
The chilled big sword slashed on the arthropod of the poisonous weaver Skitzger with a loud bang.

Pandora flew away, but the power of Calamity Chill stayed, and madly poured into the body of the poisonous weaver Skitzger.

The light blue frost spread in the body, freezing the flesh and blood crazily, and the poisonous weaver. Skitzger can't break free from the control of the disaster and cold, and a golden long spear rushes into the body. Into the line of sight.

The fatal crisis immediately shrouded in the heart of the poisonous weaver.

"Kulina!" Skitzger, the poisonous weaver, let out a roar for help.

The huge octopus, riddled with scars, rushed from the lava to the venomous weaver Skitzger.

"I'll stop them!"

Two thick fleshy whiskers with burning lava drew towards Pandora and Holy Lance. Kevin respectively.


Pandora, who charged again, was instantly swept away by Scarlet Insect Adept Kulina's tentacles, but Holy Lance stabbed the poisonous weaver Skitzger in the head first.


The huge force suddenly pressed down, and the venomous weaver Skitzger’s arthropod knelt, and his hard head was directly pressed to the ground. A shattered pit was knocked out on the ground.


Holy lance. Kevin loudly shouts, and the long spear in his hand suddenly pressed down to prevent the poisonous weaver Sjitzger from having a chance to turn over.

The tentacles of the scarlet Insect Adept wrapped around the long spear and shrank suddenly, but instead of pulling out the long spear, they used their strength to detach the huge body from the depths of the lava.

Battle Qi blooms on the long spear, burning the tentacles engulfing the gun body with chi chi, scarlet Insect Adept, but the ninja does not let go, taking advantage of the poisonous weaver. At the moment Geer could not turn over, another tentacles protruded like lightning, and reached through the hole that Rose blasted out of his back.

The creeping tentacles have a high temperature comparable to lava. After piercing into the body of the poisonous weaver Skitzger, they rammed inside, wringing the fragile internal organs into a pile of broken pieces of meat.


The poisonous weaver. Skitzger let out a stern wailing, how he didn't expect Scarlet Insect Adept. Kulina He even dared to break his oath, and suddenly shot him!


Under the collapsed insect nest, a blazing flame suddenly spewed out, like the breath of a flame giant dragon, submerging the scarlet Insect Adept. Kulin in the flame. middle.

The beaten Pandora charged again, and the sharp two-handed sword fell from the sky and pierced straight into the body of the scarlet Insect Adept. Kulina, setting one of his tentacles to death on the ground.

The long spear in Kevin’s hand also got rid of the shackles of the tentacles. The golden Battle Qi bloomed like the sun. Kevin stepped out, and the void trembled fiercely, carrying the huge rock of the insect nest parent body. It cracked quickly, the rocks on the edge collapsed suddenly, and the large stones fell off and fell into the lava, igniting large lava flames.

The golden light overflowing long spear suddenly stabs forward, and it seems that there is a thunder explosion. Under the huge Battle Qi fluctuations, the body of the scarlet Insect Adept fluctuates like water ripples, and the long spear has not yet arrived. , Tenacious's skin has cracked wounds, enough to see the horror of this spear.

In the next instant, the void was pierced.

Kevin’s shot directly pierced the scarlet Insect Adept. Kulina’s flexible body, the long spear went on, and at the same time pierced the scarlet Insect Adept that was wrapped in the remaining poisonous Weaver. Skitzger.

Golden Battle Qi penetrates the bodies of the Legendary Grade powerhouses of two insect races and sets them on the ground at the same time.

Not far away, Kane had already rushed, and the compound eyes of the poisonous weaver Skitzger were full of despair.

"Lava burst!"

Ross punched again, this time, Rose directly risked the blood volume below the kill line, [cold blood] damage bonus Reached the extreme.

This burning lava Fireball, like a flaming meteorite across the sky, the extinguished sun fell, and flew to the entangled scarlet Insect Adept. Kulina and drama with a wave of destructive energy. Poison Weaver. Skitzger.

