Eighth Crown

Chapter 924: No need for two King Arthurs

"Because of the angle, it was only a short distance from the heart being penetrated, so I didn't die on the spot."

Lucia lowered her head to check the condition of the red-haired boy.

When knocking Saber apart, there was a subtle angle gap between the two, so that the red-haired boy was not pierced through his heart.

However, his lung lobes and sternum were missing a large chunk, and the blood in his body flowed outward like no money. Moreover, his pupils were gradually dilating, and his eyes were gradually empty. He was already in a state of exhaling more and less air, and he was close to death. Just a matter of time.

"Huh? Are you actually healing yourself?"

The next moment, Liu Xia suddenly noticed something unusual.

This young man is obviously not far from death, but for some reason, he is still dying, hanging there in a breath, and even the injury on his chest is slowly recovering.

"It's a healing technique prepared in advance... No, this guy hasn't even started the magic circuit completely, it's impossible to use life-saving magic, his physique is also very ordinary, he has no self-healing power or immortality, and he doesn't wear a magic dress. "

Liu Xia stretched out her hand and used her magic power to investigate the condition of the red-haired boy's body.

At a certain moment, when his magic power cruised into the depths of the boy's body, he suddenly felt that there seemed to be a foreign object hidden in his body.

A mysterious dress that is beyond imagination, spread from the distant past to the present, contains the meaning of ultimate protection, and reaches the ultimate state of conceptual dress.

"...So it is, no wonder King Arthur can be summoned."

After realizing the real body of the concept dress, Liuxia suddenly realized.

I thought it was pure luck that this young man could summon the top Servant King Arthur, but I didn't expect that there was such a fate hidden between the two.

No, the fact that this thing can appear in his body is itself a manifestation of his overwhelming luck, right?

Liu Xia paused for a while, and did not mean to pull the conceptual dress out of his body. Instead, he raised his hand and wrote a rune representing "healing" on his chest.

After that, he stood up and looked at Tohsaka Rin beside him.

The moment he turned around and looked over, the red Archer stood in front of Rin Tohsaka like lightning, staring at Liu Xia nervously and alertly.

"What's this kid's name?"

Liu Xia didn't care about his vigilance, but looked at Tohsaka Rin and asked her.

"Eh? It's called... Emiya Shirou."

Tohsaka Rin was stunned for a while, not understanding what Liu Xia was thinking, but for safety's sake, she chose to tell him the boy's name.

"Really... Then do you know the name of your Archer?"

Liu Xia pondered for a while, indicating that she had written down the name, and then asked her again.


Tohsaka Rin tilted his head in confusion, his hair rippling in the wind.

If another Servant asked this question, she would definitely think that the other party was trying to ask Archer's real name, but this abrupt and outrageous Rider asked this question, which only made her feel strange.

After all, the strength gap is so big that you shouldn't care about the real name at all.

The girl said very honestly: "I don't know, because the summoning process is not complete, there seems to be a problem with Archer's memory. That's what he told me."

"…I see."

Liu Xia's eyes narrowed slightly, and the look in the red Archer's eyes became clear, "It's the first time I've seen such a coincidence."

"You guy?"

The red Archer looked at Liu Xia's eyes and suddenly became suspicious.

Could this guy have seen through his real body?

"Tell it to Emiya Shirou."

Liu Xia no longer hesitated and walked towards the direction of the atrium.

"Just say, I will come to find him, don't die easily."

After saying that, Liu Xia spurted flames from under her feet again, and the whole person rushed into the sky and disappeared in front of Tohsaka Rin.


It was not until he left that Tohsaka Rin was relieved, and the tense mind and body relaxed.

Then, she hurried to Emiya Shirou's side, looking at the wound on his chest that had clearly begun to heal, her face suddenly became strange.

"Inexplicably ran over to fight, and inexplicably healed other masters... What the **** is this heroic spirit thinking?"


After leaving the Emiya residence, Liu Xia returned directly to the ghost mansion from a high altitude.

"Your Excellency Liangyi, please come and see my Master!"

As soon as he returned to the mansion, Lancer immediately released his spiritualization and appeared in front of Liu Xia with a nervous look on his mature face.

"Master, she's in a coma again!"

When Liu Xia heard the words, she paused slightly, and immediately went to Grey's room on the second floor.

Just like Lancer said, Grey fainted again and was taken to her own bed by Lancer.

The petite girl was lying on the double bed, her face was ruddy and her breathing was rapid.

It was obviously fine before Liu Xia set off.

"…The changes in Grey are rapidly intensifying."

After the diagnosis, Liuxia frowned slightly.

"It should be because the two King Arthurs appeared in the world at the same time, which led to the rapid increase in the frequency of coherence between her and you, which made the changes that she had moderated become violent again, and this time it was more troublesome than before."

Originally, with Liu Xia's help, the changes on Grey's body have softened. After the Holy Grail War, not only will there be no accidents, but her own strength will be greatly enhanced.

But the bad thing is that in this Holy Grail War, two King Arthurs appeared in one breath.

With the rapid increase in the frequency of her synchronization with the two King Arthurs, the changes in her body were unprecedentedly drastic.

"Will it adversely affect the Master?"

Lancer also frowned, looking at the silver-haired girl lying on the bed, a hint of guilt and distress appeared between her brows.

This girl is almost no different from her descendants, and she is still such a small girl. She should have a warm family, a lover, and spend her teenage years happily... It is because of her that this girl will face such a situation. cruel fate.


Liu Xia said resolutely: "If this continues, within two days, she will completely condense the heart of the red dragon, and then her body will quickly move closer to King Arthur. In the end, even her personality will disappear, and she will be called King Arthur. concept replaced."

When two King Arthurs appear in the world at the same time, the frequency of coherence is surprisingly high.

This is undoubtedly an extraordinary Shura field for Grey.

If she gets over it, she will naturally fly into the sky. Once she can't get over it, her existence will disappear and become someone else who is not her.

"I can temporarily block her with the enchantment and adjust her body, but unless she is blocked until the end of the Holy Grail War, it will only be a temporary solution."

Lucia looked at Lancer beside him.

"The way to solve it completely, you should also know"

He said indifferently: "—This Holy Grail War does not require two King Arthurs."

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