Eighth Crown

Chapter 949: You mere miscellaneous—!

The thief of the hero's certificate!

The moment the finger touched the nearest golden ripple, the Noble Phantasm that usurped Noble Phantasm was activated.

As long as it is a physical Noble Phantasm, as long as it is touched, it can be unconditionally transformed into its own Noble Phantasm, and even the Noble Phantasm can be liberated!

The condition for launching is just the thought in the heart, and everything is reversed in an instant.


Accompanied by the sound of a spatial vibration, the thousands of golden ripples in the air all swayed for a while, and then they all closed inexplicably and disappeared from the air.

In Liu Xia's hand, there was an extra golden key, about a palm wide, exuding a strong local tyrant atmosphere.


Liu Xia's body trembled slightly, and the various sharp swords stuck in her body shook off, and they landed on the ground with continuous clanging sounds.

Because of his extremely fast movements, the golden ripples surrounding him were actually just a salvo. Not many of them could keep up with his rapid movements, and even more so with weapons that had the ability to ignore defenses. Very few.

Although his body seemed to be pierced into a hedgehog, in fact, most of them only penetrated the defenses of armor and vestments, and only a few pieces pierced through his body.

However, this is quite extraordinary. Under his full-strength defense, even Karna may not be able to hit him hard. Gilgamesh can do it with just his Noble Phantasm, which is really commendable.


With the slight movement of his thoughts, the golden key disappeared in Liuxia's hands, and at the same time, the treasure house of Babylon was completely opened in front of him.

The few treasures that were inserted into him, as well as those scattered on the ground that blasted the ground out of unknown depths, then all turned into spirits and disappeared in front of everyone's eyes.

[The King's Treasure].

The moment she usurped it in her hands, Liu Xia also automatically understood the power possessed by this Noble Phantasm.

In the legend of Gilgamesh, there is a description of "collecting all the treasures in the world". That is not a lie, but that he really took all the prototypes of technology in the world and built it into Babylon. The treasure house of the king is the treasure of the king.

It is not so much the treasure collected by the King of Heroes as it is the original book of all human wisdom, so the treasure naturally contains the original book of all the Noble Phantasms in historical legends.

Gilgamesh opened the door of the treasure house through the golden key, which is the [King Lu Key], or connected to that special space, and then blasted the treasure inside as before, that is, as Archer the use of this treasure house.

And now, Liu Xia robbed his Wang Lujian and used the power of the usurper to forcibly turn it into his own Noble Phantasm.

Liu Xia didn't touch the treasure library itself, nor did he touch the Wang Lu key, but those golden ripples were the tentacles of the treasure library outside, even if they were only touched by the fingertips of the tentacles, they would not be able to escape Liu Xia's plunder. .

Among the treasures of the king, not only are there truly countless treasures and treasures, even if they are shot out as arrows, they can be recovered. This seems to be because there are excellent treasures in the treasure house for recovery.

"Rider... are you all right?"

Lancer looked in Lucia's direction, and even through the helmet, she could feel her surprise.

"It was clearly penetrated by so many Noble Phantasms..."

Saber on the side and Shirou Emiya and Rin Tohsaka who were hiding in the distance also cast strange gazes, apparently all of them were clearly dressed as a hedgehog, but Liu Xia, who seemed to be nothing, was shocked.

"It's okay, I'm not a human at all, and I have a very high immortality."

Liu Xia responded calmly, and immediately caused the ghost blood in her body to surge, recovering most of her injuries, but it seems that there are still two injuries that cannot be recovered, no matter how much you drive the ghost blood, it is useless.

"Is it mixed with a Noble Phantasm designed to be immortal... It doesn't matter, my immortality is above it."

Liu Xia looked down at the only two holes left in her body, driving the magic in her body, and quickly recovered it.

After the materialization of the soul has been achieved, if there is no ability to kill the soul, even if he is injured, this is absolute immortality, and the mere immortality does not matter at all.

"...Miscellaneous, what did you do?"

Just when Liu Xia calmly dealt with the injury, a voice full of suppressed anger suddenly came from the side, and the killing intent that penetrated from it almost made people mistakenly think that they were in the harsh winter.

"What have you done?"

Liu Xia raised her head and looked at the hero king opposite.

His snake eyes have become extremely cold, and Junxiu's face is full of uncontrollable anger, which is three points better than the anger when Liu Xia's heart was pricked before.

"Isn't that clear?"

Liu Xia raised her hand, and with just a thought, dozens of golden ripples appeared in the sky again.

However, this time, the golden ripples did not appear on Gilgamesh's side, but appeared behind Liu Xia, and the countless treasures protruding from it were like gods and Buddhas guarding him.

Gilgamesh's pupils shrank.

Before all those Noble Phantasms belonged to him, but now, they have all turned their attention to him.

His face gradually distorted, and the anger that surpassed the limit made him angry, and his expression involuntarily became hideous.

"You mere miscellaneous cultivator—! How dare you! How dare you! How dare you—!"

There is no fear of being shaken.

It was just the anger when something that belonged to the king was snatched away.

It was a treasure that only he could possess in heaven and earth, and a symbol of a king that no ordinary person was qualified to bear!


At this moment, Liu Xia stared at the hero king opposite, ignoring his anger, thinking about a possibility in his heart.

——Can I cut off his hands and feet, turn him into a vegetative state, and then imprison him in the King's Treasure, barely maintaining his life, so that I can have this [King's Treasure] close to forever?

The Noble Phantasm of the usurper is stronger if it is strong, but it also has its troubles.

Of course, it does not refer to the problem of mana consumption. Since the materialization of the soul is completed, this problem has become irrelevant.

However, the Noble Phantasm snatched from Gilgamesh, once Gilgamesh dies, or is separated from each other by a world, then this Noble Phantasm will automatically disappear from Ryuxia.

That's because this Noble Phantasm was originally Gilgamesh's, something that was summoned together with him, and was bound to his life, and Luca just usurped its ownership.

But if Gilgamesh was kept alive and kept by his side, Ryuxia would be able to possess this Noble Phantasm forever with his infinite magic power.

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