Eighth Crown

Chapter 844: Liu Xia's full power mode

On this flat open space, four Servants have assembled in an instant, and each of them is the trump card of both camps, even if it is the center of the entire battlefield.

However, Lancer and Rider of the red side are obviously here for Saber of the black side. A pair of two is really bad for the black side, not to mention the two of the red side, no matter which one is standing at the apex of the heroic spirits exists.

Therefore, Vlad III arrived here without hesitation.

"Lancer from the red side, also as a spearman, it's up to you and the rest to compete!"

Vlad III's eyes swept across the two of the red side, and then his eyes locked on the red side Lancer Karna, the murderous aura of the whole body did not restrain at all.

According to the information brought back by Liu Xia, among the two of the red side, Rider has a very obvious protection ability, and ordinary attacks cannot cause any damage to him.

Although Lancer on the red side was also difficult to deal with, it was better to deal with than Rider in terms of personality. Here, Rider could only be handed over to Liu Xia, and he would deal with Lancer.

"The Archduke of Wallachia? It's my honor to be valued by you."

Karna's inner fighting spirit was high, but the expression on his face remained calm.

"But unfortunately, my goal this time is Saber of the Black. This time, I have to decide the outcome with him no matter what."

Although he showed respect to Vlad III, his eyes were still locked on Liu Xia, and he was unwilling to relax at all.

Vlad III frowned suddenly.

In this case, in order to ensure Black's victory, the only option is to fight meleely, and it would be too difficult for Liu Xia to face two top heroes by himself.

"Hold on, Lancer."

However, suddenly, Liu Xia spoke abruptly, and said in a terrifying and unstoppable manner: "Go and deal with the Red Archer over there, I will deal with these two people - it doesn't matter if they are two or two."


At this moment, after hearing his speech, not only the two people on the opposite side, but even Vlad III was shocked, and there was a strong strange color in his eyes.

"Are you serious? You actually want to fight two super-spec Heroic Spirits with one against two at the same time?"


Liu Xia nodded calmly, "Seriously, of course."

"...Hahahaha! Interesting!"

Vlad III looked at Liu Xia with a scrutiny, and after a moment of silence, he couldn't help laughing up to the sky, and there was a strong interest-like look in his eyes.

"Alright, then let Yu see how far your strength can reach!"


After he said that, he simply turned the horse's head, grabbed the silver spear in his hand, and chased in the direction of Archer Atalanta not far away.

The strength of a Servant will be boosted by his popularity and land during his lifetime. The more famous a Servant is, the greater the bonus he can get.

Taking Vlad III as an example, his own strength is relatively average, at best he is first-class or second-class, but in Romania, he has a reputation comparable to that of Hercules and King Arthur, so he got the The highest level of visibility bonus.

Coupled with the boosting effect of the skill [Guardian Ghost General], as long as he stays on this land, his strength will probably be blessed to a level comparable to that of Karna, and he can reach an exceptional level like the three of Liu Xia. .

The reason why he was willing to help Liu Xia to stop Karna before was not because he wanted to face the crime, but because he really had that ability.

In the face of Atalanta, his strength can definitely be crushed head-on.

However, Atalanta is not good at frontal combat. She is a hunter, good at adapting to various environments, and then waiting for an opportunity to strike the enemy, and in mythology, she also has a reputation for being extremely good at speed.

When she galloped on the battlefield, she saw all kinds of obstacles as nothing, even when she encountered giant rocks and stone puppets, her speed did not decrease at all, and she ran unpredictably with a cat-like body shape, and even used various traps and obstacles. Trying to stop Vlad III's castration, it seems that the entire battlefield has become the confidence of her hunting.

"Hey, this woman is really good at escaping!"

Vlad III was incensed by her incessant kite-flying tactics, and although he was confident he could win, it was a troublesome tug-of-war that would take a long time to defeat.

the other side.

On the flat open space, there are only three people left at the moment. Compared with the two heroes on the opposite side, Liu Xia, who is alone, looks really hard to support.

"Oh, this is really being looked down upon..."

The red Rider's eyes narrowed slightly, and cold anger appeared in his long and narrow eyes, and he ruthlessly usurped the spear in his hand.

"To think of a one-on-two or something, the humiliation has to have a degree! This humiliation will be washed away with your life, suffer to death, Saber of Darkness!"

Whether it was before or after his death, he had always only had one-to-many shares, and he had never been one-on-one by others. With his reckless personality, Liu Xia's one-on-two speech was simply a shame and humiliation to him.

Immediately, he didn't say a word, the muscles all over his body were knotted up, all the strength in his body was twisted into a single strand, his body was lowered, and the whole person disappeared in an instant.


A low sound barrier sounded immediately.

Immediately afterwards, his figure was like a comet galloping at the end of the universe, surpassing the speed of sound in the blink of an eye, and swung the spear in his hand in the direction of Liu Xia.

The Red Rider showed an unbelievable and terrifying speed when he was fully open. This speed was absolutely superior to everyone present. If it was an ordinary Servant, he might not even be able to capture his figure.

"Through the world."

The moment the Red Rider started, Liu Xia had already opened the transparent world.

In the blink of an eye, the world in front of him seemed to slow down, and his reaction ability also increased sharply. He saw all the movements of the Red Rider, and through the subtle movements of muscles and bones, he predicted his movements. action.


In a short time, Liu Xia raised the two knives in his hand, crossed them in front of him, and blocked the spear that the opponent was stabbing straight at.

But the unbelievable speed gave the Red Rider's attack an incomparably huge impact. Under this enormous force, even Liu Xia couldn't help being knocked out.

"Shura incarnate."

But on the way to fly out, the two knives in Liu Xia's hand suddenly flashed, causing a set of dark blue full-body armor to appear from the different space, and cover him tightly.

"Straight to the devil's eye."

At the same time as the armor appeared, Liu Xia also opened the magic eye, causing the amber pupils to flash suddenly, turning into gem-like pupils shimmering with red and blue light.

"Finally, this one——Blood Demon Magic Power."

In an instant, the ghost blood all over his body boiled up like magma, and the hot blood rushed frantically in his blood vessels. At the same time, his face wrapped under the armor also changed overturned.

There is no doubt that this is Liuxia's full-scale mode under the Saber template!

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