Eighth Crown

Chapter 906: It's up to you to take this Command Spell (3/3)

This is a very modern workshop.

Compared with the workshops built by ancient magicians, this workshop filled with various metal modern facilities and shrouded in incandescent lights is even enough to be called science fiction.

Several children who looked to be in their teens were locked in glass jars. With Liu Xia's eyesight, he could naturally see that it was a device that extracted magic crystals by squeezing life.

With the flick of a lever, the children are crushed like juice and turned into pure magic, forming solid crystals that are easy to carry and use.

This is a local incantation that pursues equivalent exchange, and it is extremely inefficient, no wonder it is despised in the clock tower.

in the workshop.

"If we join forces, won't victory be taken for granted?!"

Atram is still trying his best to convince Luca to survive from him.

But Liu Xia didn't even say a word to him, and with just a wave of his hand, a storm was generated in the workshop, and the entire room was quickly disturbed.


Atlam only felt a flower in front of his eyes, and then he was swept in by the storm. After a while, he slammed into the wall directly, and immediately his eyes went black and rolled his eyes.

Although it was just a casual act, the riotous air flow obviously exceeded the upper limit of what magic could handle. Atlam passed out without saying a word, and even the glass jars holding the children were directly shattered.

The breath is still there, but the concussion should be indispensable.

Even if there is magic to help him recover, at least in the past few days, he will not want to get out of bed and move around.

Liu Xia stepped forward and spent a few minutes, using the book as a medium, to peel off the Command Spell on the back of his right hand.

Immediately go away.

After Liu Xia left, the frightened magicians carefully entered the workshop and put the unconscious Atram on a stretcher.

Having lost the Command Spell, he will be an outsider in the Holy Grail War from now on.


"According to what you mean, I didn't kill him, they should withdraw from Fuyuki City tomorrow."

Liu Xia returned to the ghost mansion, and showed the captured Command Spell to II and Gray, and then his eyes moved, and the focus gradually converged on Gray.

"Gray, hold out your hand, this Command Spell is up to you to use."


When she heard Liu Xia's words, Grey even thought it was her ear problem. She pointed at herself in disbelief, "Let me use it later? That... wouldn't it be better for Mr. Liangyi to use it?"

"I am a subservient."

Liu Xia explained flatly: "In the eyes of the Great Holy Grail, I am also a Servant, and I do not have the qualifications to become the Master, so you can only use it."

This is the case under the right circumstances.

As a subservient, Ryuxia is not qualified to be a Master in the judgment of the Great Holy Grail, and it is impossible to obtain a Command Spell.

Of course, if Liu Xia wanted to do some illegal operations to make himself a master, it would be very simple, after all, his magic skills are not covered.

It's just that Liu Xia didn't have that interest.

Rather than summoning Servants to participate in the Holy Grail War, it is more in line with his view of efficiency to directly break into the game board of the Holy Grail War.

After all, the summoned Servant is not as strong as himself, so is it necessary to summon such a Servant?

It would be better to give the Command Spell to Grey, so that it would make sense for her to serve as a Servant.

"If that's the case, then accept it, Grey."

The second generation looked at Grey and persuaded her, "For Liangyi, it doesn't matter if there are followers or not. If there are followers, it may increase the consumption of his magic power and affect his own battles."

"Okay...then I'll take it next."

Grey took down the Command Spell at a loss, and then with Liu Xia's help, transplanted the Command Spell onto the back of her hand.

"Thank you, Mr. Liangyi."

The girl hurriedly bowed to Liu Xia and sincerely thanked him.

In this way, like her master, she has become a master, and can summon those heroic spirits engraved in the history of mankind... Because it was almost obtained out of thin air, the girl's heart still lacks a sense of reality.

If it were me, what kind of Heroic Spirit would I summon?

The girl couldn't help but fall into a fantasy, and a little curiosity surged in her heart.


late at night.

After II and Grey both fell asleep, Liu Xia left the ghost mansion and headed towards Mt. Yuanzang.

Yuanzang Mountain, which is a small mountain on the westernmost side of Fuyuki City, on the top of the mountain is a very famous temple called Liudong Temple, which has a history of hundreds of years.

Liu Xia came here not to pray to God and worship Buddha, but to go to the base of Yuanzang Mountain.

In the calculation of the future magic eye, the Great Holy Grail system of Fuyuki City is depicted in the underground of Yuanzang Mountain.

Because Mount Yuanzo is the leading spiritual node in Fuyuki City, placing the Great Holy Grail here is undoubtedly the most beneficial for the Great Holy Grail to absorb the magic power of the leylines, so that the magic power of the Great Holy Grail can be quickly accumulated and completed.


At the foot of Yuanzang Mountain, Liu Xia's footsteps stopped slightly.

In his perception, the entire Yuanzang Mountain was shrouded in a large enchantment.

It's been a long time, and I don't know who set it up. It may even be formed naturally. Because it is built on the spiritual vein, it is very effective.

The only effect of the enchantment is to block the entry and exit of the spirit body. If it is a spirit body such as ghosts and phantoms, if you want to enter Yuanzang Mountain, you must enter through the main gate, and it will be greatly suppressed.

Even heroic spirits cannot avoid this effect, and even after entering the barrier, their own strength will be suppressed to a certain extent.

"It has nothing to do with me, a subservant."

After identifying the true form of this barrier, Liu Xia directly ignored the barrier and entered Yuanzang Mountain from the forest on the side.

Although he is a Servant, he is also a human being, not a spiritual body, but a flesh-and-blood creature.

Even if he is a spirit body, after the soul is materialized, he no longer needs to care about this kind of enchantment.

After entering Yuanzang Mountain.

Under the guidance of the future vision magic eye, Liu Xia came to a boulder, and then his body seemed to be submerged in the water, directly submerged into it, and entered the interior of the mountain.

Inside the mountain are caves extending in all directions. There are a lot of jagged rocks and stalactites hanging down in the cave, and the interior is extremely dim, with no light source at all.

In the dimly lit cave, Liu Xia didn't stop at all, didn't get confused by the caves extending in all directions, and went straight into the deepest part of the cave.

After only ten seconds, he came to the deepest part of the ground.

That is where the tainted Great Holy Grail is located.

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