Eighth Crown

Chapter 888: The end of the Holy Grail War (33)

Mirenia Fortress.

At this time, the sun has already reached three poles, and the sun is releasing warm light and heat in the mid-air.

In the castle, the artificial people are cleaning the rubble and fragments of the city inside and out. After more than ten hours of hard work, under the busyness of a large number of people, the castle finally regained its usual elegance and luxury.

And right here, the huge flying dragon flapped its slender wings and flew quickly from the distant horizon.

Such a scene fell into the eyes of the artificial people, and the news of the return of the Servants quickly spread throughout the Mirenia Fortress.

The remaining masters of the black side came to the outside of the castle one after another, and set up the forest for the flying dragon as the event venue.

in the forest.

In addition to Gold, who was still in bed, Fiore, Coles, Serenike, and even Roche, the master of Avisbronn, all came to the clearing in the forest, far away. From afar, he watched the magic dragon fall from mid-air, and several figures descended from its back.

Saber, Archer, and Ruler, just these three.

The masters have long been psychologically prepared, especially Coles and the others. They sensed the living state of their servants through the Command Spell early in the morning, and knew that they had died in the sky garden.

By the way, just like it can stop the operation of the Command Spell, there is also a barrier in the sky garden that can isolate the chanting, so the master and the slave cannot exchange information through the chanting, which will cause the master to sometimes be unable to. Use Command Spells promptly.

Servants will leave sooner or later, and several Masters are aware of this.

Therefore, although it was a little sentimental, it was enough to be happy to see Lucia and Chiron bring back the Great Holy Grail.

The only thing that made several people feel really uncomfortable was that the patriarch Danick died in the sky garden.

As the leader of the clan, Danic has been in charge of the clan for decades. This death, I am afraid that the entire Yog Domirenian clan will be severely damaged. For various reasons, most of the branches and relatives who have been attracted here are mostly will also part ways.

Fortunately, Danic had already designated Fiore as the next patriarch, otherwise the situation within the clan would have been even more chaotic.

"Then, now that the Great Holy Grail has been recaptured, only the final ritual remains."

Fiore was pushed by Coles and came to the front of Liuxia and the three of them, and looked at Chiron with a melancholy look.

"Next, Saber and Archer should have the final battle to decide the ownership of the Great Holy Grail?"

According to the rules of the Holy Grail War, there is only one winner in the end, and only this person can hold the Holy Grail.

"No, Master, even if I don't have to fight, I know very well that I'm not Saber's opponent."

Chiron shook his head and said in a free and easy manner: "Also, you should not know that Saber has already entered the interior of the Great Holy Grail, and now the Great Holy Grail is supplying him with magic power."

"Is that right?"

Fiore and the others all cast a surprised look at Liu Xia.

But it's not surprising if you think about it carefully. After all, even Danic is dead. Saber must have found a new source of magic power to continue to exist so casually. Otherwise, even if he has the ability to act alone, his body will feel uncomfortable, and it will appear looming and so on. symptoms are correct.

"That's right."

Lucia nodded calmly.

After destroying Shiro Amakusa and the others, Ryuxia established a connection with the Great Holy Grail, and now it is the Great Holy Grail that supplies magic power to Lucia.

Because of the near-infinite magic power, even if he lives in this world all his life, he doesn't have to worry about the problem of insufficient magic power.

But of course he didn't have that idea.

"I plan to stay here for another month or so. I will leave after I have completed my archery studies. Of course, the Great Holy Grail will also be taken with me."

Liuxia said to the people with strange expressions on their faces: "Of course, Chiron's magic power will also be paid by the Great Holy Grail, and I will also pay for the Yog Domirenia family."

Take the Great Grail!

Those words really rubbed salt on the wounds of the survivors of the Yog Domirenia clan.

In the end, a war ended. Not only was the patriarch gone, but the clan suffered heavy losses, and even the most important Great Holy Grail had to be snatched away by the servants he summoned?

But now, they have no way to stop Liu Xia, even the Servants are not his opponents, the only winner Chiron has even extinguished the idea of ​​​​fighting with him, and their magicians are even more exempt from talking.

Rather, it is a fortunate thing for them that the other party is willing to pay the remuneration. At this point, even if there is any dissatisfaction, they can only smile bitterly.

"Is this really good?"

Joan of Arc looked at Liu Xia hesitantly.

In theory, only fighting to the last person can be regarded as the end of the Holy Grail War. As Ruler, she definitely needs to guard the rules.

"It doesn't matter. In the end, that kind of rule is only in line with the previous Holy Grail War, and it is not suitable for the current Holy Grail War rules."

Liu Xia said indifferently: "I, who have already obtained the Great Holy Grail, have the qualifications to say so, but I really can't, let Chiron take the flesh, become a real human, and withdraw from the Holy Grail War, so there should be no complaints."

"Okay...albeit reluctantly, but it makes sense."

Jeanne thought for a while, and finally nodded in agreement.

the same day.

Lucia and Chiron were once again living in the Mirenia Fortress.

The Great Holy Grail was placed in the forest, guarded by the magic dragon, and the outermost was arranged by Liu Xia with the most advanced rune barrier. Even Chiron would not want to forcefully break in, so you can rest assured.

The reward that Liu Xia gave to the Yog Domirenia family was a few rune stones engraved with the original rune, not a set, but only three.

But even so, if you get the clock tower to sell, it can at least sell for hundreds of millions of dollars, which is definitely a huge sum of money for this family. Just such a gain almost made Fiore feel suffocated. dissatisfied.

After night.

Lucia brought Chiron before the Great Holy Grail in the forest.

"Is this the Great Holy Grail?"

Chiron looked up at the Great Holy Grail exuding a vast sense of mystery in front of him, showing an astonishing expression, "It is indeed the crystallization of the third magic... But, why did you bring me here?"

"I heard from Fiore."

Lucia stretched out her hand and made a hole in the outer casing of the Great Holy Grail, then turned back to Chiron and continued: "Your wish seems to be to get back the immortality that was handed over to Prometheus, right?"

"In theory, unless you find Prometheus himself, such a wish cannot be achieved, but there is another option besides that, which is to achieve the materialization of the soul."

"As long as you achieve the materialization of your soul, then you will get immortality that surpasses your life, so I want to ask you, do you want the power to materialize your soul?"

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