Eighth Crown

Chapter 989: A visitor from a parallel world (3/3, the end of this volume!)


Esdes was so concerned by Liu Xia, she was no longer sleepy, she only felt a warm heart, and then her eyes flashed, and she keenly sensed something was wrong.

"You just completed the mission and regained the emotions of the day?" Esdes asked Liu Xia.

It was very rare that Liu Xia cared about someone.

Basically, it will only be on the day after he completes the task issued by his boss, and even on that day, it is very rare.

"That's right."

Lucia nodded.

He had just used up the Noble Phantasm boosting opportunity a few hours ago, and now is the rare time to feel emotional fluctuations.

No matter what time, such an experience is precious to him, so during this day, he will choose to follow his own feelings.


Esdes licked his delicate lips when he heard the words, the tired look completely disappeared from his face, and there was only aggression in his eyes.

"How about we sleep together tonight?"

Fascinating look, charming demeanor.

I don't know when, she learned this method of seducing men, maybe it has something to do with the strange books she hid in her luggage.


But what she answered was the roar of Liu Xia slamming the door shut.


Esdes cut in annoyance, the charming color on his face disappeared, and he turned back to his room.

As his relationship with the two rituals progressed, his defense of the relationship between the sexes became stronger. Obviously, he planned to fly with the two rituals and keep her chastity strictly for her.

In addition, the gap between the strengths of the two is getting bigger and bigger, and she can hardly find a chance to take advantage of him. She can't do anything like taking away his first kiss.

Still trying to get stronger!

As long as she becomes stronger than him, she can continue to take advantage of him, and finally press him under her body and do whatever she wants!

Shortly after returning to the room, the lights in Esdes' room went out, and there was a slight and even breathing sound.


After returning to the clock tower.

Liu Xia returned to the days when she didn't go to the door, she just stayed in the dormitory every day, teaching Esdes about magic.

As for Dotya and Fittoria, it was exactly as Liu Xia expected. The two of them were in a state of being like salted fish. Dorm to play games.

In the outside world, in the Clock Tower, there was indeed a big wave of public opinion because of the arrival of the Conqueror King.

Fortunately, the Second World barely has the status of a monarch, and the King of Conqueror itself is also a lot of pressure, so that those magicians who are just around the corner can't mess around.

However, there are still a large number of magician families who attacked the Second World in the name of politics or economics, and the Second World was still in a state of turmoil.

But for him, it should be just a happy worry.

the other side.

Just two days after returning to the Clock Tower, Grey and Lancer returned to their hometown, Brackmore Cemetery.

In fact, she should have gone back half a month ago, but at that time, the Second World was busy preparing to participate in the Holy Grail War, and even many requests to come to the door were turned down, so as an assistant, she did not go back.

What exactly happened, Liu Xia didn't know.

However, after returning from there, Grey completely unraveled the knot.

Then, Lancer also seemed to have completed his mission, cut off Liu Xia's magic power supply, and took the initiative to return to the Throne of Heroes.

According to Grey, they caused quite a riot in their hometown, but fortunately, her hometown finally gave up on resurrecting King Arthur.

Sure enough, for the descendants of King Arthur, what King Arthur said was the most effective.

Not only that, but Grey also solved the misunderstanding with her mother, regained a warm family, and finally could give up the burden on her shoulders and be herself.

So, ten days passed quickly.

A month has come on schedule.

Because the dragon had no intention of waking up, Liu Xia planned to go to another world first.

II's office.

"Eh? Is Mr. Liangyi going to leave?"

Grey has put down her hood, revealing her delicate and young face. She intends to use her face to face the future life in an upright manner, symbolizing the farewell to her past self.

After learning that Liu Xia planned to leave, her bright eyes suddenly showed a little loss.

However, she quickly regained her heart and looked at Lucia brightly.

"Then when does Mr. Liangyi plan to come back this time?"

In her eyes, Liu Xia's departure this time should be the same as when she was on the Magic Eye Train last time. After a while, she will return to the Clock Tower.

In her emerald eyes, there is an unconcealed expectation and longing.

"not sure."

Lucia gave an ambiguous answer.

In fact, if there are no things that need to be specially come back to deal with, he will not come back here for about a lifetime.

"Wait, two instruments."

The Second World suddenly made a sound, raised his head from the mountains and seas of documents, showing exhaustion on his face, reluctantly lifted his spirits, looked at Liu Xia, and asked him solemnly.

"Aren't you planning to leave with Grey?"

The reason why he accepted Grey as a disciple was to provide a little more security in the Holy Grail War.

And now that the Holy Grail War is over, and even he has overfulfilled his wish, the work of protection will be undertaken by the King of Conquerors, and there is no need for Grey to stay by his side.

If it is more in line with her inner wishes to leave with Liangyi Liuxia, then of course he will fully support——


Lucia shook her head without even giving a reason.


After saying that, he turned around and left the teaching building of the Modern Magic Department without a sound.

"Goodbye, Mr. Liangyi!"

Grey waved at Lucia who was gradually moving away, and said goodbye to him.


The second sighed deeply.

He looked at Grey's back with an expression of hesitating to speak.

In Fuyuki City, when Ilya said that "there are no two Great Holy Grails", combined with the bizarre experience of his disappearance and reappearance, II had already guessed it.

Liangyi Liuxia should be a visitor from a parallel world.

He came to this world because of certain things, and now that things are done, he has left.

If there is nothing else in the future, presumably he will not come back.

It was because he knew about this that he planned to let him take Gray, but unfortunately he refused.

And Grey, who had longed for him, was obviously unaware of this.

Should I tell Grey?

II fell into silence and hesitation.

Soon after, the modern magic department resumed its usual liveliness.

At this time, Liu Xia had already embarked on a journey to another world with Esdes.

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