Eighth Crown

Chapter 985: The Great Holy Grail Destroyed

"Dragon seed?!"

At the moment when the giant dragon appeared, everyone in the big hole was stunned, Lancer and Rider also became vigilant, and looked at the giant dragon with full alertness.

The dragon seed is the top fantasy species. The fantasy species in the fantasy species is so powerful that it even rivals the beasts and gods. No matter which mythology, it is a terrifying existence standing at the apex of the biological chain.

And this dragon seed appeared along with the wind and thunder, and it seemed to have a good momentum. It must be the pure blood of the dragon seed. Even if Lancer and Rider joined forces, they didn't know if they could defeat it.

Could it be the backhand left by the Magic King?

Both of them doubted in their hearts.

"Wait, there's no need to be on guard."

Just when the two were secretly vigilant, a calm voice suddenly came from beside them, causing them to cast a surprised look at Liu Xia together.

"That's not the enemy."

As Liu Xia said this, she walked out and looked up at the jubilant dragon in the sky.

"Enough? Come back, Demon Dragon."

in the sky.

The magic dragon, who was happily rejoicing like a husky, pursed his lips when he heard the words, then stopped his tumultuous behavior, turned into a spirit body, and projected towards this side, falling into the stunned eyes of everyone around him. into Lucia's body.

"how is the situation?"

Liu Xia ignored the strange gazes of the few people beside him, and asked the Demon Dragon in his heart.

"How strengthened is your soul?"

According to the [two rituals], as long as the strength of the dragon's soul increases, it will be able to temporarily dominate Liu Xia's body, actively make him enter a state of madness, and obtain the last Berserker rank.

"I have returned to my peak period, haha, I really didn't expect that I would be able to return to the previous level so soon!"

The dragon's tone was full of undisguised joy.

"I have absorbed too many negative emotions this time, and I haven't had time to digest them yet, and I shouldn't be able to help you go crazy now, but when I digest all the negative emotions I absorbed, I should be able to step into a new realm. It will be done in time!"

According to the demon dragon, in the process of absorbing the evil of this world, her soul returned to its peak unconsciously.

However, it is said to be the peak, but it is actually a bottleneck in her lifetime. Although she has absorbed a lot of evil in this world, she cannot break through that bottleneck without digesting it.

"How long does it take you to digest all the evil in this world?"

Liu Xia continued to ask the magic dragon.

"Hard to say."

Molong thought and replied: "I have never absorbed so many negative emotions before... Well, at least a month or two, right?"

A month or two.

That's fine, Lucia can still wait.

If she told him to wait a year or two, then he might give up the dragon and find other ways to make him crazy.

Within a month or two, he can also take advantage of this time to travel to other worlds, harvest the last wave of spiritual foundation quests, and then go to upgrade spiritual foundations.

Seeing that the magic dragon was taken back by Liu Xia, although he was very shocked that he was able to subdue a pure-blooded dragon, the second generation was not surprised. His brows tightened, and he noticed another thing.

"By the way, why didn't you see the figure of the astronomical monarch at all?"

Although Caster Solomon has been defeated, his master Maris Billy has disappeared completely, and he does not know where he went.

Not only that, but the master of Einzbern who was allied with them, the girl named Illya, never appeared from the beginning to the end.

"...seems to be in the next town."

Liu Xia randomly activated the future vision, and got the answer from it.

"This should be the plan to become an outsider, maybe Solomon's handwriting."

Because he didn't know if he could win Lucia, Solomon sent Maris Billy and Illya away in advance, which is the most likely speculation.

"Wait, that girl named Illya is the little Holy Grail, right?"

Second World suddenly stunned, "Marys Billy is a standard magician. If he knew this, would he...?"

Although it is not explicitly stated, the real magicians are standard egoists. As long as there is benefit in front of them, there is no reason not to take it, not to mention that Illya is the crystallization of Einzbern's technology, and it is the Holy Grail this time. Little Holy Grail of War.

So, it's hard to say that Maris Billy won't attack Illya.

"Then we have to save her!"

Emiya Shirou's old friend's illness suddenly flared up again.

The strengthening on his body has not been removed, and there are still a lot of potions left, and it will change after a while. Now is the last time to save Illya.

"You just go."

Liu Xia waved his hand. He is just a monarch, and after losing his followers, it is not worth making a fuss.

"Okay, you all go out, I'm going to destroy the Great Holy Grail."


II and the others looked at each other, nodded in agreement, and then got on the ox cart of the Conqueror and Lancer's white horse respectively, and galloped towards the surface outside the big hole.

This kind of polluted Great Holy Grail is just the source of chaos, it is better to destroy it.

In this large underground cavity, Liu Xia was soon left alone.

A golden ripple appeared in front of him, revealing a Noble Phantasm that seemed to be a "sword", but was actually completely unrelated to the shape of a sword.

There are three cylindrical sword bodies on it, wrapped with a large number of uniform scarlet patterns.

Deviance sword.

"Can't you be liberated...it doesn't matter."

Liu Xia tried to release the Deviance Sword directly, but found that he couldn't mobilize it at all.

Although this Noble Phantasm is placed in the King's Treasure, it is not actually the same as the King's Treasure. This should be said to be Gilgamesh's second Noble Phantasm, so even if Liu Xia gets the King's Treasure, Can't control this stray sword.

But it doesn't matter, he has the Noble Phantasm of the usurper.

At the moment when the [Brave of the Hero's Certificate] was activated, this stray sword changed from ignoring him to being enthusiastic, as if it didn't matter how he used it.

"Let me see the power of the EX-class Noble Phantasm that created the world."

Liu Xia whispered, and then raised the Deviance Sword in his hand high, and the magic power was poured into it, causing a large number of scarlet lines to burst out, and then spun back to the surface of his body, and the three cylinders rotated relative to each other. rise.

"Enuma (deviation of heaven and earth) - Elish (star of development) -!"


An endless red storm was released from the blade.

The mutually convective storms released by the relatively rotating three-section swords naturally formed a wind pressure fault, which became a pseudo-space fault, bombarding the earth!

This sword is truly the sword that opened up the world.

With just one sword, a real **** was created.

This piece of land was completely reduced to the dust of history under the utter lamentation.

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