Eighth Crown

Chapter 1088: my mom is coming

It was a figure that looked no different from a monster.

Although he walked upright, his whole body was covered in dark blue scales, and there were two long white ivory on his face. Only the scepter he held in his hand could make people feel a little bit of human nature from him.

"Servant Rider, Ivan the Terrible is here, the coronation is over long ago, fear Yu, and punish Yu!"

The Servant who was summoned by Liu Xia was Ivan the Terrible.

It is not the attitude of Pan-Human History, but the attitude of Yaga of the Lostbelt Thunder Emperor. Judging from the breath, although it is not as good as the original body of the Lostbelt Thunder Emperor, it has at least top-level strength.

"It's actually Ivan the Terrible?"

Even Fujimaru Rika couldn't help showing an unexpected look.

But it is only natural to think about it carefully. After all, Ivan the Terrible, who dominated the Russian Lost Belt for more than 400 years, was finally killed by Liu Xia.

"Your Majesty Lei Di, are you from the Pan-Human History side, or... the Lost Belt?"

Fujimaru Rika stepped forward and asked the other party with some solemnity.

"There is no doubt that Yu is the king of pan-human history."

Lei Di glanced at her, and spoke in a low and deep voice.

"However, even though Yu is a Servant of Pan-Human History, he also has Lost Belt's memory... It seems that I have troubled you guys, and Yu has nothing to say."

Chaldea's summoning system has always been available, and it may bring unexpected situations at any time. It is not impossible for a Servant who belongs to the pan-human history but has the memory of the Lost Belt to appear.

But looking at his appearance, it doesn't look like he was manipulated by the Lost News Belt's memory, and he didn't plan to fight Liu Xia desperately, and he looked friendly.

Although it was a little dangerous, Chaldea had a lot of servants who were more dangerous than this, and they didn't care about such a servant. Fujimaru Rika quickly contacted Matthew and helped Leidi settle down in Chaldea.

Judging from his height of three or four meters and huge body, I am afraid that the general dormitory is not suitable for him to live in, so he can only live in the spiritual child simulation room like the hero king and the sun king.

"Ivan the Terrible, I heard that he is your enemy in the Russian Lostbelt."

Meltrilith looked at Leidi's back who was gradually receding, and pouted.

"And in the records of pan-human history, he is also a famous tyrant, and he is willing to let such a servant stay. You are still a good man as always."

However, if it wasn't for that, she wouldn't like her anymore.

"Chaldea will not reject followers."

Fujimaru Tachika carefully looked at the faces of Meltrilith and Aile, and he was relieved when the tension between the two had eased.

"Speaking of which, when I summoned a Servant, I only succeeded once out of ten! Lucia-chan, you're lucky enough to be able to summon it once! Would you like to try it again?"

Only one in ten succeeds.

Is this summoning heroic spirit still guaranteed?


Liu Xia did not refuse, and took out three more Saint Quartz from the cardboard box and threw them into the summoning formation.


Another flash of light flashed, and a girl with silver-white long hair that covered her eyes appeared in the summoning array.

"The Servant, Anastasia, responded to the call and reported it so far. This child's name is Вий, please take care."

She showed the faceless doll in her arms to several people and introduced herself coldly.

Fujimaru Rika was stunned.

Although Anastasia was killed by Miss Estes in the end, after all, it is considered to be an intersection, and it should be reasonable to be summoned... right?

Is this the success rate of summoning Heroic Spirits a bit high?

"Come again!"

Fujimaru Tachika took the initiative to take three Saint Quartz and handed them to Liu Xia, cheering him up with expectant eyes.

"Liuxia-chan, please! If you can summon more Servants with less Saint Quartz, I can save a lot of pocket money every month!"

It seems that she bought these holy spar from little Da Vinci, using the QP she had stored in Chaldea, but she needs at least 30 to summon a heroic spirit, if Lucia is to summon——

"Hahaha! I am Archer Napoleon! The man who is full of possibilities and unleashes the rainbow, the humanistic hero who came here to win!"

A tall man holding a cannon appeared in the summoning formation and made a smug introduction to several people.

It's a new hero again!

"Servant Saber, my real name is Sigurd, are you my Master? Please give me an order, I promise to complete it quickly."

Wearing a mask, the dragon-slaying hero with blue eyes also appeared in the summoning array.

Fujimaru Rika: "...It's a bit powerful."

"We met again, no, you don't know me... My real name is Shidouchi, this is the most suitable name, please give me more advice!"

The girl with silver hair and red eyes also came to Chaldea, muttered to herself for a while, and then smiled and looked at everyone, especially at Liu Xia, showing some meaningful eyes.

"My mom is almost here, get ready to welcome her!"


No, considering the aura of the gods on her body, it should be a servant of the gods who descended on Illya... It can only be said that Fuyuki City is truly outstanding.

But who is your mother? do I know?

Fujimaru Rika: "...Almost got it."

She could only summon one out of ten times, but Liuxia summoned five out of five.

Although she is very happy to save pocket money, doesn't this comparison make her very African?

It was the first time she knew that Liu Xia's luck was so good, this guy will definitely feel like a duck to water when he goes to play that kind of card-drawing mobile game!

"That's it."

Liu Xia gradually withdrew his hands, and let Fujimaru Rika put away the holy spar.

Chaldea has to deal with so many heroic spirits, and it will also take a certain amount of time. After they are arranged, it will not be too late to continue to summon them tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.


In the corner of the wall outside the door, a Parsonlip stuck its head out, looked over with some anticipation and some timidity, and pointed its golden claws against each other.

She came here only after receiving a message from Meltrilith. She couldn't make an appointment with Liu Xia these days. It was rare to know that he walked out of the room, so she mustered up her courage and wanted to come over and talk to him.

"Wait, let me summon it once!"

But before Parsonlip could make a sound, a beak-like voice came from behind her, startling her, and she quickly took a few steps back, her courage dissipated immediately.

Immediately afterwards, the Ice Queen, with long dark blue hair and a proud figure, also walked into the Heroic Spirit Summoning Room.


Liu Xia raised her eyebrows and looked at her, a little confused about her thoughts.

No matter whose fate is used, the summoned Servant will only be Chaldea, and only the Servant of Fujimaru Rika. This is beyond doubt, even if Esdes summons a powerful Servant It was of no use to her at all.

Why did she think of summoning a Servant? Is it just for fun?

"You just look at it."

An incomprehensible smile appeared on Esdes' face, and then he picked up three Saint Quartz and threw them into the summoning formation.

The next moment, she herself walked directly into the summoning formation.


The light shines.

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