Eighth Crown

Chapter 960: Be prepared to be killed

"—Anfang (begins)!"

The battle started without warning.

The moment he chanted the German incantation like the opening remarks, Tohsaka Rin's spirit was highly concentrated, and at the same time, he also took out several gems of different colors from his pocket.

"Neun (nine), Acht (eight), Sieben (seven)—!"

She picked out one of them, swallowed her stomach, picked up three of them, and threw them in the direction of "Mato Sakura" along with the chant of the incantation.

"Stil, sciest (full investment), Beschiesen (one enemy), ErscieSsung (nothing left)—!"

Three gems draw a magnificent arc.

As it approached Matou Zaiyan, the magic power stored in it rapidly expanded, bursting apart without leaving a trace, turning into a near-substantial impact, slamming towards Matou Zaiyan.

In order to surely rescue Sakura, Tohsaka Rin deliberately brought out his ace this time.

That is, since she was a child, she has injected her own magic power into it every day, without interruption, and has continuously stored her magic power for more than ten years, a total of ten gems.

These ten gems contain extremely huge magic power. When each one explodes, it will cause damage that is enough to match the great magic. The attack power definitely reaches A-level, even Hercules' [Twelve Trials] are all powerful. can break through.

And now, she threw all three of them out.

Such an attack, even the great Greek hero, would have to die at least once.

"Huh? As expected of a genius from the Tohsaka family."

But Matou Zuoyan sneered indifferently.

Immediately, he did not see any movement, and the black mud under him gathered like flowing water, turning it into a cursed barrier, resisting the impact formed by the three gems.

"If you give you another ten years, maybe you can reach the height before the old man, but unfortunately, you are still too young now."

Although the black mud barrier vibrated violently and even shattered from time to time, due to the continuous black mud support, Rin's gem attack was completely unable to break through.


Even after the power of the gems was exhausted, with a wave of Matou Zuoyan, these continuous black mud turned into waves, approaching in the direction of Tohsaka Rin and Emiya Shirou.

"Sechs (sixth), Funf (fifth)—!"

Tohsaka Rin gritted his teeth, selected two gems from his hand again, and threw them out.

"EinFlu (flow), EinHalt (still)—!"

The two gems were thrown in front of them respectively, and the magic power released from them formed a dazzling light, which stopped the trend of the black mud moving forward.

It's not good, six of them are consumed so quickly, and there are only five ways to win.

Tohsaka Rin secretly thought badly.

"Sakura! You see clearly, I'm here and I've never died!"

Emiya Shirou called out to Matou Sakura, looking extremely anxious, "So, wake up quickly and go back with me! Don't lose to that kind of bug that has been rotting for years!"

"Ugh! Damn it! Die for this old man!"

Matou Zuoyan originally wanted to pursue the victory, but Shirou Emiya's call made him dizzy for a while, so he had to pause, suppress Sakura's will, and then cast his annoyed eyes at Shirou Emiya.


The next moment, the black mud gradually condensed and circled, and a pitch-black giant more than five meters high quickly took shape. The giant had no form, but an ethereal silhouette.

But Rin Tohsaka sensed a huge amount of magic power from the giant. The amount of magic power far exceeded the total amount of magic power in her body. It was like a simple magic power mass, full of amazing pressure.

The moment the giant appeared, he immediately bullied Shirou in Emiya Shirou's direction.

"Drei (fourth), Vier (third), Zwei (second)—!"

Tohsaka Rin's eyes twitched, and without hesitation, he selected three gems again and smashed them at the black giant.

"Der, Riese (giant), undbrennt (burning), daseinEnde (end)—!"

After the gem shattered, the fire soared into the sky, shrouding the black giant, and the scorching high temperature instantly burned it out.


But then, the second giant appeared out of nowhere.

And pressed in the direction of Tohsaka Rin.

"Oops...! Ugh!"

Just when he was running out of moves, Tohsaka Rin's face turned pale, and the whole person was shot by the giant without any resistance, and fell into the black mud pond not far away, and his face suddenly became even paler.

At the beginning of the battle, the gem she swallowed in her stomach had strengthened her physical ability in advance, so even if she was directly hit by the giant, she would not suffer much damage, otherwise, at least she would be injured now. .

But the curse contained in the black mud caused a severe shock to her spirit, as if a needle was stirring in her brain, preventing her from being able to concentrate again no matter what.

"Damn, I knew I would use a gem to protect my spirit..."

Tohsaka Rin secretly regretted in his heart.

After all, the number of gems is too small, there are only ten in total, of course, she has to make the best use of it, so she did not think about protecting the spirit in advance, and it is too late to think about using it now.

When a magician releases magic, his mind must be highly concentrated. Once the mind is restless, the magic will fail.

In the case of a severe shock to the spirit, even if there are still gems left, Tohsaka Rin can't release magic for the time being.



But just as she fell to the ground, the black mud in the hall gathered again, and then the third, fourth, and fifth black giants appeared one after another, making the silhouetted giants gradually filled the hall.

"……No way?"

Tohsaka Rin reluctantly stood up from the ground, and had no time to care about the torn stockings on his legs. Looking at the black giant in front of him, he couldn't even show a far-fetched smile on his face.

"Is there really no limit to her magic power?"

A simple mass of magic power, the magic power contained in each one surpasses her.

In theory, with Matou Sakura's magic power, at most one can manifest, but now it seems to appear endlessly, and it is obvious that there is an extraordinary source of magic power.


Half of the giants swarmed towards Emiya Shirou, and the other half swarmed towards Tohsaka Rin.

She can't use magic anymore, martial arts are useless against such a giant with only outlines, and Shirou Emiya has no fighting ability... it's over.

It seems that he is really ready to be killed.




At the moment when Tohsaka Rin couldn't help but feel disheartened.

Accompanied by the sound of countless air vibrations, dozens of golden ripples suddenly appeared in mid-air, and various treasures were protruded from them.

Immediately, those Noble Phantasms fell from the sky like a torrential rain of light.

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