Eighth Crown

Chapter 914: You must survive, Archer!

"What's the matter, Rin?"

A figure gradually emerged from Tohsaka Rin's side, raised an eyebrow at her, and asked and reminded her in surprise.

"Manage your expressions, or your image will be ruined."

It was a male Servant with white hair, dark skin, and a red coat. Judging by his stature, he was indeed tall and gave a very oppressive impression.

"No, um, I understand..."

When Tohsaka Rin heard the words, he quickly restrained the shocked look on his face, hesitated a little, and cast a solemn look at the servant beside him.

"Archer...you must survive!"


Several big question marks appeared on Archer's forehead.

Looking at your solemn expression, I thought you wanted to entrust me with victory, so that I must win, but why are you so unpleasant when you say it?

Can't you just wait for me to order?

However, he also knows that his Master is not the kind of person who is aimless. In other words, I am afraid that he has seen a rather terrifying ability value, right?

But from his perspective, the young man with a demonic appearance on the opposite side did not have such a terrifying aura. Could it be that he was the type who was good at concealing his aura?

No matter what, as long as you play a game, you will know the strength of this guy!

in the front yard.

Lucia stood opposite Archer on the opposite side.

His heart was calm, and there was not even a little turbulence.

If the Servant on the opposite side is someone he doesn't know, then he might be a little wary, but unfortunately, the Archer on the opposite side is an old acquaintance of his, and he knows how much he has. .

Yinglingwei Palace.

In Chaldea, he was in charge of the kitchen and was good at projecting swords to fight. When they were in the deep sea computer paradise, the two also had the experience of fighting side by side.

Although he is an Archer, he basically likes close combat. In terms of strength, he is only second-rate among Heroic Spirits, but his methods are very rich.

With their eyes facing each other, Wei Gong's expression became stern, and a pair of black and white knives appeared in his hands, obviously already on guard.

However, that didn't help.


In just an instant, Liu Xia's figure disappeared from his view.


Immediately afterwards, a short thunderous roar came into his ears.

Emiya's eyes shrank suddenly.

Liu Xia's figure had come to him at some point, and raised his slender right leg, whipping towards his side like a long whip.

His eyes and brain didn't capture Liu Xia's movement trajectory at all, as if it was really just a moment, the other party surpassed the limit of his eyes and reaction ability.

Not visible.


There is no escape.

This kick, which is full of one-hit-kill spirit, seems to carry the general pressure of heaven and earth, and it brings to Emiya the feeling that the planet itself is against him, giving him no space to avoid and counterattack. .

But he still managed to catch Liu Xia's first blow.

Not by the naked eye, but by the mind's eye.

He possesses the B-level mind and true skills, even in an infinite crisis of desperation, as long as there is a 1% possibility, he can rely on countless years of combat experience to grasp the situation and find the only way to survive.

The moment Liu Xia kicked over, he subconsciously twisted the strength of his waist, trying his best to avoid colliding with that kick.

The kick kicked by the kinetic energy that surpassed the limit of his eagle eye, I think it must have the power to cause him to be severely injured in an instant, but as long as he can avoid it——


Under one foot, the air rioted, and the air flow was like a typhoon entering, covering the entire mansion.

The huge wind swept in, and II and Grey were caught off guard and were almost thrown away by the strong wind.

At the moment of crisis, Lancer, who was wearing silver armor, suddenly materialized and appeared in front of the two of them. He raised the holy spear in his hand, causing the gust of wind to gather on it, offsetting each other with the sweeping airflow.

Lancer seemed to have the ability to control the wind. With her help, II and Gray barely stood still and looked at the battlefield with a horrified look.

It's only been a month, why is this guy's fighting style different from when he was on the Magic Eye Train?

Back then, he could only cut out some sword energy with a knife, and he had to fight for a long time with Faker, who was just a second-rate.

If he had this kind of combat power when he was on the magic eye train, wouldn't he be able to kill him casually when facing Faker at that time?

in the field.

A black shadow was kicked out at the same speed as a bullet, smashed the half-destroyed wall in an instant, fell out of the mansion, rubbed dozens of meters on the ground, and barely stopped. shape.

Then, the figure seemed to have lost consciousness, and the figure gradually became transparent, turning into a spiritual child and dissipating.

Lucia withdrew her feet.

What about his mind, when he opened up the world of penetration, he had a much stronger grasp of the battle situation than Emiya.

He stood calmly in the courtyard and glanced at the task template on the lower right.

[Spiritual base update mission: Defeat a Servant (1/1)] has been completed, and you will get a chance to update the spiritual base. After leaving the current world, the spiritual base status will be automatically updated.


knock off.

the other side.

The battle was over before Tohsaka Rin could react.

Of course, it was her Archer who was kicked out, and she was defeated in an instant. After being kicked out, she immediately lost consciousness and was forced to disappear into a spiritual child.

It wasn't until after Archer was kicked out that the strong wind blew across her face and blew her black hair, Tohsaka Rin blinked and barely recovered.

Being killed in seconds is too much!

Thanks to that Archer's promise to her last night, saying "Since it's a Servant you summoned, there's no reason not to be strong." In fact, the first fight was just a quick kill? !

"Ahahaha... a friendly match, it must be the first in friendship and the second in the competition...!"

With cold sweat pouring down her face, the girl forcefully raised her fingers and tried to put her previous statement into practice.

"Since the result is out, then...bye!"

She turned around in a hurry, as if she was afraid of running slowly, launched a strengthening technique on her legs, and then ran away from the gate of the mansion without a trace, as if she was about to break her legs.

"Don't you need to chase?"

Looking at the back of Rin Tohsaka who was running farther and farther, Lancer turned his head and asked the second and Grey behind him.

According to her thoughts, at this moment, of course, it is to catch up, completely stripping the Command Spell from the girl's hand and expelling her from the Holy Grail War is the safest choice.

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