsday train. I suspect it was because of Ross' chasing that the doomsday train let me go."

Mael stared at him blankly. Although he didn't speak, his expression clearly expressed his meaning!

Are you kidding me!

Rose sees the doomsday train without running away! He dared to chase the doomsday train!

What does he want to do?

Don’t he want to hitchhiker?

Sally smiled bitterly, not knowing how to explain the weird scene he saw.

"I know this news is unbelievable, but I really saw it with my own eyes. When the Doomsday train passed by me, Rose said hello to me."

"Salin!" Mael pressed his shoulders and looked into his eyes and said seriously:

"You have been under too much pressure recently. You may have some hallucinations. Let’s rest here for a few days, and when you recover, we will go out again."


Salin wanted to say that he didn’t have hallucinations, but he couldn’t tell. He himself had some doubts about the authenticity of the scene he saw, whether hallucinations and auditory hallucinations really appeared.

No matter how strong Rose is, it is just a trialist. No matter how strong the trialist is, it is impossible to fight the train of doom. This is an iron law that has been carved into the heart of every trialist.

"Well, I may indeed be too nervous." Sally took a deep breath.

"In a few days, I am going to step into the ruins of the doomsday, and I must restore my strength to the peak state."

Mael nodded, he was about to say something, he suddenly listened There was a strange sound.

Salin, who had just calmed down, also heard it, and his face changed drastically.

"It is the doomsday train! It is the sound of the doomsday train! I heard this voice not long ago!"

Mael eyes shrank, pale-gold's brilliance is deep in his pupils Spread.


The loud whistle is getting closer and closer, and it clearly spread into the ears of the two of them.

The golden radiance in Mael’s eyes suddenly dissipated, and the train was approaching. Even he was unable to resist. Mael sat on the ground slumpingly, muttering to himself:

"I counted everything, didn't expect will eventually fall into the hands of the doomsday train!"


The doomsday train is getting closer, and a clear outline can already be seen. Mael's face is desperate, but Sally still maintains the last glimmer of hope.

In case Rose is still there!


After a long whistle, the speeding doomsday train slowed down in front of the two of them, and then stopped.

The window of the first section of the car opened, and a fiery-red dog's head came out from it.


"Ma...Magmanda?" Salling suddenly stared wide-eyed.


Too late to explain, get in the car!

oh la la!

The door of the second carriage slid open, revealing an empty carriage.

Is this inviting us to board the bus?

Salin stayed on the spot, not daring to make the slightest move, until a hand pressed Magmanda's dog's head in, and Rose's head stretched out.

"Don't dare, come up! I will take you to the ruins of the doomsday to sacrifice!"


Salin gave a confused look Rose, took another look at Mael, who was also dumbfounded.

"I didn't have hallucinations this time, did I?"

"I won't get in the car again, I'm leaving!" Rose urged.

"There is no danger, right?" Sarin couldn't help asking.

"Remember to vote when you get on the bus, there will be no danger!" Rose said seriously.

Salin pulled Mael up and boarded the train in amazement.

Kang Dang!

The door of the car closed automatically, and the inside of the car was dark. Only the heavy breathing of the two people and the sound of heartbeat were heard.

As soon as the car door was closed, Mael regretted it, but now the situation is no longer irresistible.

"Mael, have we really boarded the doomsday train?"

Sally's unbelievable voice came from the darkness.

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