Ross returned to the resident room and gave a bronze rank 【Power Gem】 and a 【Exotic Gem】 to Pandora.

"You decide which equipment to strengthen!"

This is the best bronze [Power Gem]. Although it is expensive, it can add up to 50 points Strength is also worth the money.

Pandora stared blankly at [Exotic Gems]. As an apostle of hope, she certainly knew the magic of [Exotic Gems] and also knew that this gem with strong magical fluctuations was expensive, but she But I have never seen anyone use this thing on the Apostle of Hope.

Simply measured by Merit Points, this [exotic gem] is enough for Ross to hire another Apostle of Hope. This precious consumable has never been associated with the Apostle of Hope.

"Is this for me?" Pandora asked incredulously.

"Of course."

Ross is shrugged, he has seen the danger of the poison insect cave in the drama, Pandora is only a bronze rank after all, although a top-quality bronze equipment, but also fell. The danger of such a loyal and infinite potential soul guard, Rose has never been willing to invest heavily.

Ross just simply wants to make Pandora stronger, definitely not greedy for her body!

Pandora was silent for a while, and put [Power Gem] and [Exotic Gem] back into Rose's hands. She shook the head and said: "They are too precious, you need them more!"

"I have prepared it myself."

Ross gave a dry cough, and silently took out the remaining [Endurance Gems] and [Exotic Gems] from the package.

The power gem is red, the endurance gem is full of jade green, and the exotic gem is silvery.

Twelve rays of light radiant gemstones are put together, and the powerful magic wave suddenly fills the whole room. The twinkling rays of light illuminate each other alternately, and the whole room is like talking to the world.

The rays of light shone on Pandora's face, she couldn't believe her eyes.

Could it be that the Merit Points to redeem [Exotic Gems] have been lowered, a strange idea came to Pandora’s mind, and then it was suppressed by her again. Judging from Rose’s squandering habits, his Merit Points It should be empty.

Pandora said something naively: "You first chose the rank advancement system of the garrison officer. I thought that your goal was the high-level warlord. Now it seems that you are just looking at the quartermaster. It’s just these things in my hands."

"I'm still very interested in high-ranking warlords." Ross said with a smile: "If you can get the magical skill [Wushuang] under the light of hope It’s better if you have it in your hands."

"Although you earn Merit Points faster, your squandering speed is faster, when will you become a high-ranking warlord."

Pandora pointed to the gems on the table and continued: "Even Austin would not be extravagant to use [Exotic Gems] on bronze equipment. Only those senior silver powerhouses would be willing to use their own equipment. , Consume [Exotic Gems], you are only Bronze Rank, but you have exchanged six [Exotic Gems] at a time. If you let others know, your eyes will pop out."

Ross didn’t care. Said: "Although Merit Points are precious, they can only be valuable if they are used out. Just like now, they have become part of my strength. With them, no matter how strong the poisonous cloud is, it will not hurt me. , I don’t want to bring these Merit Points to be buried in the soil."

Ross took off his equipment while talking. [Exotic Gems] can only be used once for each piece of equipment, Rose Choose to strengthen every piece of equipment with exotic gems once. Five stamina gems provide a total of 250 stamina bonuses. At one time, Rose’s stamina value breaks through 600 points, even if you face the poisonous weaver. Skiitz Geer, there is no need to worry about being hurt by the poisonous cloud.

Rose once again proved his ultimate nature with practical actions. Except for those Legendary Grade fighters, his endurance is not inferior to the element hunter Gracie.

Re-wearing the enhanced equipment, the blood volume brought by the 250 endurance bonus officially broke through the 10,000 mark.

"Do you want to really strengthen that piece of equipment? If you are undecided, I suggest that you strengthen the ring or necklace. Don't strengthen the armor and two-handed swords. The insect race in the poison insect cave is corrosive. Too strong and easy to be damaged."

Tens of thousands of Merit Points, which have been strengthened on a few bronze preparations, Pandora is still a little stunned. If you change to an ordinary bronze mage, you will earn it in about a lifetime. Less than so many meritorious deeds, and only the enchanting Roth can make meritorious deeds.

Suddenly, Pandora discovered that Ross's power not only surpassed her, but also walked away in a posture of a great ride.

"How long has it taken for him to grow from a weak black iron mage to a point where he can fight against the silver mage. For Rose, do I still need to exist?"

"I'm dispensable. How can I keep up with his footsteps and fulfill my duty as a soul guard? Do I really want to open that taboo box?"

Pandora is rarely at a loss. During this time of getting along, she has seen the magic of Rose. At the same time, she feels guilty and needs Rose's help as a soul guard.

After a moment of silence, Pandora seemed to have made up his mind. He picked up the [Exotic Gems] and [Power Gems] into the bag, and then said in a tranquil voice.

"I have something very important. I need to go back to the fortress. It may be delayed for a while."

Ross didn’t notice the change in Pandora’s expression, he was still thinking [ Godra Crystal Cluster] Which skill should be used, casually replied.

"When will I leave?"

"I am going to leave now." Pandora said.

"So anxious?" Ross lifts the head, only to find that Pandora's expression is a little strange, as if he was hesitant to speak.

As the Apostle of Hope, the position in the Fortress of Hope is very special. No matter what crafty plots and machinations are, they rarely fall on them. Therefore, the probability that the Apostle encounters trouble is very low, so Rose is not worried about Pandora's troubles, but thinks there is something inconvenient for her.

"Is there anything I can help with?" Rose asked tentatively.

Pandora shook the head and said: "No, I can take care of it!"

Ross paused and took the [Earth Crack] skill book from the bronze treasure chest. Came out and handed it to Pandora.

"Can you see if this skill scroll can be used?"

As long as the player has reached the skill level and attribute requirements, he can easily consume experience Learning skills, but NPCs need to spend a lot of time and energy to exercise in order to master certain skills.

Both have their own advantages and disadvantages. Although players learn skills quickly, they need to consume the corresponding skill scrolls. If there is no skill scroll innate talent, players with high innate talents are also impossible to learn skills.

Although NPC masters skills are much slower, as long as it takes time to practice, it will surely become stronger slowly.

Pandora is an NPC, and the skill scroll should not be of much use to them, but she has become Rose’s soul guard, allowing Rose to consume her own experience reserves to upgrade her level, from a certain To a certain extent, Pandora's body data already has the superposition of the two states of NPC and player, and it may be possible to learn skill scrolls like the player.

Pandora took over the skill scroll of [Earth Crack], her expression changed slightly, and she saw a golden light burst out of the scroll in her hand, and then poured into her body, even learning the skill scroll with the player The situation is exactly the same.

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