Eighth Crown

Chapter 851: At least four A++-level anti-city Noble Phantasms

It was not his Master Gord who told the situation of Liuxia's battle through the ability to read between masters and slaves, but the clan's patriarch Danick.

No, because he was immersed in the battle just now, Liuxia didn't realize that his master had already changed, from the original Gord to the current Danic.

Because the servants of the black side are all squeezing magic power from the androids, the importance of the master-slave contract has dropped significantly, and changing the master is not a big deal, but it should be more fortunate to come to Gold.

Of course, the change of the Master is only a small matter, and the more important thing is the news revealed by Danny.

The Great Holy Grail was stolen?

The Command Spell of Black Caster Avisbronn was also taken away?

what do you eat?

The most difficult enemies are all entangled in the grassland and the sky. Why did the castle suddenly have an accident and the enemy stole the house?

Not to mention that the most crucial Great Grail was snatched away, Adam, the original giant who was the great killer, might also become Black's great enemy due to the fact that the Black Caster Avis Bron was snatched away.

"It's a Servant of the Red Square... No, it's the Master. He did not know when he sneaked into the castle, found the location of the Great Holy Grail, and used the space transfer magic circle to transfer it away. He will take advantage of the chaos. Roche's Command Spell has been stripped away..."

Danick reluctantly explained to Liu Xia, and then said hurriedly: "Saber, the most urgent task now is to take back the Great Holy Grail. I have already asked the other Servants to help——!"

According to Danick, there have been no casualties among Black's followers. Although Astolfo and Frankenstein both suffered serious injuries, they are still alive and well. With the addition of magic power, the injury has also been relieved.

And the red side has only lost one person, Karna, and the only head is the one that Liu Xia just won.


In the sky, when Lucia and Danick were communicating, the huge sky garden rose again, and quickly drove away, planning to leave the battlefield.

Liu Xia looked at the god-killing spear in her hand, but after all, she did not use the only chance to use it in the sky garden.

No way, the Great Holy Grail has definitely been transferred to the garden at present. If he destroys the garden, the Great Holy Grail will inevitably be affected. If the Great Holy Grail is destroyed, then he will run away this time in vain, doing this in this world A lot of effort wasted.


At the same time, a huge shadow appeared above Liu Xia's head, accompanied by the sharp roar of the airflow.

Lucia raised her head.

As far as he could see, a huge slap fell from the sky, blasting the air on the road layer by layer, falling from the top of Liu Xia's head, and slapped him.

The giant's palm is about forty or fifty meters thick. Because of its huge size, its slap is even more powerful. If this blow hits the ground, Liuxia is sure that the entire Mirenia Fortress will be reduced to ruins.

Fortunately, the speed of the giant is not fast, and it is far less flexible than he who can fly. Before the slap came, Liu Xia had already stepped on the flame, avoided it and left the danger zone.

"Avis Bron... is no longer there, was he taken away by the red side?"

Liu Xia glanced at the giant's shoulder, where Avis Bron's figure had disappeared, and it was probably taken away by the red side.

The masters and servants of the red side were able to sneak into the Fortress of Mirenia, robbing the Great Holy Grail while depriving Roger of the Command Spell. This ability should not be underestimated.

"Forget it, the problem now is this giant."

Liu Xia drew one after another meteor-like trajectory in the air, avoiding the attack of the original giant, and at the same time thinking silently.

"This giant has been staring at me and won't let it go. If I don't get rid of it, I won't be able to get back the Great Holy Grail... No way, although it's a bit of a waste, just use it on this thing."

Liu Xia frowned, and immediately activated the ability of the measuring type of future vision, and began to calculate the solution to the original giant Adam.

"Need at least four A++-level anti-city Noble Phantasms to be released at the same time?"

After getting the answer from the vision of the future, Liu Xia's eyes flickered slightly, "In this case, I can only use this trump card——"


on the grassland.

With the retreat of the Hanging Gardens, the war here has come to an end.

The dragon tooth soldiers were basically cleaned up, the artificial people began to clean the battlefield, and the stone puppets became coolies transporting corpses.

"Wow, that's amazing!"

Astolfo looked at the towering giant in the distance, his eyes were full of shining stars, with a "wanting" look on his face, but then his face became distressed again.

"However, that guy is very confident as a companion. How can he become an enemy now? It's really annoying. There's no way to deal with such a big guy~!"

Even though he has a lot of Noble Phantasms with rich effects, no Noble Phantasm can deal with such a huge enemy, and what the enemy needs is not a single Noble Phantasm, but an army of Servants.

As a single Servant, it is impossible to defeat that kind of enemy no matter what, even an exceptional guy like Red Lancer or Black Saber.

"No no no!"

Frankenstein also raised his head and let out a low roar at the tall giant. His whole body was covered in a frizzy appearance. If it wasn't for her strength, she would have rushed up by now.

The two of them were more or less injured, their clothes were covered with dust, and they looked very embarrassed.

Compared with these two people, Vlad III and Chiron, who were not far away, were much more relaxed. Their bodies were still spotless, and their breath was very even and long.

After retreating from the Hanging Gardens, Atalanta left with Achilles' chariot, resulting in Vlad III's failure to kill Atalanta in the end.

Chiron has no opponents at all. Achilles was first entangled by Liu Xia, and then he was entangled by the magic dragon, and there was no place for him.

"That guy Danny said it lightly, not to mention whether Yu wait can pursue the Hanging Garden, just that giant is enough trouble."

Vlad III wore a black robe and swayed with the wind under the night, frowning tightly, "How can I get rid of the giant? Archer, do you have any insights?"

"If possible, of course, to recapture Caster. If he controls the giant, we will naturally win without fighting."

Chiron pondered, then shook his head again and sighed, "But Caster has disappeared now. To be honest, even I don't know what to do with that giant..."

After all, the giant was a thousand meters tall.

Just stepping on it with one foot will shake the earth, and with a sword, the entire Tulifas may be reduced to history. Even a Servant can't cope with such a figure.


Suddenly, Chiron let out another snort, his eyes full of surprise.

"It's Saber, he seems to have some kind of action... Couldn't he have a way to destroy that giant?!"

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