Eighth Crown

Chapter 799: It's not far from that day (repair)

Lucia's ego is very firm.

He has a very firm desire, as well as indomitable determination and perseverance, so he never worries that he will lose himself.

But he did want to get a place that only belonged to him, to get the warmth that only belonged to him, and to get her dedicated and only love from the two rituals, or Liang Yizhi.

As long as she can get her love, then Liu Xia will give the same, even more fiery "love".

His heart is so firm.

"Wow...that's a bit high attack power."

Liang Yizhi blinked, and then muttered softly.

Immediately, he shoved the rabbit doll in his hand directly into Liu Xia's arms, and turned around without hesitation.

"As long as your answer is qualified, this rabbit will be given to you as a reward."

After saying this, he strode away from the doll machine and walked quickly towards the next store.


Liu Xia looked down at the pink rabbit doll in his arms. Although he felt that the painting style of this thing did not match his own, it was the first gift from Liangyizhi after all, and it had a certain commemorative significance. He still accepted it. Better.

"But is he... shy?"

Liu Xia made such a guess in her heart as she looked at Liang Yizhi's back quickly fleeing.

Unlike the two rituals, who have a cold personality and hide all emotions in their hearts, the straightforward Ryoichi-ori is not very good at hiding his thoughts.

"It's not bad..."

Although there was still no fluctuation in his heart, to be honest, he didn't hate this kind of interaction.


After that, Liu Xia and Liang Yi Zhi spent a day in the city center as usual.

It wasn't until the evening came that Liang Yi Zhi had a good time. Under the crimson sunset, the two walked side by side towards the direction of Liang Yi's mansion.

"Although you are a bit dull, but overall, it's quite interesting."

Liang Yizhi raised both hands, causing the cuffs of the kimono to fall from the arms, revealing the snow-white lotus arms, and then stretched a big lazy waist and smiled at Liu Xia.

"Actually, you are very similar to the style, and you should get along very well. All in all, keep going, boy!"

Liu Xia and the two rituals are indeed very similar. The way they behave in life is almost carved out of the same mold, so they both know what the other party needs and can naturally enter the most comfortable mode of getting along.

Moreover, in this love affair, only two ceremonies will make the final decision.

So, without him saying it, Liu Xia knew what to do.

Before Liangyi Mansion.

"I have a present for you."

At the door of the mansion, Liu Xia called to Liang Yizhi, causing him to cast a suspicious look.

Immediately, under his amazed gaze, Liu Xia materialized the eight rooms and took out a package from the different space that came with the eight rooms.

After opening it, a kimono with a snow-white upper body and a pure black lower body appeared, as well as a dagger shining with cold light.

"this is?"

Liang Yizhi did not refuse, but took over the kimono and the dagger, and began to feel curiously.

"The material is quite clever to the touch, and it's still very light... This dagger is so sharp!"

He held the dagger and waved it lightly, and there was a humming sound in the air.

Moreover, I don't know if it was his illusion. After holding the dagger, he swung the dagger much faster, and the reaction ability of the whole person also increased greatly.

"This is what I got out there. It was a very good piece of equipment. After my modification, the performance has been greatly enhanced."

Liu Xia watched Liang Yizhi groping with excitement, and explained it to him.

"Specifically, according to your physical level, this kimono should enhance your agility by more than five times, and the sword is hard to hurt. This dagger can easily cut through steel, and has a magical effect that can make you invisible. "

Both the kimono and the dagger were dropped by Liu Xia when he killed monsters in the world of Shield Yong. Among them, the kimono was the loot dropped when he killed the fourth wave BOSS narwhal, and its performance was excellent.

Later, Liu Xia carried out enchanting transformation on these two pieces of equipment. The kimono greatly enhanced the defense and agility, while the dagger enhanced the attack power, and also obtained the magic effect of invisibility, which was very good.

Taken together, as long as you wear this equipment, with the qualities of the two rituals, you can completely compete with third-rate servants on an equal basis.

"Is this too expensive?"

Liang Yizhi's face showed a very frightened look, and pointed to the kimono on her hand, "Also, isn't the size of this kimono wrong?"

This kimono is indeed a bit big for his figure.

"This kimono has the ability to automatically change size, self-cleaning, and self-repair, and it can also change the style and color according to the owner's preferences, even if you wear it as a yukata, it will be fine, as long as you wear it, it will become the way you like it."

Liu Xia paused and continued: "Although this thing is precious, it is nothing to me now, but it is very useful to you."

In the list of his legendary bow drops, there are many other types of drops, but these two are already the culmination of them, and they are more suitable for the person of two rituals.

After all, although she has a personality that connects the roots of the [two rituals], she is still an ordinary person. For her safety, Liu Xia needs to strengthen her to a certain extent.

"That's it, then I'll accept it instead."

When Liangyizhi heard the words, it suddenly dawned on her, and she quickly put away the kimono and dagger, then turned around and walked towards the gate of Liangyi's mansion.

Before entering the gate of the mansion.


The two ceremonies stopped abruptly, and the atmosphere on the body also changed subtly.

"...I would like to thank you in every way."

Her voice lost the liveliness and cheerfulness before, and regained the indifference at the beginning.

The two ceremonies returned to Liu Xia again.

Then, after thanking Liu Xia, she walked into the gate without stopping, leaving only a slender back, which became narrower and narrower in the gap of the gate, and finally disappeared.

The two rituals are the main characters, and all the actions of the two rituals are carried out with her permission.

In other words, the reason why Liangyizhi accepted the kimono and dagger so readily, actually means that Liangyi chose to accept Liuxia's gift and no longer rejected his kindness.

However, she did not give the answer directly, and did not choose him as her anchor for the first time.

But Liu Xia was confident that that day was not far away.

Thank you Tina, Dreddy, and the feeling of getting rich for the reward!

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