Eighth Crown

Chapter 807: Far from being enough to dominate me

After leaving Darnick's study, Gold held his head high, and was so energetic that he felt like he was going to float when he walked.

In his eyes, he has already won this Holy Grail War.

Anyone who sees Saber's ability value will have such an idea.

Even Danic, who used to be the patriarch, always treated him indifferently and didn't recognize his skills at all, after seeing Saber's ability value, he used that kindly demeanor to talk to him. Speaking, this greatly satisfied Gold's self-esteem.

"It's just that you are obviously a Servant with such strength, but why have you never heard of this real name?"

As he walked to his room, Gold couldn't help but muttered in a low voice.

The name "Kangmimu Ryuxia" sounds like a person from the East, but he doesn't know much about the culture of the East, and he really can't understand how the blood-stained bodhi leaves are used to summon the heroic spirits from the East.

"The Throne of Heroes does not distinguish between time and space. It is an existence beyond time and space. In other words, even future Heroic Spirits can be summoned."

Liu Xia followed behind him with a spirit body, and could not feel any weight. It was a novel experience to move just by floating.

"I am not a heroic spirit from the past, but a heroic spirit from the future relative to this era... As for why I have a connection with the bodhi leaf dyed with dragon blood, it is probably because I myself have a relationship with the dragon seed."

In this era, Fafnir not only represents the creatures buried under the sword of the dragon slaying hero, but in the universal concept, the name of Fafnir more symbolizes the concept of a "evil dragon".

Coincidentally, the Dragon Emperor is also a kind of "evil dragon", and he is an evil dragon that can absorb all kinds of negative emotions, and is not inferior to Fafnir.

Such a dragon emperor is Liu Xia's companion, and now he is staying in Liu Xia's soul.

In view of this, Liu Xia will be randomly assigned to the Saber class, probably not only because of the excellent ability value, but also because of the Dragon Emperor.

"Fafnir? As the dragon emperor, I am the emperor of the dragon species, and I will not lose to any dragon! If I meet one day, I will prove who is the strongest dragon!"

In Liuxia's soul, the Dragon Emperor made an arrogant announcement.

That's right, because the Dragon Emperor and Liu Xia signed a soul contract, the Dragon Emperor also came to this world with Liu Xia's soul, and now he is staying in his magical body.

Essentially, Liu Xia's [Dragon Emperor's Companion] skill has not disappeared, and other skills such as [Breathing, Ghost], [Transparent World], and [Alien Magic] are the same.

However, because these skills are all related to other worlds, they cannot be manifested on this spiritual base - it seems that only his anonymous spiritual base can show the abilities of other worlds.

However, even though it could not be manifested on this spiritual foundation, Liu Xia was still able to use these abilities.

So, in fact, the total number of Liuxia's skills should be twelve, but four of them could not be revealed, which caused Gold and Danick to not see it, thinking that he only had eight.

Correspondingly, he has five Noble Phantasms under the Saber rank in total, but among them, several Noble Phantasms such as the Five-Sight Omnipotent Observer, the Eight Houses, and the Destroyer of the Hero's Certificate cannot be revealed.

Only the kendo stunt Wuling Jiyang, as well as the double swords flame **** cut and ghost cut cut, the performance of the double swords has only shown half, only the part that can cut off the feud, and the armor Shura incarnation contained in it has also been hidden. .

Likewise, although these Noble Phantasms did not appear, he could still use them.

"It turns out that the future heroic spirit, this is indeed not impossible."

Gold suddenly heard the words, and thought silently in his heart.

The Servant and the Master have the ability to read words, that is to say, the Servant can hear it even if it is only given in the heart without having to say it.

In addition, the Master can also see the perspective shared by the Servant, and see what the Servant sees through the Servant's eyes. This is because the Servant is also a high-level facilitator in essence. The shared perspective and The ability to read words is the use of familiar magic.

between speaking.

Gold had returned to his room, he opened the door and took out a frozen bottle of beer from the cabinet.

"Come out, Saber!"

He sat on the sofa holding the wine bottle, looking like he was in a good mood, then snapped his fingers loudly and gave Liuxia an instruction.

"Is something wrong?"

Liu Xia released the spirit child, and appeared by Gold's side again.

"Listen, Saber!"

Gold poured himself a drink, and gave Liuxia an arrogant order, "You only need to fight from now on, and fight and bring me victory! You don't need to pay attention to other things!"

"What's the reason?"

Liu Xia asked with a calm expression, not caring about his rudeness at all.

"Why? What did you say?"

When Gord heard the words, he showed a surprised look to Liuxia, "I am your master, which means that you are my familiar! Isn't it natural for the familiar to serve the master? What reason do you need?"

"Is that all?"

A look of disapproval appeared on Liu Xia's face, "Then I refuse, just relying on the arrogance of the magician is far from enough to dominate me."


Not really.

Just autonomy.

Liu Xia doesn't care about dignity, as long as the Master gives him a certain degree of autonomy, it is not impossible for him to serve a certain Master, and there is no need to kill anyone.

But if this master wants to treat him as a puppet and make him lose his freedom to do whatever he wants, let alone an order to fight, he can even shred the contract between the master and the servant on the spot.

He originally came for the Great Holy Grail, and he had other plans, all of which needed to be dispatched by himself. How could he listen to orders like a puppet?

"What did you say!?"

When Gold heard the words, his face sank, and his whole body suddenly became angry, and his eyebrows could not help but stand upright, "Do you want to betray me, Saber!"

He just learned about Saber's powerful strength, and even Danic lowered his attitude towards him. The vanity in his heart was expanding unprecedentedly, and he thought that as long as he controlled Saber, he would be able to defeat all the enemies, become the ultimate winner, and fulfill his wish. .

But he didn't expect that Saber, whom he regarded as a familiar, would dare to resist him!

It's a disgrace for a magician to be disobedient to a familiar!

His gaze gradually moved downwards and landed on the Command Spell on his right hand.

"Just use this Command Spell! If you use this Command Spell, all Servants will obey the Master's orders...!"

He already had the idea of ​​using a Command Spell.

Thank you Chengxiu, Fog and Breeze, Demon King Lulu Xiu, and Xie Chenxi for their rewards!

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