Eighth Crown

Chapter 838: You're a long way from assassination.

under night.

With the passage of time, a faint gray fog floated around the two of them at some point.

It is not fog water formed by condensation of water vapor, but a gray fog similar to that caused by smog. Most of the components in it are sulfide, which is an acid fog caused by excessive industrialization, which is extremely harmful to the human body.

"This is no ordinary acid mist, there is a smell of magic in it."

Liu Xia turned her eyes, looked at the surrounding gray fog, and felt the abnormality in it.

"It's probably some kind of enchantment-like skill or Noble Phantasm. Jack the Ripper does have a legend of killing people in the fog, so she should be her."

Jack the Ripper was a 19th-century murderer who appeared in London, England.

In the 19th century, Britain had just embarked on an industrialized high-speed train, and the entire country was vigorously industrializing, resulting in a great pollution of the environment at that time, and smog rampant, so London at that time was also known as the "fog city".

Jack the Ripper used the gray fog at that time to assassinate five prostitutes in a row.

His hunting actions were irrational, and he even sent letters to the news media to incite fear, which caused panic in London at the time, and until it disappeared, no trace was found by the English police.

It can be called the originator of hunting and murder. Until now, the name Jack the Ripper has enjoyed a high reputation all over the world.

When Lucia was in Chaldea, she also met Jack the Ripper there, so she knew a lot about her.

"Cough cough..."

Fiore was also on guard against the fog around her, but her complexion suddenly changed slightly, she coughed a few times, her skin exposed to the air, and even her eyeballs felt a tingling sensation.

"Oops! This acid mist is very corrosive. Even using enhanced magic is useless. We must get out of here as soon as possible... By the way, where did we come from?"

The acid mist is extremely corrosive, and even Fiore, who has excellent magic skills, cannot defend against it. If it were an ordinary person, he might die from the corrosion of his internal organs in less than a minute.

Liu Xia basically ignored the acid mist because of the magic robe and the defensive power of the ghost king's body.

Not only that, when Fiore tried to get out of the acid mist, she was suddenly stunned. Looking at the forks and alleys around her, she suddenly couldn't remember which way she came in before, and where she should have come from. Way out.

It seems that this piece of magic fog also has the effect of interfering with thinking, causing people to have problems with their sense of direction, resulting in being trapped in this piece of magic fog.


With a wave of Liu Xia's hand, a large swathe of flames scattered from his hand, forming a flame-like tornado that swept away the magic fog within twenty meters.

After the magic fog was swept away by the flames, Fiore immediately felt a lot better, the tingling sensation on her body disappeared immediately, and even the sense of direction that had been taken away suddenly recovered.

"That's the direction! Saber, let's get out of this magic fog!"

After regaining her sense of direction, Fiore immediately recognized the surrounding roads, and hurriedly asked Liuxia.


Liu Xia simply agreed, and immediately pushed Fiore away from the magic fog.

As the flames opened the way, the two quickly escaped from the range shrouded in the magic fog and came to a clean and empty space.

"Huh... I finally escaped, what a dangerous magic fog."

Fiore put down the handkerchief covering her mouth and nose, and looked at the large piece of magic fog that was still condensing behind her with some fear. She was relieved, and then frowned.

"To attack us so suddenly, is there no plan to communicate with Jack the Ripper at all?"


Liu Xia let go of the hand holding the chair handle, and then held the Hedao in his hands. At the same time, his eyes were cold and his eyes were fixed.

"In this way, it is more appropriate to regard the opponent as a third-party force outside the black and red sides."

in the dark night.

A petite figure silently climbed over the high walls and eaves, and its figure in mid-air was as nimble as a ghost, holding two single-edged knives in its hands, and swiftly pounced in the direction of Lucia and Fiore.


In an instant, as if she had predicted her arrival, Liu Xia suddenly turned around and swung out a knife, blocking the two knives with great precision.


The petite figure was wearing a gray-black cloak, and there was a somewhat surprised voice in his mouth.

"Why are we aware of our actions?"

It was a young girl with short silver-white hair, bright blue eyes, black tights under the cloak, and white bandages tied with the hands holding the knife.

Her ability to conceal her breath is quite strong, not inferior to Liu Xia at all, and the level of breath blocking is probably at least A rank or above, so she should be very confident in her ability to surprise, and it is quite puzzling that Liu Xia can see through her actions.

"If it's more than the means of assassination, you're still far behind."

Liu Xia's eyes raised slightly sharply, and then his right hand exerted force to separate the two small knives, and at the same time, his left hand released the spiritualization of the other He knife at the same time, and slashed down with a sword.


The petite girl frowned, facing Liu Xia's counterattack, and quickly backed away.

The sharp sword qi roared in the air, chasing after her, and shot towards her rapidly.

But her figure is quite flexible, and she just adjusted her posture in mid-air, dodging this sword qi without letting go.

"Jack the Ripper, who is your current master?"

It wasn't until after this round of confrontation that Fiore came back to her senses, and immediately spoke to the girl opposite, "You should be our servant of the black side, if you are willing to join us now, you can respond to your previous behavior. Forget it—"

"I don't want to!"

The silver-haired girl was attached to the mid-air wall like a feather without the slightest weight, and she coldly rejected Fiore's invitation with a cute voice.

"We just want to be with our mother, and we don't want to listen to anyone's orders!"

She made a face directly to Fiore, and then her figure did not stop at all, retreating back like a bat, and her figure disappeared directly into the magic fog behind.

Seeing this, Fiore couldn't help showing a troubled look.

"Archer, can you hear me? Can you see Assassin now? Can you snipe her?"

She hurriedly read the words and sent an inquiry to Chiron.

"I'm sorry, Master... I'm in trouble here too!"

Chiron's voice was intermittent, and he seemed to be drawing magic power from her through the magic circuit that connected the two.

"I met Saber on the red side, and now I'm in a tough fight, and I can't snipe Assassin... Be careful with everything on your side!"

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