Eighth Crown

Chapter 962: The mastermind behind this farce (3/3)

It was a silver-grey dagger.

Although it is a sword, it is not a weapon with the purpose of stabbing or cutting, but a tool that is close to assisting and strengthening magic, a ritual item.

Its end is also inlaid with a red ball jade, and the word "Azoth" is inlaid on the ball jade.

Matou Zaiyan, who was only afraid of the threat from Liu Xia and fled in a panic, did not notice the appearance of the red-haired boy at all.

Moreover, the speed displayed by the red-haired boy at this moment was unbelievably fast, making Matou Zuoyan unable to prepare for it, and he really took this sword in the heart.


Matou Zuoyan widened his eyes, scarlet blood spilled from the corners of his mouth, and looked at Shirou Emiya in disbelief.

"You shouldn't know any magic... That's how Sakura reported to the old man!"

Just now.

Rin Tohsaka was the only one fighting him. He almost stood there motionless, unable to do anything except call out to Sakura Matou.

"If you think so, you have already fallen into our trap."

Emiya Shirou stared coldly at the Matou Sakura inkstone in the skin of Matou Sakura.

"Before coming in, Tohsaka gave me the last gem and gave me this sword."

This is their tactic.

Rin Tohsaka, who seemed to be the strongest, focused on the output, attracted the attention of Matou Zuoyan, formed a feint, and then Shirou Emiya, who had taken the last gem, made a fatal blow.

After taking the gem that stored the magic power of Rin Tohsaka for more than ten years, Shirou Emiya's physical strength was strengthened to an unbelievable level, so that he could wield this deadly sword.

This is a very unprecedented tactic.

Giving a fatal blow to a weaker person is an unbelievable plan in itself. If Liu Xia doesn't intervene in the middle, they will be directly crushed, and they will not even have the chance to use this tactic.

Fortunately, Matou Zuoyan was frightened by Liu Xia's arrival, so he turned and ran away without hesitation, but instead gave him a chance.

"Damn it... The old man has lived for five hundred years! He has... lived for five hundred years!"

Matou Zhanyan's face turned red, his chest rose and fell rapidly, and the surging unwillingness escaped from the body to the body.

"It's only one step away...! Only the last step is needed to complete the old wish of the old man! Uh ah ah ah! The old man is not reconciled ah ah ah ah-!!"

The strong resentment and unwillingness made Matou Zuiyan's face full of hatred and resentment, and his face gradually twisted and turned hideous.

But in the end, his eyes gradually dimmed, and in the end, under the strong unwillingness, he lost his spirit.

The sword of Azoth has the ability to assist and strengthen magic.

And it was also given to Emiya Shirou by Tohsaka Rin. Like those gems, it also stored the magic power that Tohsaka Rin had accumulated since childhood, so the lethality should not be underestimated.

Although Matou Zuoyan's brain worm vitality is very tenacious, under this sword, it was finally cut off and ended with the soul dissipating.

After Matou Zaiyan died, Matou Sakura's body fell naturally, and Emiya Shirou reached out and carefully hugged him in his arms.

"……Very good."

The red-haired boy hugged the purple-haired girl tightly in his arms, his eyes were getting wet, but there was still a happy smile on his face.

"I lost Saber because I wasn't mature enough... But this time I worked hard and finally saved Sakura, this time I didn't lose Sakura... It's great!"

What drove him to come here was not only his feelings for Sakura, but also his remorse for losing Saber.

It's just that he didn't say it clearly, it was hidden in his heart.

in his arms.

Under the power of the curse, Matou Sakura's severed heart quickly recovered with the help of huge magical power.

The brain worm, which is an outsider of this body, did not have such good luck. The repaired heart was directly excluded from the body, and it became a half-shaped corpse with two thumbs and fell to the ground.


Emiya Shirou got up with Matou Sakura in his arms, and stepped on the corpse of the brain worm, spattering it with a splatter, and then walked towards the direction of the hall.

in the hall.

Liu Xia just silently watched Emiya Shirou kill Matou Zuo Yan, and did not intervene, until he carried Matou Sakura over, his eyes flashed.

Almost there.

"……is that a lie?"

A terrified voice came from behind Liu Xia in the silence, causing him to frown slightly and then look behind him.

"Why did it disappear?"

Tohsaka Rin lowered his head, looking at the Command Spell that was gradually fading on the back of his right hand, his face was full of surprise.

"Could it be, Archer he—"


Is not likely to.

Even his fighting opponent, Cursed Arm Hassan, was transferred by Matou Zuoyan and died in Liu Xia's hands. Could he still commit suicide?


At this moment, a spiral arrow suddenly shot from outside the hall, shaking the air, passing Gray and Tohsaka Rin, and shot in the direction directly above.

There is only one person in that direction.

Emiya Shirou.

The arrow mercilessly shot straight at the location of his heart.

He clearly wanted to send him to the West in one blow.


Liu Xia's feet swayed, and in the next instant, he was already on the path that the arrow must pass, and he held it in his hand, preventing it from advancing.


But immediately after that, the arrow exploded suddenly, forming a violent fire, covering Liu Xia's entire body.

Fantasies collapse.

This is the stunt of the Heroic Spirit Palace. It can be used in conjunction with the weapon of its own projection, and it can exert the power of the A-level anti-military Noble Phantasm.

The moment the fire hit, Lancer made a quick shot, letting the barrier of the wind cover Grey and Rin Tohsaka, blocking the aftermath of the blow.

After the aftermath dissipated.

The arrow in Liu Xia's hand has disappeared, but he also has no scars on his body.

It's not that he was not injured, but at the moment of being injured, all the injuries on his body recovered, just like no injuries.

Although his current strength is already strong enough to explode, he will still be injured if he faces an A-rank anti-army Noble Phantasm unprepared.

But if you put on the incarnation of Shura and arrange three layers of defense, then it is another matter.

However, the opponent's attack did not seem to be aimed at Liu Xia.

Not even Emiya Shirou.


Emiya Shirou suddenly screamed, and the whole person was knocked out and fell to the ground in the hall.


Instead, an illusory figure appeared in his place.

The red and white magic robe, the long silver hair, the dark and handsome face, everything shows his identity.

—The Magic King Solomon!

And Matou Sakura, who was in a coma, fell into his hands.


Liu Xia narrowed her eyes and turned to look at the illusory figure of Solomon.

"Are you the one behind this farce, Solomon?"

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