"This lava Fireball!"

Scarlet Insect Adept. Kulina’s body trembled violently, and his life instinct made him feel a fatal crisis. A body can bathe in lava, but facing the flying lava Fireball, he still feels the danger of death. This is due to the instinct of the insect race that has not been completely cut off.

This Fireball contains a power to destroy the insect race!

The poisonous weaver. Skitzger's body suddenly stiffened. It seems that the deadly vitals of his body have been destroyed, but a ray of rays burst out of the scarlet Insect Adept. Kulin’s tiny eyes. of light, he finally found what he wanted, and found the poisonous weaver. Skitzger's other half of the creation fragment hidden in his body.

The tentacles covered with broken flesh and blood suddenly recovered from the poisonous weaver Skitzger's body, and then dived into the lava.


The burning lava exploded on Crimson Insect Adept. Kulina, and the flame of destruction was like a huge flame furnace, and the scarlet Insect Adept. Kulin That was all wrapped up with the poisonous weaver Skitzger.

In the blazing flames, the poisonous weaver Skitzger uttered the last cry of pain. His body was severely damaged and could no longer withstand the damage of the flame. This drama poison insect The ruler of the cave, this Legendary Grade insect race that had fought against the Seventh Army for several years, finally came to an end in the flames of Rose.

With the death of the poisonous weaver Skitzger, all the insect race soldiers who were still fighting the Legion warrior stiffened and fell to the ground like wood, losing The breath of life.

The chaotic battlefield was instantly ended.

The body of Scarlet Insect Adept is still firmly nailed to the rock by Pandora's great sword full of disaster and cold, and the overflowing lance of golden light, despite his desperate squirming, he still can't get rid of it. The two jointly suppressed.

The flames of destruction scorched his huge body ruthlessly, sending out bursts of foul smell.


Half of the tentacles that took the creation fragments from the poisonous weaver Skitzger’s body, suddenly broke from the scarlet Insect Adept Kulina’s body and fell directly into the tumbling body. In the lava, there was no trace. At the same time, the huge burning body stopped struggling and lost the breath of life.


Ross glanced at the battle information.

【You kill Scarlet Insect Adept. Kulina's Avatar and get a Legendary Grade Silver Treasure Chest. 】

This big octopus that was killed turned out to be another Avatar!

Ross glanced at the lava Fire Pond. The shadow of the broken tentacles was completely lost inside. The scarlet Insect Adept. Kulin’s real body, apparently hidden from everyone, has been hidden in the lava. In, his purpose is from the beginning to the end of the creation fragments in the venomous weaver. Skitzger's body. After losing two powerful Avatars, he finally got what he wanted.

Kane also came to the huge corpse of the insect nest mother. He glanced at the corpse of the venomous weaver Skitzger, and finally sighed in relief.

Since staying at the poison insect cave, Kane has been looking forward to the day when the worm cave can be completely wiped out. Until this moment, he saw the collapsed insect nest matrix and the poisonous weaver who lost his life characteristics. Skirtsgel, he still had a sense of unreality, as if he couldn't believe it was over.

"The drama poison insect cave was finally wiped out, but it was a pity that Blood Shadow Amis escaped." Kane said.

"Scarlet Insect Adept. Kulina is still alive." Ross said.

Seeing the puzzled eyes of the two Corps Heads, Rose shook the head and said: "This big octopus is the same as the scarlet Insect Adept outside the pass. It is only Kurinna’s Avatar, his body I have been hiding in the lava, and now I have left with the creation fragments."

"Four Legendary Grade insect races, two of them escaped. There are still some hidden dangers!" Kane sighed.

Ross said with a smile: "It doesn't matter if he escapes a few, we win. The spoils of war in this battle are still very rich. You are optimistic about this corpse."

After finishing speaking, Rose turned and squeezed into the collapsed insect nest. After several minutes, a flame burned through the squeezed flesh wall, and Rose walked out of it holding a huge white dome.

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