Looking around, all the scenery that can be brought into the eye is transparent ice crystals. This is a special forest, and ice crystals are everything here.

The trees of ice crystals, the animals of ice crystals, the ground of ice crystals, the buildings of ice crystals, everything about ice crystals.

Even though I have been to the Ice Crystal Forest, after a long time, when I saw it again, Rose’s heart was still full of shock. This is a world created by magic, just like an exquisite handicraft.

"This is the ice crystal forest."

Kevin didn't know that Ross already knew the ice crystal forest very well, and he explained the situation of the ice crystal forest carefully to Ross.

"There is a very peculiar rule in this place. It will constantly erode any life entering this area, turning them into ice crystals like this."

" When we first stepped into the ice crystal forest, because we were not familiar with the rules here, many soldiers had turned into ice crystals and stayed here forever."

"Look over there." Kevin pointed not far A humanoid ice sculpture at the place.

"He was the first group of soldiers I brought into the ice crystal forest. After we discovered the anomaly, we tried to evacuate the ice crystal forest, but unfortunately he did not run out in the end."

"According to us According to the test, people of different strengths can withstand erosion to different degrees. Ordinary bronze soldiers, who stay here for no more than twelve spells in a row, will crystallize their bodies. Ordinary silver soldiers can persist for ten. Around six magic hours, you should step into this place on the first day. Don’t go too deep, to avoid untimely retreat after the body crystallizes."

Ross glanced at his information panel, and there were so many on it. A crystallization progress bar was displayed, but the crystallization speed was very slow, and it was less than one percent for the time being.

The crystallization speed of the ice crystal forest is inversely proportional to the strength of the individual. Rose estimated that with his own strength, the crystallization progress will advance by 5% with each magic. It doesn't mean that he can maintain complete battle strength for twenty hours inside.

Actually, the crystallization here will slowly reduce the battle strength. It is like a weak debuff. Every time the body crystallization level increases by one percent, the strength will be weakened by one percent. When the degree of crystallization exceeds 80%, it will even affect the release of magic and Battle Qi.

Before the degree of crystallization reaches 100%, as long as you leave the area covered by the rules, the degree of crystallization will slowly decline. Once the degree of crystallization reaches 100%, it means that you are completely assimilated by the rules here. There is no longer a chance to leave.

According to what the player said, this dungeon is actually a racing dungeon. If it cannot be opened within the specified time, it can only be destroyed.

"After many years of exploration, we found that the heart of the shelter can be used to shield the power of crystallization. Legion’s advance base set up here before used the heart of the shelter to shield the power of crystallization. Li, in order to establish a forward base here, we fought a few battles with the crystallized creatures inside, and finally gained a firm foothold. With our evacuation, the forward base was also breached by the crystallized creatures, and we need to rebuild in there. Establish a forward base." Kevin said.

Ross is nodded, the scope of the ice crystal forest is too large, and the powerful ice crystal giant turtle is entrenched in the depths of the forest. If there is no suitable forward base as a springboard, they will crystallize when they see the ice crystal giant turtle. It is enough to weaken nearly half of the strength, unable to fight at all, and can only retreat immediately, and also pray that there will be no obstacles from ice crystal creatures on the way to retreat, otherwise there is a danger of being completely crystallized.

Kevin took out a prismatic crystal, exuding silver brilliance in the palm of his hand.

"This time I carried the heart of a shelter with me, we can build a temporary foothold nearby, and wait for you to get acquainted with the environment here, and then we can move in."

Kevin asked for Rose's opinion in a questioning tone.

"No need!" Ross shook the head, "The heart of the sanctuary is too slow to accumulate energy. If you build a temporary foothold here, at least seven days will be wasted. I suggest going directly to the abandoned forward base. "

As for the ice crystal forest, Rose knows no less than Kevin. He is already thinking about whether he can use the two months of rest to kill the giant ice crystal turtle. The task of [Occupy the Ice Crystal Forest] has been completed.

For Rose's proposal, Kevin did not object. With the strength of their three people, as long as they don't provoke the giant ice crystal turtle, the only thing this ice crystal forest threatens them is the power of crystalization.

After unifying their opinions, the three of them continued to walk into the depths of the ice crystal forest, and Kevin suddenly said.

"Ross, do you know why Corps Head threw you into the ice forest?"

"Block the news and exercise your strength at the same time." Rose said.

Legion is crowded with people and there must be spies lurking in Red Maple Legion. Only the forbidden area of ​​life in the ice crystal forest can completely eliminate the existence of spies. Ross naturally thought of Ossirian. the goal of.

"That's only part of the reason." Kevin shook the head said: "In this battle, although Legion wiped out the poison insect cave in the drama, and repelled the Red Maple Legion's offensive, he suffered from death. And equipped with [Burning Guard] has almost emptied Legion’s inventory."

"Legion’s previous main source of income was mainly from several forward bases in the Ice Crystal Forest, which was exchanged for [Ice Crystal Essence] A large amount of funds, now that the forward base here has been withdrawn, Legion’s income has been greatly reduced, and it is no longer able to afford large-scale battles."

"In the decisive battle two months later, if Legion wants to equip enough [Burning Guard] Not only does the No. 1 laboratory have to work overtime for production, Legion’s military budget gap is the biggest difficulty. Even if the military budget for next year is overdrawn, it may not be able to solve Legion’s current predicament."

Kevin was very straightforward, and Rose reacted instantly. Ossirian used them as coolies to mine and subsidize Legion's expenses.

"In fact, if you want to solve the military difficulty, you don't need to be so troublesome." Ross said with a smile.

"Do you have a way?" Kevin was taken aback, and Legion's military expenditure was not a small figure.

A huge Legion of thousands of people, whether it is daily consumption, armament maintenance, alchemy equipment replacement, or battle death compensation, it needs to consume a large amount of Gold Coin and resources, although the merits of the system are alleviated A lot of pressure, but the Seventh Army’s battle deaths and injuries this time are too heavy. The gains from the poison insect cave in the drama can’t make up for the huge shortfall in pension funds. If it weren’t for Legion’s emergency allocation of funds, the Seventh Army would probably not be able to unravel. NS.

"Have you forgotten the existence of foreigners! Not only can they act as cannon fodder in the battle, but the Gold Coins in their pockets are also abundant!"

Ross leaked a mysterious If it weren't for completing the mission of "Break Down Red Maple Legion", I wouldn't tell the average person the secret of making a fortune.

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