Eighth Crown

Chapter 951: Sombra and the Vanishing Saber (3/3)

The two seem to know each other.

It is only natural to think about it carefully, after all, both of them have EX-class clairvoyance, and they can both see the future, so they must have known through history long ago, and there may even be an intersection.

However, Gilgamesh's clairvoyance can only see the future, and Solomon can see through the past and the future, in comparison, his clairvoyance is naturally superior.

It's just that Gilgamesh doesn't seem to have clairvoyance now, otherwise he wouldn't have been taken away from the king's treasure by Liu Xia.

Is it because of class restrictions? Or is it that he didn't mean to use clairvoyance at all?

Regardless of the reason, the treasure of the king is now in his hands, and Gilgamesh has no way to **** it back while supporting the usurper's consumption with infinite magic power.

"Forget it, I don't need to have general knowledge with you."

On the other hand, Solomon turned his head with a victor-like gesture after poking at Gilgamesh's sore spot and turned his head to look at Liuxia and the others.

Gilgamesh stood behind him and cast a cannibalistic gaze towards his back, which made Solomon feel a rush on his back.

"...A Servant, you don't have to warn me like that."

After Solomon faced Liuxia again, the expression on his face became calm again.

"At this stage, your opponent is not me."

When he said this, his face was flat, as if he was not persuading, but explaining the established facts.

He has the most advanced clairvoyance, so he can indeed be said to be omniscient to a certain extent.

"Exactly, it's already here."

He suddenly changed his expression, then looked in the direction behind several people, and reached out to point there.

In fact, without him needing to say, Liu Xia had already noticed the appearance of the abnormality.

in the corner of the mansion.

A dark figure appeared there.

The dark substance fell from the head, covering the head like a bride who was about to get on the sedan chair, and its hem was split into dozens of dark cloth strips, covering the whole body, sometimes accompanied by scarlet lines.

There is no breath, and there is no sign, it just appeared there abruptly.

Imaginary shadows.

The existence born from Matou Sakura's body once again appeared in front of several people.



Saber's expression suddenly changed, and she exclaimed.

Like the last time, the imaginary shadow quickly stretched out the scattered strips of cloth and grabbed it in Saber's direction!

Saber's attention was completely drawn to Solomon and Gilgamesh, and she didn't see the pitch-black figure that silently appeared from behind her and struck her with a sneak attack.

Even if there was a direct warning, she couldn't help but take a step slower. Although she avoided the dark cloth wrapping around her waist, her right arm was bound by it, and the dark curse spread from her arm to her body instantly. .


Emiya Shirou and Tohsaka Rin's expressions suddenly changed.

"Archer, go and save Saber!"

Tohsaka Rin quickly reacted, and at the same time as giving the order, he also took out two gems from his pocket and threw them at the jet-black substance wrapped around Saber's arm.

However, the two gems were thrown out, and only two groups of fireworks were blown up, and they did not play the slightest role. Not even one of the dark cloth strips broke.

The essence of that thing is a creation of imaginary numbers, and any attack cannot hurt it.

The arrow shot from not far away also failed to do any damage to the imaginary creation.

Saber's face was tense, and he exerted all his strength, and even used the magic power without hesitation, trying to throw the shadow out with great force.

This is the action she made subconsciously under the influence of intuition.

Although this thing is a creation of imaginary numbers, it seems to follow the laws of physics when it comes to the real world. retreat.

Therefore, intuition did make her make the most correct counterattack. As long as she can throw it out, she can get out of the curse.


But at this moment, Solomon suddenly shot.

With a wave of her hand, several golden magic circles appeared around Saber, and several golden chains emerged from them, blocking her limbs.

"Caster! You bastard...!"

Saber's face suddenly tightened, and he cast a surprised and angry look at Solomon.

This sudden attack caused her whole body to be in chaos.


The golden chains unceremoniously locked Saber's limbs. The quality of the chains was far beyond her imagination. No matter how hard she struggled, she couldn't break free.

next moment.

A pitch-black shadow appeared under the shadow again, and a dark abyss appeared under Saber's feet when the technique was re-applied. Countless tentacles protruded from it, wrapping around and plundering towards Saber.

Seeing this, Lancer planned to swing the holy spear immediately, but she hesitated.


She was originally here to kill the other self. The reason why she cooperated before was to resist the hero king who insulted King Arthur's name. Now that the hero king was defeated, she had no reason to save her.

Rather, if it was for the Master, the best thing she should do now is sit on the sidelines.

She looked in the direction of Liu Xia, and what caught her eye was his indifferent expression.

She hesitated for a while, but finally put down the holy spear in her hand.


"Eigong-kun, use the Command Spell!"

Seeing that the situation was getting worse, Tohsaka Rin cast a fiery look at Solomon, and immediately started drinking at Emiya Shirou.

"Command spell...? By the way, this engraving seems to be... but how to do it—?"

Emiya Shirou is a half-ass.

As a magician, he is not qualified at all, and as a warrior, he has never even experienced a single battle, far from the prestige that would be enough to become a heroic spirit decades later.

He didn't even know the function of the Command Spell until this morning. Under this stressful situation, his brain was even more chaotic, and he even forgot how to use it.

in the field.

More and more tentacles emerged from the bottomless abyss, wrapping Saber's entire body in just a few seconds.

Soon, Saber's struggling figure disappeared into the abyss.

When Emiya Shirou reacted and was about to use the Command Spell, the scarlet pattern on the back of his hand had disappeared.

Liu Xia watched from the side the whole time, without any intention of interfering.

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