"I can smell the stench on you!" Ross said, "Not only do I know that you are Fiend, but I also know that you are from the Pale Fortress!"

"It's the Blue Demon Le The Human Race that I sent you to sneak into!"

After the Insect Devil disaster broke out in the previous life, Cang Mo Lemu's [Demon Seed] plan was exposed, setting off a heaven overflowing giant wave inside the Human Race, Cang Mo Lemu is hailed as the top conspirator by players, and the ranking is even above the tyrant Tonick, the old yin beep.

The reason why Rose said this was to be able to pit the old yin beep once. These Fiends who were sent out to lurch in the dark were all applied a secret technique by the Blue Demon Lehm. They once passed The secret technique is an opportunity to transmit information to the Blue Demon Lemu.

Although Rose doesn't know if Freder has used this opportunity, it doesn't prevent him from cheating.

The smile on Freder's face really became stiff, and thoughts flashed in my heart.

How could he know so much?

My real name and origin are top secret, only a few high-level officials under the crown of Blue Demon Lemu and the Pale Fortress know this!

Suddenly, Freder thought of a terrifying possibility-the high level of Pale Fortress, there is a human race insider!

No, you have to notify the dark demon Lemu to find out the traitor hidden in the pale fortress, otherwise the lurking [Devil Seed] will be found by Human Race!

Fredel decided to launch the secret technique to inform the Dark Demon Lemm of the secret. Rose pretended not to know that the other party had a secret technique, and still kept putting pressure on him.

"You are hidden inside Human Race, not only for gathering intelligence, but the most important task is to sow discord. Let Human Race launch a civil war and reduce support for the Iron-Blooded Banner Fortress, so that you can Invade southward."

"Your Blue Demon Lemu has been scared by the elemental catastrophe. Annabel dare not fight her head-on, so I can only send you spies. Weaken the Human Race."

"Do you really think that our Human Race will know nothing about your plans? We just didn't put you in our eyes. You Fiend even fights the insect race. However, why go south to invade our Human Race territory!"

"I will hang your corpse on the wall to warn all Fiends hidden inside Human Race and let them see Human Race as an enemy The consequences of this!"

Fredrell was irritated by Rose’s provocation, and he roared:

"I only almost succeeded! If it weren’t because of Marcellus Too weak, you can only launch an attack after sending your soul, you are absolutely impossible to survive!"

"Next time, you will not have such a fluke!"

"We Demon Race , Will definitely break through the Iron-Blooded Banner Fortress, completely wipe out the insect race and Human Race, and dominate the entire world!"

After the roar, Freder's breath suddenly became weakened, and it seemed that the roar just now had been consumed. All his Essence, Qi, and Spirit.

But Rose is slightly smiled. This is just a disguise of Freder. Through the cover of the roar, he has activated the secret technique to pass the news to the Dark Demon Lehm, with a languid breath. It is the repercussions that's all that activates the secret technique.

"Jerome, didn't expect you to be Fiend!"

Jerome is a cover-up identity used by Freder to hide in the fortress.

Krahna dismissed the control of another secret envoy. His voice had a hint of anger. As the monitoring and trial department of the fortress, he was even mixed in by Fiend. Kind of insult.

"My real name is Freder, Lord Krachner!" Frederic's voice was frantic.

"Don't you want to get any news from me, the great blue demon Lemu is protecting us, and one day the mouth of the abyss will become the only faith in this world!"


After finishing speaking, Freder's body suddenly stiffened, his eyes quickly grayed out, his raised head hung weakly, and he lost his breath of life.

Krachner checked his body and found that after Freder had indeed died, he still did not relax his control over his body, but scattered the shadow cross, and a shadow chain passed through his heart. , Took out a black crystal block.

The real Demon Race, although the appearance is very similar to the Human Race, they have a pair of horns on their heads, and the cheeks are also covered with black scales. This is the external difference, the most important difference. Still Fiend's heart has completely crystallized.

Fiend, disguised as Human Race, can cut off the horns above his head and hide the black scales, but he cannot replace the crystallized heart.

The appearance of the black crystal heart fully confirmed his Fiend's identity.

Fredel is dead, but Rose's brows frowned, because on the task panel, the [hidden Fiend] display has not yet been completed.

"The mission requires to uncover Fiend's disguise, and then kill him. I have uncovered his disguise, and the man is dead. Why is the mission not completed? Isn't suicide counted as completing the mission?"

There are indeed many tasks in this mode. Only when you kill yourself can you complete it. Rose also relaxes a little vigilance because he finds the target successfully. Didn't expect this kind of oolong unexpectedly.

Ross felt as if a group of horses were rushing past, and finally found the spy, but at the end of the day, he fell short.

This is the power from the system. Will it not let me change the course of history?

Ross can't help ridiculing.

Krachner suddenly whispered: "Ross, I have a request. Can your method of identifying Fiend be popular?"

"Only I can use it." Rose shook the head.

Krachner didn’t force it, he continued: "I hope you can screen it once in the secret department."

The senior secret agent turned out to be a Fiend spy. This kind of thing has gone beyond After Krahner's imagination, if a few more such spies appeared in the secret department, I am afraid that even the secret capital could only apologize to the light of hope.

Of course, Krachner didn’t believe that Rose was able to smell Fiend’s body. The method of identifying Fiend with [sound wave] seemed weird, but Freder had already proven this method with his life to be effective. He is willing to trust Rose again.

"No problem." Ross nodded, "You gather all the people in the secret department, and I will be able to identify them soon."

"However, my method Only Fiend can be identified, not the lurkers in other fortresses."

"It is enough to be able to filter out Fiend!" Krachner said.

There are not many people in the secret department. Krachner’s quickly called everyone together. Except for the secret head did not show up, even the other Legendary Grade powerhouse in the secret department did not ignore it. The result of the simple identification made Krachner relaxed, and no new Fiend spies appeared.

"Ross, thank you for your help, I still have one more request at the end." Krachner said slowly.

"The news that the secret ministry has been infiltrated by Fiend will be a huge blow to the secret ministry’s reputation. I have reported this to the secret secretary and the subordinates. I hope you can help us Confidentiality."

The secret department’s identity is special. As the fortress’s monitoring and trial department, once their credibility is questioned, the entire secret department will be hit too much. This is definitely not what Krachner wants to see. Arrived.

"I will keep it secret." Ross nodded, expressing understanding.

"You first take a day off in the fortress. We have warned other departments of the fortress that Fiend may infiltrate, and you may need to identify other departments several times."

" Marcellus is a little weak. After he recovers, we will send him to the Seventh Army's resident."

"In addition—" Herakner paused, "You have Not interested in entering the Alchemy Committee?"

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