Eighth Crown

Chapter 895: Actually unexpected?

Because of the unique skill, Anonymous Lingji also automatically transferred the knowledge of this skill to Liu Xia's mind.

Treasure fusion.

It naturally refers to the ability to fully integrate two different Noble Phantasms, multiplying their power and effects.

Of course, it is not that any two Noble Phantasms can be easily fused. Generally speaking, only two Noble Phantasms with the fusion phase can be fused under the influence of this skill.

for example.

The Noble Phantasm of the Backlight Sword is not bad for the Noble Phantasm, the Holy Spear, the Holy Bow, the God of Protecting the Country, and so on.

And once Liu Xia chooses to fuse the back light sword and the holy spear, the new Noble Phantasm formed will naturally possess the full effect of the two Noble Phantasms of the back light sword and holy spear, which can be used in the counter-bang of the light cannon. The light of the holy spear reversed the cause and effect and hit the opponent first.

Not bad.

But the compatibility between the holy spear and the holy bow is not enough to be able to fuse, so the two Noble Phantasms cannot be fused.

Moreover, if you want to use the skill of this [Double Rank], you must switch the rank, switch to the rank template of Alterego, and then select two Noble Phantasms of different ranks, and then the Noble Phantasm can be merged. .

Not only that, but at present he can only fuse two Noble Phantasms, no more.

But even so, this is quite a powerful skill, and it deserves to be evaluated as a "unique skill".

Of course, even a heroic spirit with a small number of Noble Phantasms, even if they possessed this skill, would not be able to exert the true power of this skill like Liu Xia.

"I'll do some research after that."

Liu Xia thought so in her heart, "At least we need to figure out which Noble Phantasms have fusion properties."

Otherwise, when it comes time to fight, you find that the two Noble Phantasms you want to fuse can't actually be fused at all, and it will be troublesome.


Suddenly, just as Liu Xia was thinking silently, a slight crisp sound suddenly came from the side.

Immediately afterwards, another cocoon of light also split from the middle, and the girl's figure emerged from it.

The girl had also undergone some kind of transformation.

If before, she gave people a feeling of being left out and independent, then now she almost has a temperament like becoming an immortal, giving people an impression of being at ease, and making people involuntarily have a longing heart.

"...This is immortality?"

The two rituals stood on the grass, feeling the body after the transformation with some amazement.

"It does feel a lot more at ease... Hey, why am I naked? Where are my clothes?"

Looking at her skin that was completely exposed, the girl immediately cast a bad look at Liu Xia.

"Maybe it's the necessity of the ceremony."

Liu Xia looked at the two ceremonies up and down with a bit of surprise, and then said to Justisa who was on the side: "Take out her previous clothes."

Some surprises.

Because of the materialization of the soul, the body of the two rituals has transformed to a perfect level, and the skin and hair have become as smooth and supple as a newborn baby.

Although not the plump, tactile type of Esders, it is also very slender and well-proportioned, giving the impression of being soft and boneless.

Of course, that's not the point.

The point is, Liu Xia had always thought that the two ceremonies had a flat figure, and even compared her with other women, but I didn't expect her figure to be pretty good. Flat can be described.

Is it the type that looks thin in clothes and has meat in undressing?

"The clothes are here."

Justisa took out a soap-colored kimono from somewhere and handed it over to the two rituals.

It was the clothes she wore before, and it looked like she had changed the color of the kimono that Liu Xia had given before and put it on her body.

Moreover, on top of the kimono, there was a set of white underwear and a long breast wrap.


It turned out that she used to wrap her **** around her breasts, so she looked so flat.

Seemingly aware of Liu Xia's sight, the girl glanced at him with cold eyes, then quickly took the clothes that Justisa handed over, turned around, and quickly put the clothes on.

On the other hand, Liu Xia also had a negligible amount of magic in her body, causing the magic vest to reappear on her body.

"Shi, it's better if you don't go out for now."

After the two ceremonies changed clothes, Liu Xia turned to look at her, and explained it under her slightly puzzled eyes.

"You have infinite magic power on your body now, but you don't know how to control magic power, so that magic power is scattered everywhere. If you are noticed by the magician, you will definitely come to trouble you."

While those magicians are certainly not likely to be opponents of the two rituals that have materialized their souls, the steady stream of trouble is also annoying.

And most of the magicians are unscrupulous, and it is very possible to threaten her with her family... It seems to be a bit of a sense of sight.

What's more, if the Magic Association is disturbed by this, the clock tower will definitely designate a seal at all costs, plundering her in the name of protection, trying to kidnap her and soak her in the formalin.

"The magician's world is so troublesome?"

The two ceremonies frowned slightly. It should have been a good thing, but she felt a little repulsive at the moment, "What should I do? That thing called magic, can I try to learn to control it?"

"Yes, it is very simple to control the sending and receiving of magic power."

Liu Xia answered succinctly, paused, and then said: "Take this opportunity, I will also teach you about the use of magic power, not to mention strengthening techniques, even the simplest magic power reinforcement can be greatly improved. Increase your strength."

Strengthening spells and infinite magic are the best match, but infinite magic can maximize the power of strengthening spells.

Although it is limited by the output ability, it is impossible for the output to reach an infinite level, but the strengthening spells activated with infinite magic power, plus the props presented by Liu Xia, I am afraid it is completely enough for two rituals and first-class Servants to confront each other.

The two ceremonies did not know about these aspects, so they handed over the choice to Liu Xia, and he made the decision entirely.

Anyway, in the inner world of the Great Holy Grail, the flow of time is completely different from the outside world. It is completely feasible to learn the strengthening technique here during this time.

The aptitude of the two rituals is very high, coupled with the teaching of Liu Xia, a magician comparable to the magician of the gods, the manipulation of magic power is naturally learned quickly, and even the magic power reinforcement is learned within an hour.

Just half a day later, Liu Xia helped to carve a magic engraving on her arm and stuffed several magic spells including strengthening spells into it.

By the time the two came out of the Great Holy Grail, a whole day had passed.

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