Eighth Crown

Chapter 1083: Don't try to escape easily, vixen (3/3)

It was a woman with long pink curly hair, and her golden pupils were full of astonishment and annoyance.

She is wearing a white OL dress, with a white hip-packed skirt and black pantyhose on the lower body. From the open neckline, she can see deep ravines. She has a superhuman figure, which is better than that of Musashi Not much more.

Although her face is extremely beautiful, with silver-frame glasses and fox-shaped earrings, she has a beauty like a country and a city, but her complexion is quite deep and evil.

At first glance, the woman was extremely charming, as if she was born with charming bones, like honey wrapped in poison, which made people involuntarily attracted to her, but it would also make those attracted to her fall into a place of doom.

The moment Liu Xia swung the knife, she already knew that she was recognized, and had to jump to the side, trying to avoid the blow that cut everything.

It seemed that it was just an ordinary knife, but in her eyes, this knife seemed to be fatal.

But just as she dodged, the dozens of tiny crescents hanging above the knife light suddenly sputtered out, spreading like raindrops.

Several of the tiny crescent moons cut through her clothes and skin, leaving several scars on her face, chest and thighs wrapped in black, from which scarlet blood spilled.


The woman screamed in agony and hurriedly retreated. After escaping from the sputtering range of the crescent moon, she raised her fierce eyes and locked onto Liu Xia's figure.

That look, as if wishing to devour his blood and lick his flesh.


It was only at this moment that Fujimaru Rika came back to her senses, got up quickly from the chair, and ran behind Liu Xia.


Gold even screamed out, his face full of disbelief.

The intruder who appeared in New Chaldea was the one who encouraged Gold to buy Chaldea, but cooperated with Anastasia to destroy it. The woman who claimed to be an NFF mercenary - Goyanskaya .

At this moment, she was hiding in the corner of the wall in embarrassment, with several wounds overflowing with blood, and her fierce eyes seemed to be devoured by someone.

"Ah, I didn't expect you to remember me. Although I'm not happy to be remembered by a fat pig like you, I like your infatuation..."

Goyanskaya narrowed her long and narrow phoenix eyes, her pink lips were slightly raised, revealing sharp white tiger teeth, her mouth was full of contempt, and her eyes were full of hostility.

"It's not like this ignorant man here, how disgusting the style of showing off the limelight! There is nothing more disgusting than this!"

The whining of the defeated dog.

The corners of Liu Xia's mouth raised an icy arc, and the light in his eyes became more and more infiltrating, making people shudder just looking at it.

"Goyanskaya, what is the purpose of your invasion of the Wandering Sea?"

Fujimaru Tachika looked at Gaoyanskaya, who was full of murder weapons, with a wary expression, and asked her.

She had seen the bad character of this woman with her own eyes.

Moral kidnapping, trampling on Fufu, destroying Chaldea, and using sniper rifles to stop them from fleeing... No matter what it is, people hate it.

More importantly, this woman is undoubtedly someone from the Outer Star God, and she must be planning some kind of conspiracy in Chaldea at this moment.


Goyanskaya's eyes turned slightly, and after seeing that Liuxia didn't intend to do anything directly, she secretly relaxed a little.

"Your enemy has issued a request to me to assassinate you. I, Tamamovich Goyanskaya, are very trustworthy... So my purpose has been accomplished."

Her narrow eyes shifted to Tatsuka Fujimaru, but then her face turned cold again.

"It's just that the fat pig almost ruined my good deeds. If you eat the cake by yourself, you should die of poisoning within three days, but even if it is distributed to two people, it's the same distance from playing a house here. It's only a matter of time before the story ends."

The look on her face turned smug again, but then she glanced at Liu Xia without a trace, but then she met his straight eyes.

Immediately, as if frightened, the hairs all over her body stood on end.

The news of the poisoning didn't seem to divert his attention. Isn't this guy concerned about the life of this master girl?

Fujimaru Rika was stunned for a moment.

Gold's face turned pale when he heard this.

So that cake was prepared by you?

And it was actually poisoned? !

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, it's just a mere toxin, just find a way to force the poison out—"

Gold's face was dripping with sweat, but he still had the idea of ​​luck in his heart, and his lips trembled as he muttered to himself.

"Oh, what a good idea... do you think I'd say that, idiot?"

Goyanskaya stuck out her tongue and licked her pink lips, looking nasty to break his fantasy.

"I abandoned the blood-seal-throat-type poison, and chose this latent type of poison, it must be because the effect of this poison is strong enough, idiot! As long as this poison is ingested into the body, there is no doubt of death, this is the Your ending is so tragic that you can't help but laugh!"

Her face was so happy that it was almost contorted, and her expression gradually lost control, obviously looking forward to the so-called tragic ending.

Fujimaru Rika also fell silent.

Gold had begun to roll his eyes, wondering if it was his delusion, he had begun to feel top-heavy, nauseated and vomited, and his internal organs were spasming.

"No, it was your fault that you didn't use the blood-seal-throat-style poison."

Lucia suddenly made a sound.


Goyanskaya was slightly taken aback.


Accompanied by two blade lights.

Hese's double knives suddenly swung out, and under everyone's stunned gaze, the paths of the double knives swept past Fujimaru Rika and Gold respectively.

He didn't show any mercy, as if he really intended to smash the two to pieces on the spot.

"Aw, ow, ah-! I'm going to die, I'm going to die--huh? I'm not dead?"

Gold subconsciously let out a wolf-like scream.

After a while, he realized that he didn't seem to have any pain in his body, and even the poisonous symptoms of nausea, vomiting, top-heavy, and visceral spasms were all moving away from him, and his body became very healthy!

Fujimaru Rika came back to her senses and couldn't help but patted her chest. At that moment, her heart almost stopped beating. Can't she change the way to detoxify? It's okay to speak up in advance!

"Your intelligence seems to be outdated, so I chose the wrong tactic without knowing the ability of my eyes."

Liu Xia raised the two knives in her hand, and pointed the tip of the sword directly at Goyanskaya, whose face suddenly turned gloomy.

"Since you are here, don't try to escape from here easily, vixen."

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