In the end, Ossirian still opened his mouth to clarify the problem with Rose, but didn't expect Rose's attitude was somewhat unexpected.

"I don't mind." Rose shrugged.

"Although I disdain Lab One's actions, I am willing to let go of this prejudice under the light of hope. As long as I can defeat the enemy and reduce the sacrifice of soldiers, even if they get the blueprint, It doesn't matter."

After finishing this mellow installation, Rose seemed to see that Ossirian was about to be completely attacked by himself.

Ossirian looked at Rose with a complicated expression: "If Lab One can take care of the overall situation like you, how can the frontline sacrifice so many warriors."

Seeing the opportunity Mature, Rose struck the iron while it was hot and said: "I can just ask the military how to deal with field maintenance robots, but I also have a few small conditions, I hope Corps Head can allow it."

"You can say it." Silian said resolutely: "Even if you want the [Doomsday Battle Armor] of Huiyue Master, I will ask you to come over!"

Ross stretched out a finger, "[Burning Guard] is the first The battle must be used in the drama poison insect cave. I hope that the first battle of [Burning Guard] can smooth the poison insect cave!"

The insect race in the poison insect cave is very alert, once [Burning Guard] Large-scale battles will inevitably attract the attention of the wormhole. If they judge that they cannot resist the attack of [Burning Guardian], they are very likely to leave the drama poison insect cave and escape. In this way, [elimination drama poison insect cave] The task cannot be completed.

Ossirian may be willing to see the insect race escape, but Rose does not want to see the mission fail.

Ossirian laughed, "This is no problem, the insect races in the poison insect cave in the drama have become more and more active recently, and it's time to solve it!"

Ossirian made the first condition, and Rose extended a second finger.

"The second battle of [Burning Guard] is used in the Blair hills. Before the Red Maple Legion is defeated, other Legions cannot use [Burning Guard] without authorization!"

[Burning Guard] Unlike battlefield maintenance robots, [Burning Guard] is not a special blueprint, it can be cracked and imitated by other alchemists. Only the Bronze Rank [Burning Guard], once it appears on the frontal battlefield with other fortresses, it is easy to be attacked by the opponent Capture and crack.

Legion, the first enemy to face [Burning Guard], will bear the greatest impact of [Burning Guard].

As long as the military department meets this condition, in order to be able to equip the [Burning Guard] as soon as possible, other Legions will certainly assist the Seventh Army in attacking the Red Maple Legion. And complete.

"Do you want to use this method to let its Legion join forces to attack Red Maple Legion?" Ossirian raised his brow.

I hope that the nine major Legions of the fortress will be independent of each other. Although they will occasionally join forces, that is when the enemy is very strong, when facing the independent Legion of the place, the fortress Legion has always dealt with it by itself. Will not ask other Legion for help.

Ossirian slowly said: "The strength of the Seventh Army regiment will not be weaker than the Red Maple Legion. If I can equip enough [Burning Guards], even if I don’t ask other Legions for help, I’m sure to defeat it. Red Maple Legion."

"I just hope I can sacrifice fewer soldiers." Ross said sternly, "And this is not a request for help. If other Legions are willing to help, we can't refuse. Outside the door."

Ossirian was finally nodded. He was just a little surprised why Rose made such a strange offer. He originally thought Rose would do meritorious service, or seek something for his personal studio. Interest, didn't expect is completely different from what he expected.

The real beneficiaries of these two conditions are not Ross himself, but the Seventh Army regiment. Ossirian now has some headaches and the military is making conditions, do you want to bring Ross with him? He argued with reason, those guys in the military department would definitely not believe that this was the condition proposed by Ross, but that it was his own idea.

Ross stretched out his third finger again: "The third condition is that when I face a decisive battle with Red Maple Legion, I hope to participate, and I want to control the [war giant beast]. "

This kind of large-scale battle of rubbing experience, rubbing treasure chests, and rubbing task progress will be over for Ross. The Seventh Army can sit on it and move on its own!

"This is not a problem either."

Faced with three such strange conditions, Ossirian finally couldn't help it.

"Your three conditions are for Legion, don’t you set one for yourself?"

"I do have one condition." Rose laughed, "If you can I was satisfied with the [Doomsday Battle Armor] of the Huiyue Master before the decisive battle with Red Maple Legion!"

"No problem." Ossirian said firmly again: "But I still I want to remind you that although the Battle Armor is powerful, it can’t be worn by an ordinary person, even Pandora can’t control it."

"I know."

Ross laughed.

"[Doomsday Battle Armor] is useful for me."

Ross endurance attribute is already very high, even higher than most silver wizards, if you can get [War giant beast] attribute bonus, and then extract the magic [Doomsday Battle Armor], even in the face of Legendary Grade powerhouse will have the power of a battle.

Red Maple Legion is not a lonely drama Poison insect cave can be compared, there is a huge ruling fort behind Red Maple Legion, and the danger of a head-on battle with Red Maple Legion far exceeds the drama. Poison insect cave, only Legendary Grade powerhouse, in this level of battle, there is some self-preservation, powerhouses of ordinary silver rank are all cannon fodder.

A blueprint of [Burning Guard], in exchange for the hope of completing two difficult tasks, Rose did not have the idea to continue playing the Ice Crystal Forest, because the environment of the Ice Crystal Forest is too special, [Burning Guard ] The role that can be played in this battlefield is very limited. The only real threat to the giant ice crystal turtle is Legendary Grade powerhouse. After the drama poison insect cave and the red maple Legion are defeated, the Seventh Army team will do its best to deal with the ice crystal forest. , So as to have a chance to kill that powerful ice crystal giant turtle.

For the next period of time, Rose stayed in his laboratory, waiting for the reply from the military department, while waiting for the player's advancement, while silently making a batch of alchemy items for harvesting players.

Bronze players will soon become the main battle force in the drama poison insect cave. Once the players advance on a large scale and the players with battle strength blowout, they will inevitably gain more experience and Gold Coin, and Rose will also gain A batch of more robust leeks, whether it is the alchemy total or those high-quality alchemical bronze equipment, can definitely make the newly advanced bronze players go crazy.

Players from other fortresses, after realizing the advantages of the fortress of hope, will rush into the fortress of hope crazily. When enough players gather in the fortress of hope, the strength of the fortress of hope will rise as the tide rises , the boat floats, when the fortress war breaks out, players who advance in advance will explode with terrifying power.

Ross can even guide players to influence the progress of fortress wars. After the advancement, the combined battle strength of players is extremely powerful, and even the shadow kingdom hidden in the dark will be eclipsed.

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