Eighth Crown

Chapter 920: Is there another wicked Servant?

"More than fifty people disappeared in one day?"

II watched the news broadcast on TV, his brows furrowed deeply, and the wrinkles gathered together to form an image of Sichuan.

"Could it be that there are some evil followers this time?"

The existence of a Servant itself has the characteristics of "soul-eating", and there is the possibility of attacking ordinary people, but if the Servant eats the soul, it is actually fine, and there is the possibility of letting these people go.

In a worse situation, a certain Master accidentally summoned a monster that is notorious in myths and legends and has a bad habit of eating people, then the fate of these missing people will definitely not be much better.

And more than 50 people were kidnapped in one day, who knows how many people will die in each other's mouth when the Holy Grail War is over.

"Isn't there any movement from the church?"

The second pondered, with a puzzled look on his face.

The church is the overseer of the Holy Grail War. When such a thing occurs, it should come forward to mediate. After all, this kind of thing is almost breaking the hidden and mysterious rules that the inner world has adhered to to this day.

However, according to the Familiar's surveillance over there, the church was silent, not to mention mediation, and there was no response at all.

"Master, what will happen to those who disappeared?"

Grey looked at the second, looking at the red numbers on the TV, she couldn't help but feel a little nervous, and asked him.

"...During the last Holy Grail War, there were also cases of children missing."

When the second said this, he couldn't help but pause for a while, with an ugly look on his face as if he had eaten expired canned food.

"As a result, most of those children were tortured and killed by some mentally abnormal servant."

He still remembers the scene he saw in the sewers of Fuyuki City.

There are short stumps everywhere, and the internal organs are scattered on the ground in a messy way. The blood that flows out forms several pools of blood of different sizes. There are even half-year-old children who were nailed to the frame, with knife wounds and bloodstains all over their bodies. .

The scene was extremely infiltrating, and it was chilling just to look at it. At that time, he was still young and couldn't help but vomit on the spot.


Grey's breathing stagnated, only to feel dizzy in her mind, and for a while, her heart became extremely heavy.

This Holy Grail War, will that kind of tragedy be staged again?

"No matter what, there is no reason to sit back and watch this crooked way!"

Second World said decisively: "Whether it is from a personal or magic point of view, such riots must be resolved as soon as possible, and the other party cannot be allowed to continue to act indiscriminately!"

"In a while, Rider and I will go out to investigate this disappearance case. I'll leave you to monitor the other Servants, Lucia and Grey."

Rider's mobility is very strong, and he can walk around Fuyuki City in one day with the Second World, but he can't stop monitoring other masters and slaves. Anyway, they have a lot of combat power here, and it's not a bad idea to split their troops in two ways.

Liu Xia did not take the initiative to help investigate the disappearance case.

If II or Gray is in trouble, he can still help, others? I don't know, it has nothing to do with me.

After breakfast was over, II went out with Rider and headed for the city.


In Shenshan Town, the shopping street is the dividing line, the south is the foreign-style residential area, and the north is the Japanese-style residential area.

The so-called Japanese-style residential area refers to naturally a Japanese-style courtyard, with multiple buildings as the center, with sand, grass, water bowls, etc., giving people a sense of garden-like stability and full of Zen.

In the center of this residential area, there is a very large and spacious Japanese-style courtyard, and the owner's surname - "Eigong" is written on the number plate in front of the door.

early morning.

Emiya Shirou woke up from the warehouse alone, and entered the warehouse's dilapidated walls and grown-up old machines.

The morning sun shone through the cracks of the door and the windows, occasionally accompanied by the chirping of birds.

The school girl, who always came to his house to help with housework, did not show up at his house today.

In fact, he hadn't seen her since yesterday morning. After school last night, he also went to see Matou's house, which had turned into ruins.

However, according to the police, no deceased was found in the rubble, and the family of three, including the junior girl, disappeared without a trace.

"Where did you go..."

The young man murmured absentmindedly, then stood up from the ground and moved his stiff body.

"Ding dong!"

The doorbell at the entrance suddenly rang, and Shirou Emiya was taken aback, then opened the warehouse door and walked towards the atrium.

Standing at the entrance of the main courtyard was an old man Emiya Shirou once had a relationship with. He was wearing a dark-colored kimono. He was short and hunchbacked. The hair on his head had long since fallen out.

"I remember you were... Sakura's grandfather?"

Emiya Shirou was suddenly shocked, and there was a look of joy in his eyes, "You're still alive, it's great, then Sakura and Shinji are also--?"

"Hmph, being worried by the Wei Gong family's kid, the old man is really going back as he lives."

The bald old man didn't seem to be in a good mood, so he snorted coldly, "Of course Sakura and Shinji are still alive, but I don't know how long they will live."


Emiya Shirou was stunned for a moment, with a stunned look on his face, "What does this... mean?"


Matou Ziyan grinned and sneered with a leaky mouth, "If you don't have enough food, of course you can't survive, right?"

"That's right."

Emiya Shirou breathed a sigh of relief, then turned around and planned to bring out some quick food.

"If you don't dislike it, Matou's grandfather, Sakura and the others will all live in my house, and the food will be sufficient."

Because of worrying all day, Emiya Shirou just got the good news, and his heartstrings loosened a little, but he didn't pay attention to the strange look on the old man's face.

"That couldn't be better."

Matou Zuoyan looked at Emiya Shirou's back, the smile on his face gradually widened, and cold killing intent appeared in his shrewd eyes.

"However, as for the rations, the old man will come and pick it up himself-"


The next moment, a large number of bugs emerged from behind him, and their wings vibrated, attacking Emiya Shirou's back.

"Don't blame the old man."

Matou Zuoyan sneered: "After all, that monster's appetite is amazing, and the magician's soul can fill her stomach. If you don't do this, Sakura and Shinji will both be eaten by her. As a friend, you should also I don't want to see that scene."

"What are you kidding!?"

The moment he was attacked by the bug, Shirou Emiya reacted, and the expression on his face changed suddenly.

He didn't understand what the other party was saying, but at least he knew that he was facing a life crisis now.

Facing the onslaught of the insects, he almost ran towards the warehouse without thinking, hoping that the closed warehouse could stop the attack of the insects.

Before he noticed it, three scarlet stigmata appeared on the back of his hand.

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