Ross feels the power of the black flame. Various negative states are fused in the flame, and there is a strange power.

"Although it is disgusting, the formidable power is really good!"

Until the scarlet Insect Adept came back to his senses from the astonishment, Pandora's two-handed sword suddenly cut out A sharp sword qi.

The breath of the disaster of cold congealed, and the temperature of all around dropped abruptly, until the air that the scarlet Insect Adept. Kurin breathed condensed with hoarfrost.

Faced with Pandora's fierce beheading, Scarlet Insect Adept made a scream, and the left hand joint suddenly became extremely thick. At the joint, a stubborn bone spur broke out, like a sharp claw of a predator. , Never see the palm of Human Race again.


Bone claws squeezed the cut sword qi and squeezed it hard, and the battle Qi condensed by the cold of disaster unexpectedly burst into pieces in his hands.

Pan Lado stepped forward, and violent power poured into the earth. The rock under the scarlet Insect Adept shattered and pierced the soil sharply, piercing out against the scarlet Insect Adept.

The scarlet insect race also stomped on two ground thorns that broke out of the ground with one foot. A circle of dark red impacts suddenly spread from under the feet, and the rocky ground was suddenly strengthened by strength. , Become as firm as steel essence.

The subsequent ground spikes were all sealed under the ground, unable to penetrate the power of the scarlet Insect Adept, and broke out of the ground.

A dark burning flame came quietly.

Scarlet Insect Adept is well aware of the power of these negative states, so he dared not step hard, crossed his hands in the void, and ten criss-crossed scarlet lines appeared in the air.

When the rancid black flame touches the scarlet lines, it is like butter cut by a sharp tool. It instantly all splits up and in pieces. The broken flame crosses the lines to form a grid, and is quickly covered by the scarlet lines. It was absorbed, as if there was a bottomless void behind those scarlet lines, swallowing all the flames.

Whether it is Rose at this moment, or Pandora, who has awakened [disaster] inheritance, both are far beyond the ordinary silver level. However, Scarlet Insect Adept can still calmly one against two, and this is still Just an Avatar.

"Is this the power of the Legendary Grade powerhouse?"

Ross has a rough estimate of his power level in his heart. He can easily deal with several silver levels, but the distance Legendary Grade, there is still an insurmountable gap, even if you join forces with Pandora, you can barely resist.

Legendary Grade is a huge threshold. In this version, the dividing line of high-end battle strength and other silver levels is Legendary Grade. The difference in strength between each other even exceeds the bronze and silver levels. .

Pandora was cut with another sword, and was blocked by Scarlet Insect Adept. The two sides seemed to be evenly matched, but this situation was extremely unfavorable to the Seventh Army.

On the other side of the pass, with the poisonous weaver Skitzger joining the battle, not only Kane and Kevin are at a disadvantage, but the damage rate of the [Burning Guard] has also increased significantly. Although they killed a larger number of insect races, the strength of the insect race still occupies the upper hand.

The player’s battle strength is gradually weakened as the poison mist becomes thicker and thicker. Dark iron players will not enter the battlefield for more than 30 seconds, and their blood will be emptied by the ubiquitous poisonous cloud. , Bronze level players, but can hold 3 minutes.

Most of the two thousand elite silver soldiers have fallen into a poisoned state. Although the poisoned state is not too deep, because the components of the purification array are dragged by the scarlet Insect Adept, their casualties are rapidly expanding Once the disadvantages accumulate to a certain critical point, Legion’s will be completely defeated.

The completion rate of the mission of [Exterminate the Wormhole] has reached 40%. As long as you kill any Legendary Grade powerhouse, you can submit the mission to complete. The task has been paid so much, and this has contributed to today's battle, whether it is for Legion or for himself, he will not allow this war to collapse.

"Start a feast of fury!" Ross loudly shouted.

Pandora's gaze condensed, and he decisively obeyed Luo Se's order, and activated the ultimate power of [Lightforged Set]-Feast of Fury.

The raging cold of disaster spread around Pandora, vaguely condensing the illusory shadow of a long-haired woman crying with a low headache, and a suppressed cry came from the void, intermittently falling into each one. In human ears.

At the moment of seeing the crying woman illusory shadow, the scarlet Insect Adept pupil suddenly shrinks, and the black flame condenses to the extreme, as if seeing something terrifying existence.

Scarlet Insect Adept opened his mouth and tremblingly spit out a name that once brought endless disaster and bad luck to the insect race-Demoness!

The fearful memories deliberately buried in Scarlet Insect Adept's heart are awakened little by little by the illusory shadow of this crying woman.

No matter how he belittles [Demoness], when he sees this illusory shadow, he still feels the deep fear from [Demoness].

Although the previous [Demoness] was eaten by them, it does not mean that [Demoness] is weak. In fact, she is one of the few that brought endless fear to the insect race. Human Race.

Countless ordinary insect races have become ice sculptures without life force without resistance under the cold of disasters, and even three Legendary Grade insect races have been [Demoness of disasters] independent Kill.

Finally, if it weren’t for the insect race High Priest to set up a trap, the roar of the giant dragon and the lord of the blood feast insect nest, and three extremely powerful insect race powerhouses, would finally capture this terrible [ Demoness].

She is the calamity of all insect races, except for the strong existence that is feared and respected by the entire insect race and Demon Race-Elemental Catastrophe Annabel, [Demoness] is in In the memory of Scarlet Insect Adept, they are definitely among the top three powerful enemies.

This terrifying existence, which was once eaten by their mouths, appeared again before his eyes.

On the other side of the pass, several Legendary Grade powerhouses who were fighting also heard this depressed cry.

The expressions of the three insect race powerhouses suddenly changed, and the eight compound eyes of the poisonous weaver Skitzger suddenly burst into a black light, which came to the voice from a distance. The direction looked past.


A name that made them fearful, and at the same time it appeared in the depths of memory.

"Pandora is starting to work hard!" Kane and Kevin glanced at each other, and a hint of shock also appeared in their eyes.

Pandora suddenly lifted the head, blue frost spread from the depths of her eyes, and soon covered her black pupils, her eyes seemed to become a pair of blue gems without emotion, clear The reflection shows the silhouette of Scarlet Insect Adept.

[Light Cast Set] The blooming white rays of light, as if stained with blue fuel, quickly turned into a frosty blue.

Looking at Pandora's cold eyes, a chill of fear suddenly appeared in Scarlet Insect Adept's heart.


Pandora’s silhouette suddenly became blurred and disappeared from the place. When she reappeared, she had already reached the front of Scarlet Insect Adept. She raised her two-handed swords abruptly. The sword fell.

The air wave empties, the void oscillates, and the frost condenses, as if the endless cold of disaster has transformed into layers of illusory shadow, covering the entire area in front.

This sword is like a polar glacier appearing out of thin air, Heaven and Earth reversed it, vowing to crush the scarlet Insect Adept completely.

This is already a complete Legendary Grade power!

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