The doomsday train runs through the ruins of the doomsday, like an eraser, constantly erasing the hidden alien creatures and the advent trialist.

Circle after circle, one trip after another, under the sweep of the doomsday train, as long as you do not leave the ruins of the doomsday in time, no matter how hidden you are, you will be found by the doomsday train, and then Absorbed into the carriage.

In the swaying darkness, Rose woke up from a coma.

"Where is this?" Rose stared blankly at the darkness in front of him, felt the remaining tremor, and finally recalled what had happened to him.

"I seem to be swept away by the doomsday train?" Rose muttered to himself somewhat in disbelief.

"So, I'm on the doomsday train now? I didn't die on the spot?!"

In the darkness, a group of red flames suddenly lit up, and Rose turned into a burning fire After torch, he finally saw the surrounding scene clearly.

all around it is pitch black. This is a completely enclosed carriage. Except for the hard steel, there is not even a window. The trembling underneath is the doomsday train running, and Ross can even Hear the whistle wu wu.

"This is really a doomsday train!"

Rose's eyes widened and looked around, and found that apart from himself, he had never found a living thing.

The entire carriage is empty, with only one passenger!

"It turned out to be a special train, but the environment is a little worse."

The burning flames illuminate every corner of the train, and Rose finally found some other places near the back of the car. s things.

That is one after another stones of various shapes, and there are dozens of these stones stacked together.

Ross picked up a stone and observed it for a while, but did not find any abnormalities, until he clicked on the attribute panel, he discovered the true colors of these stones.

[heart core]

[Use: sacrifice]

[Note: This is a heart core from the mountain plane]

"Mountain plane?" Ross was taken aback for a moment, and then reacted.

This is not the heart core of the exotic creatures that are looking for!

"I said that no exotic creatures could be found. It turned out that they were all harvested by the Doomsday Train. Why are these exotic creatures so unlucky."

Rose said nothing, directly Put all the heart cores in the compartment into the bag, just to make up for the injured heart.

After scouring all the heart cores, Rose turned around and suddenly felt that there was something unusual in the carriage. Turning around, he saw a half-person-height alien animal corpse quietly appearing in the carriage. Above the floor.

"When did this appear again?"

Ross tentatively inspected the body of the alien animal, and found that its body still had residual heat, and there was no trace of wounds on its body.

If it weren't for the attribute panel to show that it was dead, Rose almost thought it was just asleep.

Under Rose’s gaze, the corpse of the alien beast melted quickly at a speed visible to naked eye, and the body seemed to evaporate out of thin air. In less than one minute, it turned into a cold heart core.

Ross picked up the heart core from the corpse of the alien animal and observed it carefully for a while before he put it in his bag.

Looking at the disappearance of the corpses of the alien beasts and the pile of heart cores of the alien beasts, Ross vaguely guessed the role of the doomsday train-that is, to clear the intruder.

Whether it is a trialist or a strange animal, to the ruins of the doomsday, they are all foreign invaders. Whenever the invaders reach a certain level, the doomsday train will appear and clear them all.

"The other intruders died when they came up. They were clearly killed by the plot. Then how did I survive? Is it just because I am more handsome?"

While pondering, Rose clicked on his own battle information panel, and after seeing a piece of battle information on it, he immediately eyes shrank.

[The fatal blow of the Doomsday Train causes you 100,000,000 damage (damage overflow)]

[You have suffered a fatal blow and your health is cleared]

[undying bird's heart is activated]

[your life value is restored to 50% of the maximum blood volume]

[undying bird's heart cooling remaining time, two Thirteen Magic Hours! 】

"I’m fucking your lungs! A whole hundred million damage plot kill, who can withstand this, if it’s not for the affix special effects of [undying bird heart], I’m so special. It's cold!"

Ross is a little afraid of patted chest. Just looking at the battle information is enough to clearly feel the thrill of dying at this time.

It wasn't until a few minutes later that Rose slowly calmed down from the fear of death.

"The plot kills didn’t kill me, so how should I leave this doomsday train."

"They all say that if there is a catastrophe, there must be a blessing, and my last blessing is Where, is it just some heart core?"

The sound of wu wu of the siren kept ringing, and the doomsday train was still running.

Ross suddenly thought of a question.

"The doomsday train does not always exist in the ruins of the doomsday. What will happen if it has not got off the train after it has been cleaned?"

"The final result of staying on the car, It is likely that it disappeared with the Doomsday Train, which seems to be the same as being killed by the plot."

"If you have been trapped here, it is better to be alive than to die!"

Consciousness After the situation was not safe, Rose began to think about ways to leave.

dong dong!

I tentatively knocked the train twice with my hand, and made two clear noises.

"The thickness of the carriage is average. If I shoot with all my strength, it should be able to penetrate it."

"The most dangerous part of the Doomsday Train is the plot killing during the capture. If there is no special Even the high lord would be killed by a single blow, so after capturing the prey, the strength of the carriage returned to normal."

"After all, this is just a Land of Trial, and the impossible appearance is far stronger than this. The existence of a map is the rule of every game."

"Of course, the world BOSS will have an energy level that is far beyond the current map. This should belong to a copy. World BOSS is impossible, even if it is special The hidden BOSS of the mechanism, the overall strength is also impossible and too abnormal."

"After all, it is only the first game version, and even the fortress war has not started yet. The power limit of the entire eternal continent is still the high lord. So this Doomsday Train It shouldn't be stronger than the Legendary Grade. At most, the mechanism is somewhat special. As long as it has survived the abnormal damage of the first wave of plot kills, the Doomsday Train should not be as terrifying as imagined!"

"So, it should not be an illusion that I can break the doomsday train car, it should not stop my attack, but if I destroy the doomsday train car, will I encounter another plot kill?"

"[undying bird heart] I am immune to the affix effect of lethal attacks, and there is a cooling time of 23 magic times. If there is another attack that overflows damage, I will really be cold..."

"At least wait until the cooldown is over, increase the chance of fault tolerance, and then try to leave."

After a while, Rose decided to wait a little longer. The twenty-three magic hours are just one day. Time is only, the doomsday train will not disappear in one day anyway.

As Ross waited uncomfortably, one day passed quickly. When the cooling time of [undying bird heart] immune to lethal attacks was zero, Ross felt that the courage returned to his body.

The sky is clear, the rain has stopped, and Rose feels like he is doing it again!

"I don't want to do it anymore! Start work! Work!"

The red flame burned again, filling the entire carriage.

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