With the destruction of the sub-insect nest, Kane has opened up a third forward base deep in the cave. When Ross and Pandora returned, the wizard of Legion was arranging a brand new purification array to fight the insect race frontally. , Making final preparations.

As Rose destroyed more and more insect nests, Rose’s status in the camp is getting higher and higher, and he has become the second only to Kane Deputy Corps Head.

After listening to Rose’s report on the battle, Kane couldn’t help shook the head: "Ross, you have been too desperate during this time."

"You have destroyed ten Two insect nests, this record has surpassed the advancement base of the entire worm cave, just destroy the merits of the insect nest, you already have 240,000, plus the insect race killed 80,000, [battlefield maintenance robot] earns The 30,000 you took, as well as the 100,000 merit award allocated by Corps Head, your merits have exceeded 300,000, and you can advance to R12."

"Only 400,000 merits, far away from the high-ranking warlord. , It's still six hundred thousand short." Rose shrugged. "I guess that even if the wormholes are wiped out, they won't be able to gather so many merits. You have to completely defeat the Red Maple Legion."

Kane watched Rose pretendingly in silence.

You are a bronze mage, where did you come from such a big tone!

The Seventh Army has suppressed the poisonous for so many years, it has not been able to wipe out the wormholes, and even been attacked by the insect race.

"If there is a decisive battle with the insect race, how many troops can Legion send?" Ross suddenly asked.

"Two thousand!" Kane paused, seeing Rose's expression unchanged, then continued: "All are silver-level elite soldiers."

Ross Nodded, most players have grown up, and many players have even completed advanced missions in Hard Mode. They have exchanged some equipment in Legion, and they can completely fight the bronze insect race head-on one-on-one.

Bronze level insect race can be completely handed over to players. They can even deal with part of the silver insect race with [Burning Puppet]. Two thousand silver soldiers are enough to defeat the main force of the insect race frontally. .

Kane took down a sign symbolizing the sub-insect nest on the magic sandbox, and then said:

"In order to settle the War General wormhole, Legion when the time comes will completely abandon the base of the ice crystal forest, withdraw all the troops back, holy lance. Kevin will also enter the crypt and join us."

"The two of us can hold the one-eyed. Moam, Bloodshadow Amis, and Scarlet Insect Adept. Cullin, the poisonous weaver Skitzger can only rely on you."

Rossbrows Slightly wrinkle, there are four insects in the cave, Legendary Grade insect race, Legendary Grade’s battle strength, you can only use Legendary Grade’s battle strength to fight, even if Legion’s strength is dominant, if Legendary Grade’s battle strength is only half of the opponent’s battle strength This battle is bound to be very difficult, and the casualties of other soldiers may be very heavy.

"Corps Head and Deputy Captain Gracie won't come over?"

"They still have to deal with the Red Maple Legion attack." Kane's tone was paused and said with a serious expression. .

"The news of the Seventh Army's large-scale decisive battle in the poison insect cave of the drama must not be concealed by Red Maple Legion. They will inevitably attack on a large scale. Once our frontline shows a decline, Red Maple Legion is very likely to take advantage of the victory and pursue the attack. At Legion, if the Blair hills are defeated, even if our side wins, the Seventh Army will also lose."

"So Ossirian Corps Head and Gracie must stay in Blair. The hills, in response to the Red Maple Legion’s attack, we must prepare for a two-line battle."

Kane dropped a magic marker on the location of the wormhole pass. That was the first time that Legion interacted with the insect. In the place where the race was in front of a large-scale battle, the battle was extremely tragic. The poisonous weaver Schitzger and Scarlet Insect Adept personally guarded the pass, and they were still almost breached by Legion's last line of defense. In the end, if it wasn't for Cyclops. Mo With the sudden appearance of Eminem and Blood Shadow Amis, Poison Insect Cave in the drama has probably been wiped out.

That battle became a turning point in the battle between Legion and insect race. The heavy loss of Legion, coupled with the absence of Legendary Grade battle strength, kept Legion at a disadvantage for a long time, even advancing to the base. Several were forced to give up.

"After the start of the war, Kevin and I will guard the pass and separate the insect race inside and outside the pass. You and Pandora will lead a team to wipe out all the insect race outside the pass, and then we will work together to deal with the inside. "Insect race."

"The two of us are fighting against four Legendary Grade insect races at the same time. We can only insist on one magic hour at most. After one magic hour, you must lead the subsequent troops to the pass to meet us. Convergence."

"No problem." Ross nodded, "The insect nest outside the pass has lost nearly half. I joined forces with Pandora, and one hour is enough to destroy the remaining insect nest."

Once the pass is blocked, with the strength of Rose and Pandora, facing the sub-insect nest is completely crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood, and it will not take much time to destroy it.

Kane and Kevin, the two deputy Corps Heads, are two biological brothers. They passed the trial in the Eternal Land at the same time, and obtained the titles of Sacred Lance and Sacred Shield respectively. The strength of the joint is far better than the others, which is also where the two of them dare to defend a magic in the pass.

Kevin looked at Rose suddenly.

"After confluence, I need you two to join forces to hold the Toxic Weaver Skitzgerl, arrange and purify the array for our Array Master. Delay enough time, can you do it."

Although [Burning Guardian] and other people do not need the support of the purification array, the main force of this battle is still the two thousand silver soldiers of Legion. Only after the purification array is erected, the two thousand Only the soldiers can resist the poison mist attack from the poisonous weaver Skitzger, otherwise even if the huge wormhole can be taken, the two thousand elite soldiers will suffer heavy losses, which is definitely not the result that Kane wants to see.

"How many [Burning Guards] will we have when we go to war?" Rose asked.

The test results of Lab No. 1 have come out. [Burning Guardian] has excellent combat data. Although it is only a bronze rank, it has a special attribute, plus it is not afraid of life or death, and is not afraid of poison mist. The characteristics make [Burning Guard] no weaker than ordinary silver soldiers in the frontal battlefield of the wormhole. The only drawback is that the production cost is not low, but for the Fortress of Hope, paying a little material price in exchange for the destruction of a wormhole is absolutely Value for money.

"Lab One originally only promised 1,000 [Burning Guards]. After your last toss, Cass took the initiative to increase this number by 50%. When the war started, At least one thousand and five hundred [Burning Guards] can be equipped."

Ross tapped a few fingers next to the magic sandbox, and quickly calculated the strength of the two sides, although the Legendary Grade The battle strength is relatively weak, but the other forces Legion has an absolute advantage.

"As long as you can hold several Legendary Grades of the Insect Race, other troops can completely crush the Insect Race. Wait until all the low-level troops of the Insect Race are wiped out. Don't even try to flee for these Legendary Grades. "

Kane confidently said: "In this battle, I want Toxic Weaver Skirtsger, Scarlet Insect Adept. Kulina, Bloodshadow Amis, One-Eyed .Moam is all strangled in the wormhole, and they will never have a chance to escape."

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