Eighth Crown

Chapter 878: clean up the final battlefield

By usurping the sky garden and leaving rune stones at both ends, Lucia successfully snatched the Great Holy Grail from the temple deep in the garden.


Then, the figure of the magic dragon fell from the sky again and came to the sky above the floating island.

After opening her arms to embrace the barrier containing the Great Holy Grail, she took off again and flew into the sky in the distance.

The internal problems of the Great Holy Grail will be solved later, and it is more appropriate to completely destroy the red side now.

"Okay, this sky garden is useless."

Liu Xia felt that the magic power in her body had dropped by nearly half, and she knew that her control over the sky garden had almost reached its limit.

"Then, Hanging Garden, blow yourself up."

In the last two seconds, Liu Xia gave the final order to the sky garden, detonating all the magic power inside the garden.

This is a technique called [Fantasy Collapse].

A Servant's Noble Phantasm is essentially the crystallization of magical power. As long as the outer shell is removed and the magical power inside is detonated like an explosive, the Noble Phantasm can explode with the power of a Class A anti-military Noble Phantasm. It's also called fantasy collapse.

This is a skill that every Servant can use, but very few people do it.

Because it's unnecessary and not worth it.

After all, the Noble Phantasm is like a trump card to the Servant. Detonating the Noble Phantasm as a one-time explosive is simply an act of suicide.

Moreover, for a Heroic Spirit of Karna's level, he can release the God-killing Spear and even exert the power of an EX-level anti-god Noble Phantasm, which is much more powerful than blowing up the God-killing Spear and reluctantly exerting an A-level effect on the army?

In view of this, unless it is a Heroic Spirit who uses a special combat style, there are certainly very few Servants who will actively use this technique.

Of course, in the case of Ryuxia possessing the Noble Phantasm of the [Hero's Proof of Destroyer], [Fantasy Collapse] is a skill that suits him very well.

Grab someone else's Noble Phantasm and blow it up.

I didn't have any losses, but the enemy's Noble Phantasm was gone.

No matter how you think about it, it's a safe bet.


When the magic power dropped to the level of around B rank, the control of the sky garden disappeared instantly from Liuxia's hands and returned to Semiramis.

But before that, Liuxia had already ordered the self-destruction of the sky garden, detonating all the magic power inside it.




In just a few seconds, the floating islands floating around the garden exploded one by one like explosives, falling into pieces of fire, and a large amount of wood and stones fell from the air.

According to that trend, the explosion will spread to the center of the garden sooner or later.

"In this way, the defeat of the red side is also a certainty."

Liu Xia looked at the continuous firelight not far away, without the slightest wavering in her eyes, she silently turned around and walked in the direction of Wang Zhan.

"But to be on the safe side, let's go and clean up the final battlefield..."


between kings.

This place has already fallen into a big melee.

A large number of stone puppets are interspersed in the battlefield, green thunder light spreads everywhere, the roar of the giant beast is deafening, and the purple poisonous smoke emits a corrosive sound.

The three-headed devil dog and Chimera planned to stop Astolfo and Frankenstein, but after Semiramis came here, he immediately summoned two monster-like **** fish through the sky garden .

The strength of these two magical fish is quite strong, and the scales on their bodies are so hard that even the three-headed devil dog and Chimera cannot easily break through their scales. For a time, these two magical beasts were dragged by the **** fish.

On the other side, Astolfo and Frankenstein, as well as a large number of stone puppets made by Avis Bron, are now besieging Joan of Arc with all their strength.

Even Semiramis personally went off the stage and released a dark purple poisonous mist on Joan of Arc, obviously intending to finish his work in one battle, and completely solve Joan of Arc here.

All other attacks were fine, but the poisonous mist released by Semiramis was quite terrifying. Joan of Arc realized that the poisonous mist was a deadly threat through revelation, so she tried her best to avoid contact with it.

Joan of Arc's judgment is very accurate. The poison used by Semiramis is Hydra's poison, which has a terrible poison of A-level. If it is facing a Greek Servant, its power may even reach A+ level.

Once infected with that poison, a Servant who has no resistance to the poison might not be able to survive even for half a minute.

But Joan of Arc, who tried her best to avoid contact with Hydra's poison, was even more restrained in her actions, seeing that she was already in crisis.


Incomparably abrupt, Semiramis was stunned for a moment, and the movements in his hands could not help but stagnate, and his face soon showed a strong look of surprise.

"What happened? What happened? Why can't I feel the existence of Hanging Garden, it's almost like I lost it?!"

At this moment, the sky garden was lost from her control, and all the garden's bonuses to her disappeared without a trace.

Without the blessing of the garden, the power of the magic she unleashes will be greatly reduced, not to mention the accuracy and speed of the magic.

However, the process of not being able to sense the sky garden only lasted for ten seconds.

Ten seconds later, the sky garden was back under her control again.

But the moment he regained control of the garden, Semiramis' eyes were split open, and he only felt that his heart was bleeding.

The magic inside the garden became extremely violent, as if it was an oil barrel that was smashed into by sparks, and the whole fell into a violent self-exploding tendency. Several floating islands around the garden were already caught in the sea of ​​fire, and it was only time for the spread to the king. problem.

Semiramis tried her best to suppress the violent magic inside the garden, but no matter how hard she tried, she could only barely stabilize part of the space near the king's room, and the self-destruction outside the king's room was a foregone conclusion.

"Damn! Who the **** did it!"

Semiramis clenched his silver teeth tightly, his icy face was full of unstoppable anger, and his golden vertical pupils almost wanted to choose someone to devour.


At this moment, Amakusa Shirou's figure ran out of the passage behind the throne, and his face was also full of anxiety, "What happened? Why was the Great Holy Grail taken away? What was the sound of the explosion just now? What's the matter?"


Semiramis was immediately shocked when he heard the words, "Could it be that so many things happened in the ten seconds after I lost the Hanging Garden? Not only did I take away the Great Holy Grail, but even my Hanging Garden was— —”

There are not many people who can do this kind of thing, at least it is undoubtedly a Servant, and now the only Servant who is not present is only that one person.


Suddenly, the door between the kings was kicked open.

When the loud bang sounded and everyone's attention was attracted, the only Servant who was not present finally appeared from the gate at this moment.

Take it easy.

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