Eighth Crown

Chapter 897: Did I disturb you? (33)

Clock Tower.

It is a department that is regarded as the headquarters of the Magic Association. It is a self-defense group formed by magicians from different countries and schools in name. It has the function of managing and hiding the mystery, and regards the development of magic as its own mission.

Although magicians are essentially scholars who conduct research in order to "reach the root", in order to protect themselves from threats such as the church and other magic organizations, the clock tower also has a powerful force.

For example, seal the designated executive board and so on.

Moreover, although the magicians' wish is to reach the root, they are limited to themselves in the end. Therefore, the inside of the clock tower is still caught in the vortex of hostility and confrontation, suppression and killing, money and power.

Because in the Fourth Holy Grail War held in the Far Eastern island country ten years ago, the El-Melloan faction unexpectedly lost its participating monarch, El-Melloi I, and the El-Melloan family, one of the twelve sects, collapsed immediately.

Not only was he robbed by outsiders, but even the split family left after the lion opened his mouth, leaving only the name of El-Melloh and a large amount of debt, and even the magic seal of the El-Melloi faction recovered from the monarch. All were destroyed to the extent that only 10% remained.

After that, due to various fates, Laines, a girl from one of the remote branches, Archizolti, inherited El-Melloi's magic engraving and became the new head of the house.

But the young Lenis, in order to stay away from the power struggle in the Clock Tower and gain time for herself to grow up, chose to push Weber Velvet, one of the former monarch's students, to the position of monarch.

At this point, Weber Velvet became the famous El-Melloi II of the Clock Tower.


A month has passed since Liu Xia left, and the time has come to mid-January 2004. There are only the last ten days left until the fifth Holy Grail War is about to begin.

But El-Melloi II, who had long decided to participate in the Fifth Holy Grail War, was unable to leave the Clock Tower until now.

The teaching building of the modern magic department, in the monarch's office.


El-Melloi II took out a cigar from his arms pretending to be calm, cut the filter with a knife, put it into his mouth tremblingly, and then drank at the blond girl in front of him.

"I don't remember teaching you this way!"

The second world's face was ashen, and he kept scolding the blond girl.

The reason is because his titular sister suddenly came to the office today, and then opened a barrier without saying a word, locking him in the barrier.

Then, there was an unfolding that left him speechless.

"Ah, my good brother, I do all this for the continuation of the family!"

Standing opposite the second is a blond girl who is only about 15 years old. She has a standard western face and wears a beret on her head. Although she is still young, she can still see her gorgeous appearance.

At this moment, with a proud expression and a devilish smile on her face, she confidently refuted Second World's scolding.

"Didn't you say it too? Magicians should always focus on maintaining the prosperity and glory of the family."

As she said that, she took the initiative to approach the direction of the second world, and there was an unusually happy look in her eyes.

"If you have to go to the ceremony in the Far East, I won't stop you, but you must also leave a child who inherits your magic circuit. Didn't I say so?"

To a certain extent, the qualifications of magicians can be inherited.

The more excellent the elder's magic circuit, the children born to him can generally inherit this excellence and are born with a high-quality magic circuit.

Therefore, magicians also pay more attention to bloodline and inheritance than anyone else. The older the bloodline, the more powerful it may be and the better the aptitude.

Second World's magic circuit is undoubtedly third-rate, and his aptitude is very ordinary.

After all, the Velvet family was only the third generation when it was passed down to his generation, and even the first two generations were all amateurs and half-assers of magic, and he officially entered the clock tower. It was impossible to accumulate such a long inheritance.

But because he is a famous person in the Clock Tower and has a very rare talent, he is completely qualified and necessary to collect his genetic information.

Seeing the confused and fearful expression on the face of Master because he was about to be pushed down, the hooded girl who had been standing in the outer room could no longer remain calm.

"That...Miss Lenis...Master doesn't seem very willing..."

The girl was wearing clothes with a hood and hid her face under the hood.

That slender body that seems to be weak and boneless, and the cowardly speech like a small animal, will make people involuntarily have the urge to take good care of her and prevent her from being aggrieved.

"Gray, it's not a question of willingness or not."

Lenis continued to approach the second world with a smile full of mischief, and replied in a good mood while admiring the ugliness he showed, like a persecuted little daughter-in-law.

"Magicians are such cold-blooded freaks, even if they don't want to, they don't have the right to refuse, but don't come to hinder me!"

Impersonal and succinct answer.

But such an answer made Grey lose his sense of proportion. He only felt that the tongue in his mouth was very stiff, and he didn't know how to refute at all.

Her character is a little timid, so when facing powerful people, her momentum will fall into the disadvantage.

"Dong Dong Dong!"

At this moment, a rhythmic knock on the door suddenly sounded from outside the door and entered the ears of the three people in the room.

"Guest! A guest is coming!"

El-Melloi II suddenly seemed to have ushered in a savior, and hurriedly shouted, trying to divert Lenis's attention, "It must be work! I'll talk about it later!"

"Eighty percent of them are students, don't worry about him!"

Lenis raised her radiant black silk legs and wanted to sit on top of him. The maid made of mercury behind her even turned into a rope shape, tying the second world to the chair and letting him go. He couldn't move.

Her emerald eyes shone with carnivorous light, as if she was going to practice her words right here, which frightened the second world.


Although Lenis said that he should not be bothered, but standing at the door of the room, Grey, eager to save the teacher, quickly opened the door, allowing the figures of the people outside to enter the eyes of several people in the room.

"...Am I disturbing you?"

As soon as Liu Xia entered the room, she saw the two of them posing strangely. After a moment of silence, they asked tentatively.

In the middle of the day, why did you play this with your sister? Still leaving such innocent disciple Grey in the room?

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