Eighth Crown

Chapter 876: Is there any possibility to move forward? (3/3)

"There is a survival of the fittest in the world."

Liu Xia looked towards Amakusa Shiro, and said meaningfully: "And in the natural selection of the world, the world with a correct and prosperous history can be regarded as a [pan-human history] and thus win and reproduce. right."

"If it is far from the pan-human history, there are huge differences, or even a world that directly enters a dead end, it will be clipped, and this type of parallel world is called [the clipping event]."

"There is only one criterion for judgment between the two, and that is to see whether the current world has the possibility of upward improvement. As long as the human beings in that world still have the possibility of advancing, they can attach themselves to the big tree of pan-human history. superior."

"But once the human beings in this world can only stand still, or go in the wrong direction, and there is no way to move forward, whether innocent or not, such a world will be cut."

After saying this, Liu Xia looked at the other party again.

"Then, here comes the question, Shiro Tokisada Amakusa, do you think the world where the souls of all human beings are materialized, such a world still has the possibility to move forward?"

Whether it will be selected as a pan-human history has nothing to do with the current civilization and social form of the world, it only depends on whether the world—or whether there is hope for human progress as a whole.

"...Then assume that what you said is true."

Amakusa Shiro was startled at first, then silent, and finally asked Liu Xia a question in a somewhat awkward voice.

"But, according to what you said, what kind of form can be said to have hope and possibility?"

"Isn't it obvious?"

Liu Xia said indifferently: "The status quo is the best, because this status quo is the most common state of countless parallel worlds. Once such a world form is overturned, it will most likely walk into a dead end and be cut."

"It's ridiculous!"

After getting the answer from Liu Xia, as if the meaning of his own existence had been wiped out, Shirou Amakusa finally couldn't hold back any longer, and his tone increased several times.

"Now this world is full of wars, sickness, oppression, natural disasters! What's so good about a world where death and tragedy do not know when it will come? Isn't the ending of immortality for all human beings countless times better than that!? "


Immortality is a dream that everyone has. If that dream can be achieved, it can be said to be a miracle and great achievement that has subverted the history of mankind, and will be admired by everyone.

"I said that whether it will be cut or not has no necessary connection with whether the world itself is good or not."

Liu Xia shook his head and continued: "Also, immortality is indeed a dream for individuals, but if it expands to the whole of mankind, can it really be said to be a good thing?"

Immortality is the greatest dream of mankind.

Whether it is interstellar voyage or survival and reproduction, all other dreams and wishes add up, and they will also step back in the face of immortality.

If a person is given a choice between immortality and other wishes, 99 percent of the person will choose immortality, because as long as immortality does not die, other wishes can be fulfilled.

But ask.

Now that he is immortal, is there any need for other wishes?

Are you immortal, do you still need to explore the stars? Do you still need to get married and have children? Do you still need to care about housing? Do you still need politics and economics?

All secondary dreams and wishes will become unnecessary, will become unnecessary.

In other words, when the greatest desire is satisfied, the entire human society will lose its vitality.

That is, walking into a dead end.

"The desire to move forward is important, Shiro Amakusa."

Liu Xia said calmly: "When all desires have disappeared, that is, when the world itself has entered a dead end, and at that time, you who have implemented the materialization of all human souls will become the sinner who destroys the world."

The immortality of all mankind itself does not have a problem. The problem is that once the immortality of the whole human being is realized, the desire of mankind will be greatly eliminated, and in the end it will no longer be necessary for anything.

Taking Liu Xia as an example, as a ghost, he has already achieved immortality, but the reason why he has not become numb so far is because he wants to gain feelings.

But if he has no emotional problems at all, he is a normal person, what would he be doing now if he has achieved immortality?

Game room? The rogue world?

That's a polite way of saying it.

To put it bluntly, it is a salted fish, and it is too lazy to turn over.

And if all human beings are playing in the world and wandering the world... that kind of picture is terrible to think about.

It is not ruled out that a small number of people still have enterprising spirit, but by then, 90% of human beings will lose the desire to make progress.

Amakusa's face turned gloomy.

The emotions in his heart were tumbling and surging rapidly.

If what Liu Xia said was true, then he who made this world a cut-off event would indeed become a sinner who destroyed the world.

It's really funny, obviously he did good deeds and great deeds that can satisfy everyone's wishes, but in the end, it will cause the whole world to be buried with it? It doesn't get any funnier than this!

"...Where can I prove the correctness of your statement?"

A little struggle and hesitation appeared on Amakusa Shiro's face.

He obviously listened to Liu Xia's words, but he spent sixty years planning the materialization of all human souls, and it is impossible to give up easily just because of Liu Xia's words.

Even if he was told to stop, he had to come up with evidence that would convince him.


Lucia shook her head.

"I'm afraid even the clock tower doesn't know this theory. Even heroic spirits should know this matter very rarely. After all, it involves many parallel worlds... You may be able to ask the second magician gem. Ong?"

The second magic is parallel world interference.

The one who masters this magic is the legendary gem Wengzelrich, and there is only one gem Weng in countless parallel worlds.

However, now that I think about it, maybe Gem Weng is the operator of countless parallel worlds?

"Speaking of which, it should take a lot of time to materialize the souls of all mankind, right?"

Liu Xia did not continue to struggle with this issue, but asked Shirou Amakusa again, "How long will it take?"

"...Maybe decades."

Amakusa Shiro lowered his head, obviously not in the mood to answer his question, so he just gave a rough figure.

"Really, that's a pity... I won't disturb your thinking, farewell."

Liu Xia glanced at him, then shook his head again, turned around and disappeared into the temple.

But before it disappears.

Liu Xia took out another rune stone, threw it silently under the Great Holy Grail, and then disappeared.

Amakusa Shiro, who was immersed in his thoughts, did not notice Liu Xia's movements at all.

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