Eighth Crown

Chapter 942: Why draw that sword?

"It really doesn't look like a soldier should have."

Lancer took the initiative to step up, and issued a sharp sword of tongue and tongue towards Saber, who was shaking.

"Haven't figured it out yet? How long are you going to indulge in that sweet dream?"

In order to follow the local customs, Lancer also took the initiative to spiritualize the armor on his body, revealing his slender curves wrapped in a dark blue dress.

The chest part is as heavy as expected, as if it can pop out of the skirt at any time, and even a deep ravine can be seen from the neckline of the skirt, making people's eyes fall into it involuntarily.

After the armor on her feet was also taken off, her feet stepped on the smooth mirror-like floor of the dojo. The shape was beautiful, and the toes were slightly bent, making people want to start playing.

Although the teenage King Arthur also had a youthful and awe-inspiring flavor, the mature King Arthur has a more intellectual and royal style. Although the temperament is different, the strength can already be seen in the figure.

"...I did see the dream."

The girl got up from the ground and looked at Lancer with a complicated expression.

"Last night, I had a dream, I thought it was my past, but it was a specious life... That's probably your experience."

Servants do not dream.

But if the two servants are the same person, memory, abilities, etc. may be reversed, and King Arthur and Grey are also close to changes in this regard.

At the Clock Tower, this variation is classified under the seances.

For example, the use of the previous life's self into oneself to acquire the skills of the previous life belongs to this aspect.

Thinking of it this way, Saber's dream should be the return of Lancer's memory, allowing her to experience another King Arthur's life in the dream.

But to be honest, apart from the differences in the choice between the holy sword and the holy spear, basically there has not been much change between the two.

The same response, the same prosperity, the same marriage to Guinevere, the same round-table infighting, the same rebellion and Kamran Hill, the same disintegration.

The pain and struggle in it, unless you experience it yourself, you can't feel it at all.

It was because of this that she couldn't understand why the other self had no remorse in the face of this kind of life, the divided round table and the ruined motherland?

Wouldn't it be better to change to a better king, let Britain continue, and let all tragedies cease to exist?

"I am you, and you are me, so it is not impossible for me to understand your feelings and thoughts."

Lancer paused for a while, then continued: "However, as I said before, I have reached the end of my ideal, this is the path I have chosen, and I have long since realized this."

"...Although I'm also a little aware of it, but the other me, under the torment of time, have you forgotten - why did you choose to become a king and draw that sword in the first place?"

Why draw that sword and choose to be king?

After being asked such a question, the knight girl should have given an answer immediately, but at this moment, she was rarely silent.

To be honest, she was bent on regaining Britain, and she had long forgotten how she felt at the time.

But when someone who was also her said that, the scene at that time couldn't help but emerge in her mind.

It was in the cemetery outside the church, under the golden sunset.

"It's better to think carefully before picking up that thing. Once you pick up that sword, you won't be human until the end, you'll be hated by all humans, and you'll end up with a tragic death."

Before she was about to hold the sword, the voice of the great magician Merlin appeared in her ears, warning her how bad the future was.

"It doesn't matter, I see smiles on the faces of many people. If that's the case, then I believe it must not be the wrong choice."

So, the girl smiled and drew out her sword.

Before King Arthur, Britain had already lost the protection of the empire to the outside world, and it was about to fall apart internally. It could be said that it was at the end of the dynasty.

However, after the appearance of King Arthur, the country changed its decadence in the past. With the battles in the south, east, and northwest, the king often took the lead, giving Britain a new lease of life, and his prestige was even higher than that of her father, King Arthur.

Although Britain was still destroyed in the end, King Arthur, who revived Britain and extended its lifespan for more than ten years, was still undeniably the best king at that time.


In the dojo, following Lancer's questioning, the knight girl fell into silence, her expression inexplicably dazed.

She had long forgotten the reason for becoming a king, and has only recalled it until now.

At this moment, the answer seemed to have come to her lips, but she didn't know how to answer.

"...If you still refuse to give up even so, then I'll tell you."

Seeing that the girl was in a state of confusion, Lancer pondered for a while before speaking again.

"Although you don't know it yet, the Holy Grail in Fuyuki City cannot be used to make a wish. The Holy Grail's function as a wishing machine has been lost... Rider, you should know more about this, please explain it. "

I see.

That's what Lancer wanted him to do.

The Great Holy Grail in Fuyuki City cannot be used at all.

This is not a secret on their side, even Lancer's King Arthur and King of Conqueror know about it, but they just know it and don't know why, the only one who really knows is Liu Xia.

In order for Saber to give up that unrealistic dream completely, of course, Lucia needs to come over and explain.


Liu Xia shrugged and started to do science without paying much attention.

Not much to say.

At best, in the third Holy Grail War, Einzbern illegally summoned Avenger Angora Manuel, because the essence of Angora Manuel's existence is "all the evil in this world", so he was killed by the little Holy Grail after his death. After absorbing it, the Great Holy Grail was completely contaminated.

"So so, so so... Simply put, the Great Holy Grail will use endless malice, disaster and destruction to realize the victor's wishes."

"For example, if you want to go back to the time before you pulled out the sword of the king, the Great Holy Grail 80% will give a person who kills the whole world, process all their existence and reason into heat, and use that heat to jump Time, the proposal to go back to the past."

This is a criminal record.

In the world on the Chaldean side, [Beast I] Gaetia once tried to use this method to capture the heat of human nature for 3,000 years, and thus planned to jump to 4.6 billion years ago and complete the great cause of Genesis.

It is completely feasible in theory, but it is bound to be blocked by all parties in action.

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