Eighth Crown

Chapter 864: Beheading the Eleventh Son of Tiamat (33)

in Babylonian mythology.

In order to retaliate against the gods who abandoned her, Tiamat, the goddess of creation, gave birth to eleven magical beasts with extremely powerful powers, which were later known as the eleven sons of Tiamat.

Although it is said to be a monster, but because the mother is a **** of creation standing at the apex of a mythical system, the eleven sons are essentially divine beasts. Although they have different abilities, they are all extremely powerful. The Babylonian gods did their best at that time. It was only then that he was completely defeated and Tiamat was exiled.

And among those eleven divine beasts, there is a large poisonous snake that can use a highly poisonous one.

It's called Bathum.

Because it is a divine beast born by the Goddess of Creation, its poison is so powerful that even the gods can't hold it. Once it is poisoned, it will be unable to die because of the immortality of the god, but it will become surviving because of it. If you can't ask for death, it's a thousand times more miserable than dying on the spot.

In Greek mythology, Chiron was poisoned by Hydra by mistake and could not die because of immortality, so he had to give his immortality to Prometheus, and then he truly died and was liberated from endless pain. .

You must know that Chiron's father is Cronus, the **** of time and destruction, and his mother is also a goddess. In other words, Chiron is actually a born god. If he hadn't handed over his immortality, I'm afraid Until now, he is still a suffering god.

And the poison of Hydra, which makes Chiron unable to survive and die, is only the poison of fantasy, but Basum is a real beast, and the poison it spews is even stronger than Hydra. .

If Hydra's poison power is the highest A, then Bathum's poison has reached an exceptional EX rank. Just a random drop of poison can kill any Servant who has no resistance to poison.

Of course, no matter how strong the poison is, it can't kill "immortality", it's useless.


In front of the main hall is one of Tiamat's eleven sons, the serpent Bashum.

The owner of this sky garden is really incredible, even this kind of divine beast can be summoned.

No, perhaps it should be said that this sky garden is incredible. If there is no position beyond the level of a temple, let alone a divine beast, even an illusory beast might not be able to be summoned, right?

In front of the main hall gate.

Liu Xia crossed his knives in front of him, his eyes coldly looking at the huge poisonous snake in front of him, his whole body was releasing icy killing intent, and his identity as a divine beast could not shake him in the slightest.


As if angry at his attitude, the big poisonous snake opened its huge mouth full of fangs and let out a silent neigh, then straightened up, put its shoulders back, and sprayed its charged venom at Liu Xia again.

The purple venom looked bright and black and splashed like a waterfall from the sky.

However, after the venom fell this time, it passed through Liu Xia's body as if it had penetrated the cloud curtain, and then landed on the ground.

After the poison fell on the ground, it corroded the ground into a large hole, and the venom fell into the hole without even being consumed at all. It was placed in it like a pond after the rain.

After the venom passed through, Liu Xia's figure disappeared from the place like a mirage.

As early as when the venom was spit out, Liu Xia had already left this position, but it was only because the speed was too fast that an afterimage was created.


A low sonic boom sounded.

Basum hurriedly raised his head, followed the voice and looked up, only to see that Liu Xia had come to the sky at some point, and the whole person fell straight towards its body like a comet hitting the earth.


As if indestructible, the lustrous double knives skillfully inserted into the gaps in the scales on its back, and as the blade was pulled, it left a huge stab wound that was more than three meters long and hurt the inner abdomen.


Basum's scarlet snake pupils widened, and when he was in pain, he immediately swung his tail and whipped the man who was running on its back with a big stab wound.


A majestic force struck, Liu Xia swayed, and once again turned into an afterimage to avoid him.

The giant tail struck like lightning, but it only whipped him, which made Bathum furious for a while.

"This divine beast is not very strong."

Liu Xia stepped on the rock wall with both feet, and the whole person leaped into the sky again. Under the high-speed rotation, he threw several rounds of sword energy like a full moon towards the big poisonous snake on the ground.


Although it is a mythical beast, Basum also has the name of a beast, because it was born out of the resentment of the mother goddess of creation, and it has a strong demonic nature.

The mysterious killer acted on it, causing it to only feel the burning pain of the knife wound on its back, and it was writhing on the ground. The moment it felt the attack of the wheel-shaped sword qi, it was full of anger, and immediately swung its chest out. Claws that cut gold and cut iron.


Accompanied by a harsh golden and iron communication sound, the wheel-shaped sword qi was suddenly crushed by the pair of sharp claws, but the sword qi that turned like a chainsaw also left a trail of irregularities on its claws. The scars made it neigh in pain again.

Most of its strength lies in poison, and its melee ability is very limited, and it is not Liu Xia's opponent at all.

Not to mention, with its magical nature, it was even more defeated by Liu Xia's mysterious killer.

"Suffer to death."

Under the continuous transmission of magic power, the flames above the two knives in Liu Xia's hands suddenly doubled, forming two flaming swords nearly ten meters long.

At the same time, he, who was in mid-air, descended from the sky again, causing the flaming sword to rotate in mid-air, turning into an endless fire, and slashing straight down towards the poisonous snake below.


Basum raised his head in disbelief, spit out a mouthful of venom again, and spit it towards Liu Xia, who fell from the sky.


Facing the deadly venom, Liu Xia did not dodge or evade. The huge flame sword swirled in mid-air for several laps, and bombarded down with the same skills as the eight-type and thousand-fold circulation.


Even if the venom was drenched on her body, Liu Xia didn't care.

The two knives were swung straight down, and under a sound like a torn cloth, the flaming sword cut off the head of the serpent like a smash!

After the flaming sword flashed past, the head of a poisonous snake fell from the air, and the huge body twitched for several times before it fell down without moving and lost its sound.

In the scarlet snake pupils, there is still a thick horror left until death, as if not believing that someone dares to slam into its venom from the front.

"Saber! Are you all right?"

It was not until after the death of the divine beast that Joan of Arc put away the dumbfounded expression and ran over quickly, looking at Liu Xia with horror and worry.

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