Eighth Crown

Chapter 862: The beast hiding at the end of the passage

The floating islands around the garden are divided into more than ten equal fan-shaped areas, each of which is connected to the center by a sky bridge.

Lucia and Joan of Arc came all the way to the overpass in this area, and then stepped on the overpass. In just a few seconds, they crossed the overpass of several hundred meters and came to the center of the garden.

"Strange, no one came to stop it?"

Joan of Arc glanced at the overpass that was less than two meters wide behind her. If you were attacked on it, you might fall off accidentally. No matter how you looked at it, it was a good place that was easy to defend and difficult to attack. .

"Probably put all the staff in the center of the garden."

Liu Xia shook her head, then walked towards a passage ahead.

"Let's go, it's very close to the Great Holy Grail."

Joan of Arc didn't think too much, then followed Liu Xia's footsteps and walked into the passage.

The center of the garden is an upside-down tower.

The buildings here are basically meandering downwards. The first underground floor is very wide, with a radius of hundreds of meters. There are dozens of rooms of different sizes. The second underground floor is slightly smaller, and so on. The space below is minimal, and the middle is connected by passages and stairs.

After Liu Xia and Joan of Arc entered the passage, they were not confused by the well-connected passage, but as if they knew the direction of all roads, they headed for a certain destination with a clear purpose.

According to Liu Xia's future vision, they should arrive at the main hall in the center of the garden in one minute, bypass the main hall, and enter the temple where the Great Holy Grail is placed.

"call out!"

"call out!"

"call out!"

A large number of organs are set up in the passage. These organs are like surveillance cameras. They are all over the whole passage. You can see a few every few steps, and you can see as many as six in a 20-meter-long passage.

These organs are similar in shape to modern machine guns and are hung on the beams above the passage, but they are not metal bullets, but magic bullets formed by gathering magic power. The speed of fire is extremely fast and the frequency is extremely high, just like a machine gun .

If it was a magic bullet fired by a modern magician, there would be no threat to the two of them at all. Lucia has A-rank anti-magic power, while Joan of Arc's anti-magic power has reached the terrifying EX-rank, so modern magic cannot hurt them. the two of them.

However, this is not the magic bullet of a modern magician, but the magic bullet of the age of gods set by the master of the sky garden, and the density is extremely high, even if a first-class Servant rushes in, he will be trapped in it.


In the face of the oncoming magic bullets, Liu Xia's feet did not stop at all, and the two knives in his hands were indifferently swung out. In the blink of an eye, dozens of sword qi were derived, and all the magic bullets were split in half.


Afterwards, he waved the knife again without hesitation, causing a large piece of sword energy to spread out like a grid, smashing all the organs in this passage, and emitting fires one after another.

Joan of Arc, who was behind him, didn't even make a move, just watched the battle silently, and the matter was over.

It is obviously not qualified to use these mechanisms to stop Liu Xia's footsteps.


In the process of advancing, Liu Xia suddenly let out a small yawn, stopped her steps, and her eyes narrowed.

"There's something substantial enough to appear."

"It seems so."

Behind him, Joan of Arc also stopped, raised the flag in his hand, and looked at the end of the passage with awe.

end of the channel.

There was only the last 30 meters left from the main hall at the rear, but at the end of the passage, I do not know when it was wrapped in a dark fog, blocking the gate of the main hall and entrenched in that space. .


In the black fog, it seemed that they sensed the arrival of the two, and a pair of scarlet snake pupils suddenly opened from the black fog.

There doesn't seem to be any rationality in the pair of snake pupils, and some are only endless cruelty and riots. The scarlet vertical pupils look extremely ferocious, and they release a strong murderous intent regardless of the object.

"Is it a fantasy?"

Liu Xia's eyes narrowed slightly, and her eyes shone with gem-like rays of light, staring directly at the pitch-black magic fog.

"No, there seems to be something wrong, there are some subtle differences in concept..."

Fantasy species in the general sense refers to the general term for the creatures that appear in myths and legends. Among them, there may be primitive creatures that have existed for a long time, and there may be illusory things born from human beliefs.

But without exception, once these fantasy species have accumulated a huge amount of time, the mystery they possess is enough to allow them to step into the next stage of surpassing Eudemons.

- That is, the beast.

Like Liu Xia's Demon Dragon and Philo Queen, although they are only phantom beasts now, they are all long-standing existences that have lived for more than a thousand years.

That's because they didn't live in the Moon Moon World for a thousand years. If the two of them lived in the Moon Moon World for a thousand years, the mystery they accumulated would have pushed them to the position of divine beasts, and even themselves would become a kind of similar concept exists.

Divine beasts may not be able to compete with real gods, but they have entered a completely different stage from ordinary life.

Liu Xia's Demon Eye of Immediate Death could not directly tell him the true body of the enemy, but Liu Xia could confirm his personality by the number of dead lines.

Ordinary fantasy species, even if they are as strong as Fafnir, still have one or two dead lines in his eyes, but once they reach the stage of divine beasts, those dead lines will become less in his eyes.

The dead line of the beast has reached the level of only a thin sheet of paper, and it is flashing all over the body, even with Liu Xia's shooting speed, it cannot be caught.

That's because the divine beast has basically reached the height of the concept level.

It's not that the Devil's Eye can't kill the concept, but the dead line of the concept is very difficult to capture.

In addition, Liu Xia's straight-to-death magic eye was not good at obliterating concepts, which made him basically equivalent to being abolished when facing a divine beast.

Of course, if the sacred bow is in hand, and if you can use the arrow blade storm, etc., and can shoot thousands of arrows in one breath, forming a dense barrage attack skill, plus the overload to activate the magic eye, Liu Xia is still Conceptual beings that can kill divine beasts or gods with the Demon Eye of Immortality.

But if he uses Arrow Blade Storm, combined with the special buff given by the fixed damage, with one arrow, the huge damage can completely blast the gods directly, and there is no room for the magic eye of death.

In short, the divine beast may not be strong, but it is certain that it is difficult to die.

And now, at the end of the passage, hiding in the dark demonic fog, in Liu Xia's eyes to distinguish it, it is clearly a mythical beast with few dead lines.

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