The echoes of the poisonous weaver Skitzger roar traveled back and forth in the depths of the wormhole. For a time, the morale of the insect race was greatly boosted, and Legion's fighting spirit inevitably dropped by a few points.

Seeing the low morale, Kane suddenly roared, and the golden Battle Qi bloomed far from him, illuminating almost every corner of the cave.

"Today, we will completely wipe out the poison insect cave!"

Kane's roar instantly overwhelmed the poisonous weaver. Skitzger's roar.

The morale of all Legion soldiers was boosted, and they shouted at the same time in the center of the battlefield.

"Exterminate insect race!"

"Exterminate insect race!"

"Exterminate insect race!"


The battle has become more and more fierce. With the participation of the poisonous weaver Skitzger, more and more insect races are coming from the depths of the darkness, far exceeding Kane’s expectations. .

Kane suddenly realized that Skitzger, the Toxic Weaver, had already had the strength to lay down the last two forward bases. He just kept hiding his strength. Until today, it showed its hideousness. Fang, the two thousand elite soldiers who wanted to swallow Legion in one bite.

If it weren't for the help of foreigners and [Burning Guard], Legion simply won't be defeated in this battle.

The black insect race army rushed over.

"Kill them all!"

Kane gave an order, and the remaining 500 Burning Guards rushed into the battlefield at the same time, and the Legion soldiers guarding the pass also rushed out. It blocked the pace of insect race's offensive.

Kevin's long spear picks it up, and the sharp tip of the gun points directly at the venomous weaver Szigger covered by the poison mist.

"Since the Toxic Weaver Skitzger has appeared, we will first solve him and hide the Scarlet Insect Adept. Kulina will be solved by Rose and Pandora."

Kane was nodded, the shield in his hand suddenly lifted, and he actually took the lead in attacking. Under the golden Battle Qi, Kane, like a golden sun, suddenly slammed into the one-eyed Moam who was also ready to go.

Kevin then fought with a gun, and a golden bolt of lightning pierced directly against the compound eyes of the poisonous weaver Skitzger.

The two selected their opponents, the neglected blood shadow. Not only did Amis not get angry, but instead took two steps back quietly, turning into a erratic blood shadow, faintly discernible in the center of the battlefield of both sides, Back to the assassin combat style again.

Scarlet Insect Adept. Kurinna’s black armored soldier disguised slowly passed through the pass and came to the place where the Array Master was laying the purification array.

All the Formation crystals have been laid. Only the last auxiliary parts need to be built. Dozens of Legion soldiers who were seriously injured and poisoned are lying on the ground, most of them have fallen into a coma. Among.

Several medical soldiers used bandages and alchemy potions to help the wounded soldiers treat their wounds. As for the poisoned soldiers, the antidote potions configured by Legion have very limited effects. They come from the poisonous weaver. Skitzger. Toxins can only be dealt with by purifying the array, and ordinary detoxification agents are completely unable to fight his poison mist.

Scarlet Insect Adept. Kulin’s gaze swept across, except for the soldiers who were wounded and unconscious, all the soldiers in the pass were busy racing against the clock, purifying the array every minute, there would be a few A wounded and poisoned soldier died on the battlefield.

Several throbbing players did not enter the battlefield on the other side of the pass, but constantly harassed the Array Master who built the array and the wounded soldiers on this side.

"This brother, do you need my help? I have an ancestral healing medicine here!"

"This brother, you are already injured, can this sword Let me use it first, I will cut a few insect races and return it to you!"

"Brother, do you want to write a suicide note? My writing thief is good!"

"No Write a suicide note? Then you can rest assured, the sister-in-law will be taken care of by me!"

Many wounded soldiers have been harassed by the players and are unbearable, if not Severely injured and unable to perform vigorously, they had already shot this group of players to death.


A bronze assassin walked to the side of Scarlet Insect Adept. Kulina, he patted Kulina's shoulder.

"This big brother, you have a good leather armor! I have a bottle of top grade potion here, which is very effective for your injuries. Can't you change it?"

Scarlet Insect Adept. Kurinna lowered his head and said nothing.

"Why are you not talking? Is there something unspeakable? I think there are bloodstains between your legs. Is it hurt here? Don’t worry. I also have a box of sacred oil here. After taking it, I promise It can let you rejuvenate the man's glory!"

Scarlet Insect Adept. Kulina shook the head, seems to want to drive away this noisy player.

The bronze player sighed, comforting patted scarlet Insect Adept. Kulin’s shoulder was about to flicker the next wounded person. Suddenly he pressed his palm on Kurinna. The palm of his shoulder stiffened, and then he trembled slightly. stand up.

Scarlet Insect Adept. Kulina secretly thought a bad sound, he lifts the head, only saw the bronze assassin, his eyes were wide open, full of excitement, as if he had found a treasure. !

Before Scarlet Insect Adept. Kulina shot, the bronze assassin suddenly howled in excitement.

"Fuck! I found a hidden insect race boss!"

The sound of the bronze assassin was loud, and under the sudden howl, not only the surrounding players , Even the mage who arranged the purification array suddenly lifted the head.

Scarlet Insect Adept. Kulina complexion turned cold, one hand penetrated the chest of screaming assassin like a knife, crushed his heart in one hand, and the assassin turned into a white light and dissipated away.

An invisible blood mist diffused from the body of Scarlet Insect Adept. Kulina, and quickly spread all around, covering a large area in an instant.

The player with the weakest strength turns into white light and dissipates at the moment of exposure to blood mist.

The diffuse scarlet blood mist is like a living thing, covering every seriously injured comatose soldier. It penetrates into the body from their nostrils, mouths, and wounds, sucking their blood crazily.

The soldiers under the envelope of blood mist become dry and shriveled at the speed visible to naked eye, just like a skeleton with all the flesh and blood drawn.

A circle of lightning that pierced the body of a lightning mage suddenly swept away, sweeping away the surrounding scarlet blood mist.

"Hurry and stop him! He is Scarlet Insect Adept. Kulina, he is absorbing the flesh and blood of the wounded!"

The Thunder Mage Angry Roar, while the whole body is full of magic power, white The electric light walked around him like a lightning snake.

"Lightning hell!"

Endless white lightning gushes from the end of his wand, frantically spreading to all around, sweeping the scarlet Insect Adept. Kulin’s place The released scarlet blood mist.

Where the white lightning snake passed, the scarlet blood mist rolled violently, and the two completely different forces continued to collide, confront, and then disappear.

The white lightning snake released by the lightning hell is only less than five meters away from the whole body of the lightning mage, and it is annihilated under the erosion of the scarlet blood mist.

The rest of the Array Masters made their moves one after another. No matter it was fire, frost or lightning, none of the spells could penetrate the block of blood mist and hit the scarlet Insect Adept. Kulina who was slowly standing up.

"jié jié jié jié! Your flesh and blood are the source of my strength!"

Scarlet Insect Adept. Kulina laughed wildly in the middle of the blood mist, blood The mist grew thicker and thicker, until he couldn't see his silhouette at all.

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