Eighth Crown

Chapter 901: Travel to and arrive at Fuyuki City

Esdes' strength is actually quite strong. Even if she encounters opponents of the level of Karna and Achilles, she should be able to defeat them. This is in the entire Heroic Spirit Throne. is extremely rare.

However, with the passage of time, Liu Xia's strength has become stronger and stronger. With his current strength, a Servant of Karna's level may only be killed in seconds.

Moreover, Liu Xia continued to become stronger at an extremely fast speed. If she continued to slow down like this, she would definitely fall behind because of the huge gap in strength, thus being abandoned by Liu Xia.

Dotya and Fittoria don't care about such a thing, but she can't. The only wish in her heart is to catch up with Liuxia and put him under her.

As the gap gradually widened, the anxiety in Esdes's heart became more and more magnified. Now she is almost trying to get stronger, and she doesn't even want to let go of basic magic.

Esdes' strength is basically in Teigu and blood ghost art, and he is basically a half-baked in magic. Although he knows one or two magic tricks, he only learned it with the help of Liu Xia. Essentially she is a magic apprentice.

Therefore, she wanted to use this time to study at the Clock Tower.

Of course, there is no high-end magic in the clock tower. If she wants to learn high-end magic, she should also ask Liu Xia for advice.

But unfortunately, her realm is too low, even third-rate magic may not be able to understand, still want to learn high-end magic?

Simply delusional.

She had to start with the basics, but then the problem came again.

If Esdes wanted to learn the original rune, Liuxia might teach her the original rune because of the idea that the stronger the subordinate, the better.

But let him teach her basic knowledge such as Feng Shui, spiritual veins, magic circle depiction, etc... I'm sorry, he is very busy.

Estes knew Lucia's character very well.

Therefore, she knew that if she wanted to learn magic from scratch, she would most likely need to learn it at the Clock Tower, or at least lay a solid foundation.

After that, if she asked Liu Xia to teach her advanced magic, he might agree.

In short, her level is too low now, he spends his time on her, he can't get a decent return at all, the efficiency is horribly low, and it is impossible for him to do that kind of return that is not as good as the effort. things.

"Alright, then you can stay."

After thinking about it for a while, Liu Xia nodded and agreed without rejecting Estes' idea.

Just like what she said, with Liu Xia's current strength, completing this mission is a sure thing. It doesn't matter whether she goes or not, it's better to stay and learn magic.

As long as Esdes is not too high-profile and shows the power of Teigu and blood ghost art, the possibility of her being targeted is not high.

After all, she has only 29 magic circuits, so she can be considered a genius among ordinary people, but it is the same thing in the eyes of nobles.



You have to have at least thirty or forty points before you can enter the sight of those arrogant nobles. If you have fifty or sixty points, you can be called a genius. If you have seventy or more, you are not a genius. But a monster.

In addition, she is also good at concealing aura, and with the care of the El-Melloi faction, it is unlikely that anything major will happen.

If something is going to happen, it's not Estes who should be worried, but the magician family.

They should pray that they don't mess with Esdes, otherwise they will have nothing to say if they are exterminated. Esdes is not a good talker.

"Then I'll stay too!"

Dotya rolled her eyes and raised her hand in a loud voice, trying to get away with it.

She just doesn't want to fight with heroic spirits, she's just a coward.

"...Then me too?"

Fittoria glanced at Esdes and Dotya blankly, and raised her hand as if she didn't understand.

"As you go."

Liu Xia glanced at the two of them and nodded noncommittally.

It is not far from raising the upper limit of spiritual foundation.

And after the spiritual base limit is raised, Liu Xia can travel the world with the two rituals, and he can take this opportunity to improve his relationship with the two rituals... At that time, it will be impossible to carry a light bulb.

In other words, their mission is almost over, and what they want to do, he doesn't intend to care or stop them.


Two days later.

El-Melloi II mobilized his personal connections with all his strength, and shot the runes at the fastest speed, so that these runes were photographed by the Bathermelo family at a price of up to five billion US dollars.

After this huge sum of money succeeded, El-Melloi's debt hole was filled in an instant, and there was even a lot of surplus.

Lenis was dumbfounded when she learned of this.

Even if this condition is fulfilled, then she can no longer stop him.

The second generation became a free body because he took off the burden of several years, and the whole person was very comfortable, and he was very drunk that night.

When I woke up the next day, I looked ten years younger, my stomach didn't hurt, my wrinkles were gone, my face was flushed, and I was very happy.

"Your companion wants to join the modern magic department?"

The second who came to visit Xie Liuxia again, when he heard that Esdes wanted to enter the Clock Tower for further studies, he agreed without saying a word, and wrote a letter of recommendation in person.

With the monarch as a guarantee, Esdes' entry into the Clock Tower must be a certainty, and even her identity as a black household is no longer a problem.

"Are you going to Fuyuki City too?"

When II learned about Liu Xia's plan, he was obviously surprised.

But just as Liu Xia had guessed before, his purpose was just to reunite with the conqueror, and there was no conflict with Liu Xia, so he readily agreed.

Early this morning in late January.

Because it was secretly going to participate, the second generation didn't notify anyone, so he brought his luggage at 2:00 in the morning, reunited with Grey and Liu Xia, and headed to the airport.

When he left the dormitory, although the second generation did not notice, but Liu Xia found the figure of Lenis hidden not far away.

However, the other party seems to have no intention of showing up.

Even though she was actually very worried about the safety of the Second World, she did not stop the Second World who ran away from home, nor did she go to Fuyuki City with him.

Laines is an excellent magician, knowing that she has the burden of the entire family on her shoulders, and this responsibility does not allow her to take risks personally.

"Brother's safety, I'll leave it to you, Grey, sub-servant..."

She prayed silently in her heart.

Three in the morning.

The three boarded a plane to the Far East.

And at around six in the morning on January 25, local time, it arrived in Fuyuki City.

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