Eighth Crown

Chapter 1042: Reaching the City of Snow and Ice (3/3)

Mountains were receding at their feet, and the Valkyrie troops, led by Slude, flew forward rapidly.

"What are we going to do next?"

The youngest Otlinde, covering her head with a hood, asked the two older sisters beside her, "With our strength, it is difficult to break through that Servant's blockade."

"I didn't expect Pan-Human History to have such a strong Servant."

Hilde, who had pink shoulder-length hair, sighed in surprise, as if she had been away for thousands of years.

"Simple numbers are meaningless in front of such a hero. That Servant must be a world-famous powerful warrior in the history of Pan-Humanity, right? Even the Great God will be impressed."

"Go back and tell the queen."

Slude was silent for a while, and made a proposal with some uncertainty.

"They are followers of the pan-human history, and they are enemies who intend to disrupt our world. Even the queen shouldn't give them mercy, right?"

It's hard to say.

Hilde and Otlinde glanced at each other, and neither dared to make a rash assertion.

Not only because the queen is the object of their allegiance now, and the last primordial **** in this surviving Northern Europe, but also because the queen's character is too kind, even if she is an enemy, she will give her kindness and kindness without discrimination. .

Wasn't the artilleryman who invaded the castle a few days ago also released by the Queen?

Although it was a very confusing behavior in their opinion, they did not dare to comment on the queen's actions, and they could not object to the queen's rule.

"Would you like to use the power of that hider?"

Otlinde tried to propose another approach to the two.


Hilde shook her head when she heard the words.

"It's fine if it's just Ophelia herself, but that servant of hers—— must not allow him to meet her elder sister!"


The woman who came to this world as a member of the Hidden Ones, although she herself is not too special, the servant she summoned is an absolute taboo for the Valkyries, and it is impossible to even mention it. The existence of mention is avoided like snakes and scorpions.

In particular, Sister Brynhild, must not let her meet that Servant.

And if you don't talk about that Servant, Ophelia herself will hardly come in handy in the battle with that Servant, and the way to the Hidden One is almost completely blocked.

In this way, we can only hope that the Queen will be decisive today.

Hundreds of Valkyries flew in the sky for three hours. After the sky was bright, they crossed a distance of hundreds of kilometers and came to a deep mountain in the center of the Lost Belt.

This deep mountain is no different from the many mountains in northern Europe. It is still covered with ice and snow, and the snow seems to last all year round.

But in this deep mountain, there is a castle that seems to be made of ice.

The castle as a whole has a turquoise color, and because it is completely made of ice, it has the same transparency as the sky.

The castle itself is not a fortress that blocks the enemy. It looks like a work of art. It does not prevent the enemy from approaching. On the contrary, it is closer to the castle for modern viewing.

In front of the main entrance of the castle, there is also an ice bridge that is several kilometers long, extending from the outside of the mountain to the gate of the castle, as if welcoming outsiders.

Such a castle, whether it is entering or leaving, does not require much effort.

After the Valkyries came to this deep mountain, they controlled the white bird dress to fall from the sky and landed on the ice bridge to show respect, not from the sky, but from the ice bridge toward the castle.

The mass-produced machines disperse automatically, and only the three leading Valkyries entered the castle and came to the main hall of the castle.

This is a very wide and empty palace.

There is only an ice jade seat placed at the top, and there is almost no arrangement on the ground below, not even the servants who are accompanying him can see one, which is almost simple to the point of rudimentary.

And on the ice jade seat at the top, at the moment, a woman with long purple hair was sitting as if her eyes were closed.

She had a beautiful appearance that matched the vocabulary of a goddess, with long purple hair scattered straight and a crown of jewels on her forehead.

She was wearing a gorgeous purple dress and long skirt, and the long tube top skirt tightly wrapped her towering chest, highlighting the plump and charming curves, and it was heavy as if it was about to pop out.

The slender legs of the lower body are wrapped in purple pantyhose, exuding a luster that makes people want to kiss Fangze, which is very eye-catching.

Of course, compared with her perfect appearance and figure, the most eye-catching thing about her is the divine power surging around her.

Just sitting there, without even doing anything deliberately, the natural power was released from her, making people want to bow down and prostrate at her feet.

"We're back, Madam Queen, I have something important to tell you."

Before the three Valkyries came to the main hall, they knelt down on one knee and bowed their heads in a sign of surrender.

"I've said it many times, right? It's alright to call me mom, okay?"

At the top of the hall, the purple-haired goddess opened her eyes, revealing a pair of blood-red eyes full of love, and a gentle smile appeared on the corners of her lips.


As the representative of the Valkyrie, Slude replied with a calm demeanor, as if he had long been accustomed to this situation, and was not surprised by the Queen's off-line words.

"Well, it's really rigid."

The purple-haired goddess had a somewhat unhappy look on her face, but she didn't bother much about this, and she became serious.

"I am omniscient and omnipotent in this northern Europe. I understand everything you have to say, and I also understand everything you have encountered... However, you are still negligent, which is no wonder, after all, you have not met for three thousand years. A decent enemy."


Slude heard the words for a moment, raised his head, cast a puzzled look at the goddess, and said respectfully, "My Lady Queen, please explain."


The goddess nodded happily, then chuckled.

"The enemy you encountered, he didn't intend to destroy you from the beginning, but forced you back and returned to this castle, and then he could track your return path and find this castle."

"Now, he's already outside the castle. If he thinks he will arrive at this hall soon, right?"

The voice of the female fairy just fell.

While the three Valkyries were still in shock, a sound of raging flames came from outside the castle and got closer.


With the emergence of a heat wave, Liu Xia's figure also appeared in the hall.

A Brynhilde was hanging from his body.

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