Firost coughed up hot black blood and tried to fly away from Rose's attack range.

"Want to go!"

Rose's eyes were cold, and the silhouette suddenly disappeared from the place, and then condensed not far behind Firost.

Under the repeated bombing just now, the entire passage was filled with burning lava. Using flames to shuttle, Rose could easily appear anywhere in the passage.

The fiery flames condensed again, and Firost turned around abruptly. The dagger in his hand was like a Poison Dragon, slamming into Rose's heart!

There was a madness in Firost’s eyes, the crystal core heart in his body heated up rapidly, and Battle Qi surged out like a tide, forming a ferocious snake-shaped illusory shadow on the dagger.

Faced with Firost’s counterattack, Rose was expressionless and pressed with one hand, pressing the lava Fireball in his hand on Firost’s body.

After many times of magic blood conversion, Rose’s mana value is still at full value, but his health value is reduced to only half. The blessing of the [cold blood] effect increases the formidable power of lava bursting. Doubled.


The moment the dagger pierced the magic shield, the lava Fireball burst on Firost’s body at the same time.

The dissipated lava is like a wave, rushing to all directions, turning the place where the two of them are, into a land of lava.

Feroster's blood volume dropped again, leaving only nearly one third blood volume.

Ross glanced at the mana that had been cut by nearly half, and his heart was beating wildly. After giving up the speed advantage, Firost’s attack was obviously much stronger, and even a single blow could cause it. Ten thousand points of damage.

If the effect of [Flame Counterattack] is not strong enough, as long as Firost gets close, he will not even have the opportunity to resist, and can only rely on the flame to escape.

The charred Firost coughed up a mouthful of black blood again. After continuous heavy injuries, he could no longer escape, leaving only a bloody fight to the end.

From Firost’s eyes, Rose saw the tragic perish together.

Rose's silhouette suddenly disappeared from Firost and appeared not far from the cave. After the magic blood shunt once again filled the magic value, Rose's blood volume also dropped to a dangerous point.

Although the magic penetration is sufficient to break Firost’s defenses, the extremely high magic resistance still weakens nearly half of the formidable power of spell, allowing Rose to absorb a very limited amount of blood each time.

After the magic power was refilled, Rose shuttled and approached Firost again. Facing enemies with this speed, Rose could only be sure of hitting by casting spells at close range.

Fairost grinned suddenly when facing Rose approaching again.

"If you join my Demon Race, accept the abyss baptism, with your strength it is very possible to please the abyss and become a Royal Family! Are you really unmoved?"

Ross sneaked: "I have no interest in being a puppet of the abyss!"

"Lava burst!"

Ross punched again, this time Firost was No need to flash, just use your chest to greet Rose's flame fist.

The moment the lava Fireball burst, Firost suddenly threw away the dagger in his hand, grabbed Rose's burning right hand with both hands, and cracked a cruel smile at the corner of his mouth.

Rose eyes shrank, the lava Fireball burst into the body of Firost like a whale absorbing water.

All the Battle Qi and fiery flame elements poured back into Firost’s crystal nucleus heart and merged to form an extremely violent force!

"Then let's die together!"

Firost angry roar, the crystal core heart in his body shattered suddenly, turning into one after another violent energy turbulence swept wildly Open.


The turbulent flow of destructive energy sweeps everything, the burning flame is extinguished by the sweeping energy, the blazing lava is forced away by the shock wave, and the rocks around the two are scouring with energy Below, it instantly turned into a gray powder and rushed towards the two ends of the cave. The walls of the cave seemed to have been scraped off by an invisible force, leaving a layer of almost crystalline stone wall.

After the aftermath is gone, Rose and Firost still maintain the posture before the explosion, like a stone sculpture, motionless.

There was silence in the cave, and it was only a few seconds later that the silence was broken, and Firost heard an unwilling sigh.

ka-cha! ka-cha!

Firost’s body seemed to have turned into broken porcelain. One after another cracks appeared on the surface of his body. The cracks spread to the whole body like a spider web, and the broken traces can be seen in the depths of his pupils.

A breeze blew by, and Firost’s body was like a sand sculpture, drifting away with the wind, leaving no trace.

It wasn't until Firost disappeared that Rose suddenly spits out one mouthful of impure air.

"This kind of self-destruct formidable power is too terrifying!"

Ross glanced at the battle information panel with lingering fear, and Firost’s final self-destruct caused extremely terrifying Mixed damage.

If it were not for the existence of the magic shield, he would have been annihilated in the energy of the explosion just like Firost.

This time the tragic self-destruct is the highest damage Ross has suffered so far, close to 30,000 points of terror damage. Even the wizard of Legendary Grade, if caught off guard, will be hit hard, even May be killed. This is the way the Demon Race spy will perish together with the enemy at the last minute.

"cough cough!"

Ross coughed a few times and leaned weakly on the crystal stone wall. Five minutes had passed, severely injured and weakened. He didn't even have the strength to speak, and he could only wait for the arrival of rescue.

"Flame summon. The wolf of lava!"

A burning Fire Wolf suddenly appeared, guarding Rose's side.

After reluctantly summon out the lava wolf, Rose's last bit of magic power was also exhausted.

The attribute is halved, and the magic power and blood volume are almost dried up. Rose can only pray silently not to meet the insect race team.

"If a bronze insect race appears at this time, the lava wolf can still deal with it. If there is a silver insect race, I am afraid I have to explain here."

Ross Leaning against the wall, panting in a low voice, took a sip of [Recovery Potion], slowly replenishing the lost blood volume.

The bloodline of Demon Race contains madness from the abyss. Many defeated Demon Races will use this method to end their lives.

When you encounter Demon Race in the future, you must worry about their self-destruct. Rose secretly reminded himself that next time you must not rely on the power of the magic shield to fight Fiend at close range.

I glanced at the task panel and found that the task [hidden Fiend] has been displayed and completed. Ross breathed a sigh of relief, and almost took all his life in for [Magic Crystal]. -destruct, if the task is judged to be failed, you will lose a lot.

After taking a rest, after recovering a bit of energy, Rose rolled over and rode on the lava Fire Wolf. As soon as he was about to leave, he heard a shout from a distance.

"Rose, where are you?"

Kane's voice came from afar.

"Why did Kane find here?"

The thought turned, Rose quickly thought of the enthusiastic players before.

"What a bunch of clever ghosts!"

Ross said to himself.

In the poison insect cave where the insect race dominates, the probability of encountering the insect race is much higher than meeting the Legion soldiers. Rose knows his luck very well, and Kane has come out in person. It should be between Several players who were used to sacrifice to the sky asked Kane for help.

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