After releasing the big move, Magmanda, who looked a little languid, stared wide-eyed and glanced at the grass clippings all around, as if she couldn't believe that this was her masterpiece.

"This title skill! That's okay!"

Ross approached, smiled and touched Magmanda's dog's head.

Although Magmanda has a strength comparable to Legendary Grade, its frontal battle strength is not that powerful. In addition to serving as a mount, it also has a [Blood Contract] that is still useful. Seven The poisonous bite determined by a hundred-point strength value looks a bit tasteless when dealing with powerful enemies.

Nowadays, after gaining the power of the title, not only the attribute is stronger, but the formidable power of the title skill [Destruction Roar] is also destroying heaven extinguishing earth. [ Destruction Roar], the magic value will be exhausted.

"There is no magic value, and you can fight hand-to-hand. [Poisonous Bite] does not need to consume magic, and I don’t know if I can do Corps Head..."

Magman Dar squinted and glanced at Rose, the triumph in his eyes was obvious.


Did you see how good I am? Shovel Officer!

"Shit-shoveling officer? Hehe!"

Ross squeezed Magmanda by the back of his neck, only to realize that it was too big to be carried. .

"When I become stronger, I think I can rebel? Are you floating, or I, Rose, can’t handle the knife?"

Faced with Rose’s faint smile, The triumph in Magmanda's eyes quickly turned to please!


Big brother, I was wrong! I will never dare anymore!

Magmanda lowered her head from her heart.

Ross was satisfied with the patted dog head, and said with satisfaction:

"Stay here."

Let down Magmanda, Rose walked towards the end alone Where the altar is located, before entering the bottomless abyss, every added strength is a guarantee of life safety.

While Ross went to sacrifice, Magmanda stuck her tongue out at Ross, and then quickly swallowed all the eleven heart cores that the Scarecrow had separated out into her abdomen.

On the attribute panel, Magmanda's attribute value has gone up again.

Ross slowly climbed onto the Altar of Doom, shrouded in golden radiance.

"I don’t know what title I will get!"

Mumbling to himself, Rose took out all the heart cores in the package. The harvest these days, He has collected a lot of heart cores of high-risk souls, and a pile of exotic heart cores from the doomsday train, enough to support two sacrifices without the blessing of Force of Eternal.

Under the heavy brushing of golden radiance, the heart core in Rose's hand quickly became bright, and a little bit of golden radiance escaped, condensing into a solid golden rune in the void.

"This is—"

Ross raised his head and stared at the rune in the void, his mind quickly attracted by the eternal implication.

"This is power!"

Ross subconsciously extends the hand, wanting to hold the golden rune in the void.

The golden rune spins quietly. The moment Rose's right hand is about to touch the rune, the golden rune suddenly transforms into a golden meteor, which swiftly crosses the void and plunges directly into the center of Rose's eyebrows.

Ross has turned into a golden ocean in front of his eyes, and there is no trace of other colors except for the eternal brilliance.

Like a messenger of devout pilgrimage!

Ross kept his head up, his pupils dilated, and his eyes didn't know where to fall.

In Rose’s hollow pupils, one after another weird pictures flashed by, there are giants roar towards the sky that can support both heaven and earth, and I saw one after another golden sun descended from the sky, I saw an abyss monster with two heads scattered ashes and smoke dispersed under the golden sun, I saw the endless insect race army wailing desperately in the flames...

After a long time, the brilliance that enveloped the altar had long since disappeared, and Rose slowly came back to his senses from his absence.

"It turns out that this is the truth of the Eternal Land."

Ross muttered to himself, retracting the raised right hand.

"This is a bit troublesome." Rose rubbed his eyebrows with a headache.

"It is actually involved in the Royal Palace of Machines. The bottomless abyss is more dangerous than expected..."

"This is the first version of the game. I actually crossed the fortress war. The disaster of Insect Devil, I have come into contact with the game version of the mechanical frenzy in advance, what level of monsters will be encountered in it? Little Baiyin!"

"If I directly caused the mechanical frenzy, would anything weird happen?"

Ross clicked on his attribute panel and began to examine The harvest of this sacrifice.

"I hope this enhancement will give me a little more capital to protect myself."

Although Ross has already reached the threshold with his fully equipped attributes, the naked attributes are not high. , Even only Magmanda’s one third or so, if you really encounter an opponent who has mastered [Exquisite Demon Arms] or [Demolition Art], it is very likely to suffer a big loss. This wave of reinforcement is very critical.

Fortunately, this wave of reinforcement finally did not disappoint Ross.

[attribute: Endurance: 600; Intelligence: 700; Strength: 500; Agility: 500]

"The endurance attribute has been strengthened from 303 to 600, although it is still not as good as people Dog, but it can be regarded as reaching the level of the ordinary Legendary Grade powerhouse. Unfortunately, after adding the equipment, more than 300 points of stamina are overflowed, which is a bit wasted."

"The intelligence attribute has been increased from three hundred and fifty-four to Seven hundred points, barely the same as Magmanda, this one also overflows more than three hundred points, but there is attribute conversion, so the attribute will not be wasted."

"The strength and agility are quite satisfactory, better than ordinary legal positions. The player is higher, but lower than the combatant, and coupled with the transformed intelligence, if you extract another piece of silver equipment, you should be able to touch the threshold at the same time."

"Hey, strength and agility at the same time For the mage who has reached the limit threshold, I can blow more than half of the Legendary Grade powerhouse in close combat."

Rose's eyes continued to move down.

[Elemental Affinity lv5]

"Unexpectedly, it did not change from [Flame Affinity lv5] to [Flame Affinity lv6], but a comprehensive upgrade to elemental affinity! "

"This enhancement is a bit beautiful! This means I can try to control other elements?"

"[Spell Overload] No enhancement, this is expected, this ability The effect of is already against the sky, if you strengthen it again, I will swell!"

[Cui Demon Armed lv2]

At the cost of destroying a piece of equipment, extract one piece of equipment. The attribute of a piece of equipment is attached to the sorcerer. When the attribute lasts for twenty-four magic, there can only be two kinds of magic extraction effects at the same time

"The effect of [extraction magic weapon lv2] is directly doubled, The additional attributes and affixes of the two pieces of equipment seem to be pretty good, just a collection of good little top grades."

[blood light ring lv2]

20% The damage sucks blood.

"Not bad, this halo is damage vampire, not spell vampire, can I also enjoy melee combat?"

[Cold-blooded lv2]

You For every one percent reduction in your health, your damage will increase by three percent.

"Unexpected improvement, this skill is not weaker than [Spell Overload]. In the inferior battle, even It’s more powerful, and it’s even upgraded."

[Elemental Cell lv2]

Incorporate elemental power into each of your cells to improve your various secondary attributes.

"There is no detailed data description, but It shouldn't be bad."

[Fatal element lv2]

Element spell, 50% % Probability of causing a fatal blow, and the damage of the fatal blow is increased by 250%.

"This enhancement is very general. It only increases the damage of the fatal blow. It does not increase the probability of the fatal blow. According to my Non-Chief attribute, I always feel that this skill is a bit tasteless."

"[Magic Diversion] and [Magic Shield] are both non-upgradable skills, which is a pity."

Flashing, and finally landed on the task panel.

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