Eighth Crown

Chapter 836: Just leave it to me


"You two are indeed here."

With the help of the android, Fiore came to the training ground in a wheelchair.

"When you have time to learn, the energy of the Servants is really admirable."

The girl was sitting in a wheelchair, as always, she did not put on makeup, and her whole person seemed to have a little innocence, which was quite rare among the magician family.

"Other than that, we have nothing to do."

Chiron paused the teaching time and asked Fiore with a smile, "Master, what is the matter with us?"

"Yes, Archer."

When it came to business, Fiore's face also became serious.

"According to the intelligence, Jack the Ripper of the Black Assassin has finally appeared, but there has been a serious change in the situation!"

Black Assassin?

Speaking of which, there are currently only six Servants in Black who have appeared, namely Lucia, Chiron, Vlad III, Astolfo, Frankenstein, and Caster of the Black.

The last remaining rider, the black Assassin and his master—that is, the seventh pair of masters and slaves of Yog Domirenia, have not appeared until now.

Liu Xia remembered that he had learned about the pair from Danic.

Because of the strong development of blood kinship and family division by the Yog Domirenian family, such as the Mujic family where Gold belonged, the Fulvig family where Fiore and Coles belonged, the Esco of Senilekai Er, Frein of Roche, and Preston of Danic, etc., are all members of the Yog Domirenian clan.

Danic's ambition is to become the second magic association, so the Yog Domirenia family is a stitched family composed of many families.

Among them, there is even a magician from the Far East, such as the seventh Master of Black - Sagara Kama.

In the usual Holy Grail War, the Assassin class is very special.

This starts with the origin of the word Assassin, which was originally the name of a famous assassination sect that was active in the Middle East around Persia in the 11th century.

This assassination sect is called the Assassin Sect, and its leader is the famous old man in the mountains - Hassan Sabah.

The sect has existed for decades, and its assassination operations are very precise and have a very high success rate, which has led to the spread of the sect's reputation, so later generations will link Assassin and the assassin.

In other words, the old man of the mountain is the origin of the word Assassin.

In view of this, the word Assassin itself is the strongest medium for summoning Heroic Spirits.

When summoning heroic spirits, using different media, you can summon heroic spirits that have fate with the medium. For example, if Gold uses a blood-stained bodhi leaf, he will usually summon Siegfried.

When summoning Assassin, because the word Assassin itself has a powerful medium effect, even if other mediums are used, the effect is very weak, and the summoned Killer Rank Heroes are almost always the old man in the mountains.

There are nineteen old people in the mountains in total, which should be enough, but that is in the Holy Grail War in the usual sense.

In this world, subspecies Holy Grail Wars occur frequently.

The heroic spirits summoned in each subspecies war are the old people in the mountains. Thanks to this, the information of the old people in the mountains, including skills and Noble Phantasms, are mostly well-known and commonplace. Intelligence, as long as the right medicine, it is easy to kill.

Once Black has summoned the old man in the mountain, Red can follow the strategy to kill him, which is the same as nothing.

Therefore, after thinking about it for a long time, the last Master of the Black Fang, Sagara Kama decided to go to an island country in the Far East and summon an Assassin-class hero there.

Because in the island country, the word Assassin is not so closely associated with assassins, and its effect as a medium is not so strong. As long as you put more effort into the chant, you can call out the old man in the mountains. By.

"According to Uncle Danick, what Mr. Sagara is going to call is the murderer who ran rampant in London, England in the 19th century - Jack the Ripper."

Fiore informed the two of the information she had obtained, and explained it with a serious expression.

"As long as Jack the Ripper is summoned, Mr. Sagara will come back to Tulifas. According to the time, he should be back... But, Uncle Danick just got the news that Mr. Sagara's villa in the island country. He was found dead for a long time, and the cause of his death was that his heart had been poached."

"Not only that, but in the past two days, from Bucharest, the capital of Romania, to Sighisoara, a neighboring town, there have been several murders one after another. Magician of the Association."

If the dead were just ordinary people, it would be hard to say, but if there were many magicians among them, it was basically certain.

"Eighty percent of what Jack the Ripper did. Ordinary murderers can't kill magicians."

When Chiron heard the words, his brows were furrowed, and a rare look of worry appeared on his face, and he seemed to be very repulsive of this kind of behavior.

"And the reason for killing people to dig out the heart is probably because of the loss of the master, and there is no source of magic power, so you plan to [eat the soul]?"

The essence of the Servant is that the soul obtains the body of magic power, so it can also supplement the magic power by devouring the soul of human beings, or life force, this process is called [soul eating].

Dig out the heart and eat it to get a lot of magic power.

The reason why he attacked the magician was probably because the magician's heart contained richer magic power.

"Uncle Danick guessed so too."

Fiore nodded, and then her expression became solemn, "So he sent me to the place where the last murder happened, which is Sighisoara, to investigate to see if it was Jack the Ripper."

If Jack the Ripper is a solo follower, try to get it back to Black.

If the other party already has a new master outside of the black and red sides, they will be drawn as appropriate. If they cannot be drawn, they will be wiped out as much as possible to erase this threat.

"However, Sighisoara was the former stronghold of the Red Party. Although it may be gone now, it is not impossible to meet the Red Party's followers."

Liu Xia looked at Fiore and raised her brows slightly, "In the worst case, you and Chiron may even encounter two or more servants at the same time."

"That's right."

Fiore nodded, then showed a soft smile to Liu Xia, and said in a slightly playful tone: "So, I want to ask Saber to walk with us, I wonder if you can give me this face?"

"Of course."

Liu Xia agreed without any hesitation.

"As long as it's a matter of fighting a Servant, then you can leave it to me."

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